If you are between 50 and 80 years old, you should do it daily, say doctors

This daily habit could transform your health.

As we get older, our chances of developing a serious increase in health conditions, making medical care a greater priority in daily life. Fortunately, establish someHealth habits in the forties could help prevent the main health episodes later. In particular, there is a simple habit that only takes a few minutes of your day and could help you alert you to a long list of serious illnesses. Read the rest to discover the only thing you should do daily if you are between 50 and 80 years old - and why many of us do not.

Read this then:Over 65? You are more likely to be a fall if you have done this in the past 2 weeks.

High blood pressure can be wreaking havoc on your health.

Man with high blood pressure experiencing chest pain while sitting at home during the day.

Although you do not notice the symptoms of high blood pressure, hypertension can cause a range of serious diseases. In fact, the Mayo clinic notes thathigh blood pressure "May damage the body quietly for years before the symptoms develop. Uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to a handicap, poor quality of life or even a deadly heart attack or a stroke." In addition, untreated high blood pressure has been linked to an increased incidence of dementia, aneurysm, heart disease, kidney damage, vision loss, sexual dysfunction, etc.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Read this then:This is why your high blood pressure does not respond to drugs.

If you are between 50 and 80 years old, do it daily.

Man checking blood pressure

A recent study published in the journalJama Network Open said that if you are between 50 and 80 years old, you are atincreased risk of developing hypertension, and at "higher risk of unwanted results of the uncontrolled PA [blood pressure] than young adults".

This is why some experts suggest checking your blood pressure daily, even if you do not feel any symptoms of the disorder. "Surveillance of the PA at home is associated with a moderate decrease in blood pressure and is profitable," said the study. "Our results suggest that protocols should be developed to educate patients on the importance of self-measurement blood pressure monitoring (SBPM) and the sharing of readings with clinicians and the frequency that SBPM should be carried out."

Researchers also stressed that only 48% of people whoshould Regularly check their blood pressure at home currently - and even fewer people relay this information to their medical team. The reason may be that they ignore its advantages: only 61% of respondents in the survey who had a known case of hypertension, or a condition which can cause hypertension, have been informed by their doctors to check their blood pressure at home .

Try these advice for home surveillance.

Senior woman with short gray hair talking to white male senior doctor, empty nest

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), consistency is the key toMonitor your blood pressure at home. "It is important to take the readings at the same time every day, like in the morning and in the evening," notes the organization, adding that you should always save your figures on a future reference sheet. By taking two to three readings at one minute intervals during each BP surveillance session, you can get the most precise reading, adds the organization.

AHA also notes that it is important to avoid any factor that can influence your blood pressure. They suggest emptying your bladder five minutes before taking your readings and not smoking, drinking or exercising in the previous 30 minutes. Sit down and make sure to remove all the clothes that act like a barrier between you and your blood pressure monitor.

Here's how to lower your blood pressure.

elderly couple happily exercising

In addition to monitoring yourarterial pressure Regularly and share this information with your doctor, it is also important to take concrete measurements to lower your blood pressure if it is high. You may be able to do it by reducing your weight thanks to a healthy diet and regular exercise, stopping smoking, limiting your alcohol consumption, managing stress, sleeping well and reducing your contribution to sodium.

Doctors can also prescribe drugs or recommend that you use a breathing training device To help lower your blood pressure. Talk to your doctor for more information on how to reduce your risk of hypertension or process an existing case.

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