This diet is more effective than Keto for fat loss, the new study finds

If Keto is not your thing, be aware that a new study revealed that a low fat diet may have more benefits of weight loss.

TheKeto diet It has long been presented as one of the best ways to lose fat and, although it can be true, a new study shows that there may still be better ways to lose books and reduce your consumption . Search published inMedicine of nature examined the twoThe Keto regime And a feed based on a plant based on a plant to see which is more efficient and the results could surprise you.

The study was headed by a scientist to national health institutes named Kevin Hall. Hall took a group of 20 people and set half on a Keto diet, which is a low fat diet, and it put half of the population on a high-fat-based diet. They are all blocked with their diet designated for two weeks, then moved to the other. In this way, Hall has been able to get the results of each subject so that both diet regimes are truly likely, which has worked better for consumption, insulin levels and overall fat loss.

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At the end of the study, Hall found that those on low fat diet had a greater reduction in consumption: about 700 calories a day, on average. On Keto, the drop was closer to 300 calories a day. Hall also noted that the low fat diet has led to low greater weight loss than Ceto, but it was minimal. However, the study was only for a short period of time, so it is a little fuzzy how much more fat could have been lost for a longer period.

Hall mainly wanted to look at the levels of insulin of the subjects, which he shared withThe Washington Post. AsThe post office Stressed that your body treats carbohydrates with insulin and when you cut carbohydrates, as you do on the Keto diet, it affects the insulin level of your body. In this study, Hall found that while the low fat diet has decreased consumption, he saidThe post officeThe insulin levels of the subjects were "across the roof". (In touch:Is the Keto regime safe? Real risks and rewards to go to ultra-low fuel)

Each plan will work differently for each organization, and if you are looking to make a lifestyle change to lose fat or cut a few inches, your best choice is to work with your health care provider to determine what will work better for you. WhileThe Keto regime is effective By helping people lose weight, it may not be the best choice for you, and it'scertainly not a long-term plan.Thanks to this study, we now know a low fat diet can be just as effective, if not more, to help you lose fat.

As always, studies are constantly done on all these regimes, as well as scientists and researchers by learning more and more of them every day.For more health news, make sure youSubscribe to our newsletter.

Categories: Weight Loss
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