A surprising side effect of intermittent fasting, a new study says

It's not just a weight loss that you can experiment on your restricted weather plan ... which is not a good thing.

Intermittent fast has recently become the speech of theweightloss World, winner of innumerable devotees and be announced as a simple weight loss plan that can even help those who have had trouble losing weight in the past. However, a new study suggests that this may be more than books you lose when you adopt aintermittent fast plan.

According to a study published in the newspaperScience medicine translation On June 16, 2021, researchers who participated in an intermittent fasting during a control test have really lost fewer books than those who have followed a diet that did not incorporateRestricted. Perhaps even more surprising, it was true, even if the members of both diets consumed the same number of total calories.

To reach their conclusion, researchers at the University of Bath, Exercise and Metabolism Nutrition Center had study participants break in three groups: Group 1 fasted at alternative days and ate 50 % more than usual the next day, the group two reduced the group. Number of total calories they have consumed 25% through meals without fasting and group three to fast every other day, but eaten 100% more than usual the day following their fast day. All groups consumed between 2,000 and 2,500 calories at the beginning of the three-week study period, with groups one and two, reducing their overall calorie consumption to 1,500 and 2,000 calories per day and in groups three, But do not reduce their total caloric consumption.

RELATED: 20 best foods for intermittent fasting

The researchers found that individual group individuals paid a little more than four books, on average over a period of three weeks, almost anything that was fat loss. Group 1, who consumed the same number of calories as the group two, but incorporated fast, lost slightly less weight-3.5 pounds on average - but the lost books were about half of the fat, the half of the muscle mass. Among the third group, total weight loss was not significant.

weight loss measuring

"Intermittent fasting is not a magic ball and the conclusions of our experience suggest that there is nothing special about fasting compared to more traditional and traditional regimes," James Betts said, PhD, the main author of the study for nutrition, exercise and metabolism,said in a statement.

In addition, Betts explained that loss of muscle mass could make the stay of physically active people more difficult or maintaining their muscle mass, which burns more calories at rest than fat. Thus, while sticking to an intermittent closing plan can help you lose a few pounds, that weight loss can reach a cost for your other health and fitness goals.

For simple ways to lose these extra books, check howMake a change to your diet could "reprogram" your metabolism, a new study saysAnd for more new health and weight loss delivered in your inbox,Subscribe to our newsletter!

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