Things to do to lose weight sleeping

A repair dream is extremely beneficial in many ways, including weight loss.

Although it may seem crazy, the way we sleep and, more importantly, the quality of sleep, they have a direct relationship with weight gain, and can even help us lose it. And the cause is nothing more than the lack of a good rest, since this causes our hormonal levels to be altered, which suffers the functioning of metabolism.

Metabolism refers to each and every one of the functions of our body that require energy, from breathing to moving, through the digestion or functioning of the nervous system.

How can you lose weight while sleeping?

Having a deep and restful sleep helps burn fat and, consequently, lose weight. Ideally, sleeping no less than 7 hours and no more than 10. The ideal figure that experts consider is 8 hours of daily sleep. These are some of the factors that can help us lose weight while we sleep, and that, in general, contribute to the good quality of rest:


It is an aspect of vital importance in all areas of life and health. Ideally, always follow a healthy and balanced diet, without excesses and with the minimum presence of processed foods, sugars and alcohol.

To get that deep and restful sleep that helps us lose weight while we sleep it is very important to have dinner lightly. Avoid fats, alcohol and sugary foods. The ideal is a protein -rich dinner, with low fat products or rich in magnesium, such as avocado or whole wheat bread.

Infusions are also a great ally to sleep well, especially those of Tila, chamomile or lavender, which help to fall asleep.

Establish a routine

The schedules influence much more than we can think about our rest and, consequently, in our metabolism. We know that it is extremely complicated on many occasions, but trying to establish a routine and try to bed and get up at the same time is very beneficial when losing weight while sleeping.

And within this routine we must include not using the mobile or other screens in the minutes before rest. Its use keeps us alert and prevents us from sleeping deeply, which reduces the consumption of calories necessary to lose weight.

Create an adequate environment for sleep

As we have indicated in the section of the routines, the use of screens, whether mobile or television, must stay out of the bedroom or, at least, far from the minutes before sleep conciliation.

It is also important to have a quiet, well -tidy space and everything possible as possible to prevent external elements from disturbing rest. Darkness is also beneficial when resting properly.

Practice regularly

While it is true that sport practice is always beneficial to health, in the issue that concerns us today. It does not have to be anything from the other world, perhaps a simple 30-40 minutes walk is enough to make our body generate hormones that contribute to our well-being and limit the generation of cortisol, which generates stress and, therefore, we prevents sleeping properly.

All this we have commented has a direct impact on our metabolism. If this is correctly regulated, it is activated and relaxes when it proceeds. And that is why it is possible to lose weight while resting, something that at first glance seems impossible given movement and the rest state.

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