The worst wine mistake you can do, dietitian says

It does not matter what you hear, a dietician warns that this wine habit can affect your long-term health.

You could say thatwine has a lot in common withCoffee: If you are a fan of one or the other, you probably consider your beloved drink as once you savor, it has also been shown that you come with a long list ofhealth advantages. This may seem like a green light to sip these gifts of nature to the content of your heart - however, wine inparticular Comes with critical caution, advises a long-standing dietitian.

Karen Graham, Rd, CDE is a certified and certified dietitianDiabetes Educator for more than 30 years, as well as a winner of the National Health Information Award of Canada. Keep reading to learn what she thinks is the worst unique mistake you can make wine. Also, do not missSecret side effects of eating roaster chicken, says Science.

Wine guidance can be confusing.

woman wearing protective face mask chooses wine in grocery store

Most of us will probably agree that some recommendations from health professionals on wine can be confusing. Over the years, several past studies have suggested thatDrinking wine regularly is beneficial for cardiovascular health.

However, Graham says it's important to take into account the more systemic effects than wine can have on your body. With that in mind, keep reading. (Register also for theEat this, not that! newsletter For daily news, you can use.)

Do not drink wine daily.


The unique Graham's wine consumptionnot Is not to drink wine every day. "I think the worst wine mistake you can do is to think that the consumption of daily wines is a healthy choice," she says.

InDiabetes meal for good cookbook health,Graham recognizes past studies that have shown that wine "can have light cardiac benefits," she says. But this also raises a risk on risk. "Even a glass per day increases the risk of a woman for breast cancer, she says. "The more you drink, the more likely you are to get breast cancer."

(Learn more about why daily wine consumption can be dangerous in50 food worse forever eating if cancer in your family.)

The data considers.

Women, Wine, Friends

You might consider that wine is a good taste, but science suggests that it can be a serious business in women's health.

In fact, put the observation of Graham from an additional perspective, Notes: "[... W] presenting three alcoholic beverages per week have a risk of breast cancer of 15% higher. Experts believe that the risk of breast cancer further increases 10% for each additional drink regularly."

Then the organization provides the physiological explanation for the reason it is ...

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The scientific link between wine and breast cancer explained:

female physician advising female patient
Refuge points to two main explanations for the attendance of wine drinks with breast cancer. First of all, they say that alcohol can damage the DNA in our cells.

In addition, "alcohol can increase estrogen levels and other hormones associated with breast cancer of the receiving hormone-receiver."

For wise a little more about wine and your health, keep reading:

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