See a dryer in your mailbox? Do not touch it, USPS workers warn

It is probably there for a reason - namely to ensure the safety of your mail and mail operators.

Unstoppted announcements for pre-approved credit card requests, Our mailboxes Fill in all kinds of things that we have never asked. Among the most unusual items you could find in yours? A dryer sheet. But if you come across one in the middle of invoices and spam, you should leave it where it is. In fact, he was almost certainly left there by a worker from the American postal service (USPS), and for a very good reason. Read the rest to discover what this drying sheet could do in your mailbox.

In relation: See a sticker on your mailbox? Don't touch it, said Usps .

People have found dryer leaves in their mailboxes for years.

Cumberland, Rhode Island/ USA- March 31, 2019 a box of laundry dryer sheets being placed on top of a dryer with the rest of the laundry cleaning products.

If you have already opened your mailbox and find a dryer of dryers in there, you are certainly not alone. This well -reported phenomenon has been online for years. Back in 2016, a The Twitter user asked , "Why is there a drying sheet in my mailbox?"

Another person went to Quora in 2021 to request a similar question , fearing that the discovery could be linked to criminal behavior: "Is it a sign of gang to find a dryer sheet in my mailbox?"

And in May this year, the local WJLK-FM radio station reported that The residents of New Jersey also found drying leaves in their mailboxes.

"At first, I thought I had questions. Lots of questions", " Matt Ryan , a content creator for WJLK-FM wrote. "Why are they in mailboxes to dry?

In relation: USPS makes these changes to your mail .

They are placed there by USPS workers.


Fortunately, it was not a farce that went wrong, nor the sign of a harmful activity. Several postal employees have now come forward to inform customers they actually put those who put dryer leaves in mailboxes - and they do it for a good reason. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

When another person asked questions about dryer leaves in mailboxes on quora, USPS employee Christopher Valenze I told them it was something that he and many of his promising colleagues.

"Your carrier probably put it there to keep the bees / ants out of the box," said Valenze. "I did it for the" cluster "boxes with apartments."

Another factor that has worked with the USPS since 1999 supported Valenze's response on dryer leaves in a forum separated from the 2022 quora.

"They help prevent bugs," wrote the carrier.

In relation: USPS warns that the mail service could be interrupted - even if you follow the rules .

Transporters say that dryer leaves can help them be stung.

Vespa Vulgaris crawling over a piece of slate on a spring morning. Macro shot with shallow depth of focus

From dangerous weather conditions For aggressive animals , USPS workers often have to face many potential dangers when delivery of our mail. In a Post Reddit now viral From April 2021, an operator of letters published under the user name @ istx13 revealed that the risks during the summer also include potential contact with problematic pests.

"I am sure you have noticed it. But just in case you have not done so, this era of wasps and yellow Jackets (especially the yellow Jackets) like to make nests inside boxes Letters, "wrote the carrier. "I cannot tell you how many times, especially during this part of the year, where I opened a box to see a little nest with three to five yellow Jackets just. If I am really unlucky, they will have made their Nest at the back of the box, so I end up sticking my hand knowing that they are there. "

The Reddit user explained that he had been stung 10 times the previous year. This is where the drying leaves enter.

"We have found that they hate scented dryer leaves. If we encounter a box that is a problem for nests, we will often put one and that does the trick," wrote @ istx13. "So please, if you see one day at random day a dryer at the back of your mailbox, know that your operator has it more than probably to dissuade these satanic creatures from building their home . "

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Customers have seen their deliveries in suspension due to dangerous pests.

Mail man reaches out of his truck to deliver mail. Official mail delivery slowdown started on October 1, 2021, as seen on October 2, 2021.

If you want to make sure you continue to have your mail delivered, do not remove a dryer sheet from your mailbox. In 2019, the USPS suspended delivery service In a district of Sparks, Nevada, for almost a month after a spokesman complained about wasps in a group of community mailboxes, Fox 11 reported.

"The situation could have turned into an unwelcome meeting for a customer or that our operator had the nest allowed to stay where he was," said USPS spokesperson Spurgeon rod said the media at the time.

The Reddit @ istx13 user stressed the importance of using dryer sheets as "preventive measure" because they said they also stopped the delivery service when there is a huge nest in or around 'mailbox.

"I immediately leave a note at the customer's door by letting them know that they must take care of the nest before they can resume delivery of their mail," wrote the carrier. "It would be better to get rid of the big nest, then put a dryer of dryers to prevent them from coming back."

A USPS spokesperson said Today In 2021, that putting drying sheets in the mailboxes is a "step" specific directive "From the agency, but clearly indicated that carriers are encouraged to report this type of devastating problem, which can lead to the suspension of deliveries.

"There are advice in our safety regulations that cover how to manage insects," they said. "Advice understands, but without limiting themselves: the declaration of dangers to a supervisor (i.e., hornet, wasp and bee nests) so that they can be deleted by the owner of the property ; Using an insective repulsive other flavored products; watch eat and drink outside, especially with sugary drinks because it attracts bees and other insects. "

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: / / Safety
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