A scary side effect of drinking too much caffeine, according to science

Do not let your blind love Coffee you with its potential pitfalls.

There is a lot of reasons to show moderation to drink coffee. Of course, a cup or two can be able to give you the boost you need to go through the workday, and it can even lendhealth benefits, corndrink too much May you leave a sense of anxiety and nervousness.

Not to mention, coffee can even give youacid reflux and stomach burns. It turns out, it is not only your esophagus that will thank you when you cut your consumption and coffee eyes could also. Anew study, Which was published in the June issue of the journalOphthalmology, Finds that drinking too much coffee every day can dramatically increase your chances of getting glaucoma, especially if you are already at risk of the disease.

RELATED:14 side effects of drinking coffee every day, according to dietitians

According to the study, those with a genetic predisposition at high ocular pressure (a main factor of glaucoma) and drinks more than 321 milligrams of caffeine per day (about three cups of coffee), are much more likely to develop glaucoma. . In fact, the prevalence of glaucoma was nearly four times larger than those who drank little or no caffeine and were in the lowest genetic risk score group. Certainly, you probably do not know if you have intraocular pressure (POO), so it might be better to take precautions anyway.


"I recommend to avoid consuming large quantities of caffeine if you are a victim of glaucoma that is not stable on treatment, or a person with a family history of glaucoma who would potentially reduce the risk of developing the disease, »CO of the study Author Anthony Khawaja, MD, PhD, Ophthalmology Associate Professor at the University College London (UCL) Institute of Ophthalmology saidEat this, not that!

Author of the corresponding study Louis R. Pasquale, MD, Farvo, Vice President of Ophthalmology Research for the Mount Sinai Health System, added that only those who drink excessive quantities of coffee and which are predisposed to Pio Plus are at increased risk. To make sure that, "Overall, coffee consumption is safe. »

In general, experts recommend to stick less than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day anyway, which is between three and five, eight ounce cups. So, if you have reasons to be worried about your glaucoma risk, think about sticking just two and three cups a day - you save physics, will make the other unpleasant side effects as well.

"Since we have not seen the association with increased risk in people with the most consumption, I think that low moderate consumption is probably reasonable for all in terms of glaucoma risk," says Khawaja.

For more, be sure to check theseA big side effect of drinking coffee in a to-go cup, according to experts.

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