The secret formula to always feel fully

Follow this four-step circle template for cleaning food and eat automatic healthy.

Faced with a propagation of delicious food can spell problems that anyone trying to control calories. This looks like a fork on a hiking trail with three or four paths to choose from. Unless you have a card, you will not know which path is the right.

Dietetic nutritionist registeredIlana Muhlstein, MS, RD, concocted a brilliant weight loss compass that will lead you in the right direction every time you face food choices. She calls him "safer"! " Model.

"It's the biggest tool, especially for someone with a big appetite like me or for anyone attending social events, restaurants and family-style meals," says Muhlstein, the author ofYou can drop it: how I dropped 100 pounds with carbohydrates, cocktails and chocolate - and you can also!Whenever you face many food options, you simply follow the four stages of the circle to help you stay in control.

Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

Here is what "more" more? Sure!' model looks like

model weight loss
Ilaana Muhlstein / Eat this, not that!

We will walk at each step below, but the GIST is that, keeping these four stages at the top of the mind that you eat, you can eat more thoroughly. Mainfice eating facilitates the conservation of your calorie consumption and lose or maintain a healthy weight.

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Water first

Black man reaching for a glass of water from his bed in the morning

"Always make sure to start at the top of the cycle with water first, especially when you have a long window to eat and you really want to get food from food," says Muhlstein. "It's the igniter switch to all your weight loss approach. "Drink a large glass of water before eating fills your belly, so you are less likely to yield to the desires and let the temptation to replace your state of mind. "Put a bottle of 16 ounces in your palm hand; I see how heavy it feels? "Said Muhlstein." It really demonstrates the point that the water adds a great heaviness to the stomach, which gives you a feeling of calm and satisfaction before eating your food, this who also helps to create a healthier relationship with food. "For more, see howHow much water you need to drink to lose weight.



healthy vegetable plant based bowl tomatoes carrots avocado brown rice cucumbers leafy greens

Follow the water with vegetables. "We always want the vegetables to be the first bites we take and fulfill us, which is even more essential if you are surrounded by more food and temptations than usual," says Muhlstein. She cites a study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Showing that people with large volumes of low calorie foods such as vegetables and soups were a more successful weight loss strategy to advise people to restrict their portions and focus on lower consumption.



grilled chicken

After filling with vegetables, go for your protein. "This strikes in your sense of fullness to avoid eating too much and strengthen your sense of control," says Muhlstein.Studies Show that higher protein consumption increases thermogenesis, satiety and loss of fat. So also do them40 most serious burning foods.


Carbohydrates + ffcs

Baked sweet potato

Now, if you want a fiber carbohydrate (FFC) or some kind of treatment, go ahead. (For more, see:43 Best Fiber Foods for Healthy Food.) You will be much more selective and controlled because your belly will already be satisfied.

Now, if a spoonful of these crispy broken potatoes turns out to be more delicious and tempting than expected and you want more? "Sure!" Said Muhlstein. But there is a grip. You have to come back around the circle before eating more than number 4 on the wheel, starting with a large glass of water,Sparkling wateror unsweetened iced tea. "Chances are, once you are satisfied again, you will be so satisfied that you will not even need extra stupid treatment - or if you will, it will only be another extra server rather than multiple, as in the past. "

With time and practice the "most? Of course!" The tool will create weight loss habits that will become second nature, she says. This is one of the tools used by Muhlstein to drop 100 pounds and always benefits from its favorite foods. For more weight loss tips, check Great weight loss habits that work, according to experts .

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