The worst thing # 1 that you can do if you have painful muscles, say experts

Plus: the right way to recover exhausting workouts.

This is one of the cruel twists ofexercise What's good for you can also be totally painful. Yes, we are talking about dreaded muscle pain. As anyone crashed an excellent workout in the gym knows too well, you are required to feel it in your muscles later, and generally in the form of muscle pain at the latest, or DOMs.

"Doms causes micro-tears in muscle fibers and such tears can be more common when a muscle has not been challenged for some time," saysArach Lavian, Mr.D., a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain management at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Santa Monica, in Ca. "The micro-damage of intense activity cause stimulation of pain receptors in muscle tissue and cause a feeling of pain."

The most common ways to undergo muscle pain related to DOMs, which usually occur between 12 and 24 hours after work and peaks within 72 hours, make new activities and work new muscle groups that you do not have Contested so recently, performing "eccentric exercises" are exercises withlowering Movements, specifically, such as the first half of a squat) and rigorous exercises such as HIIT.

But take one thing first: if your pain started with sharp pain that has been strong - and can have followed a specific exercise condition, you do not have doms. You are really injured. (Remember that Doms is defined asdeferred Pain.) If this is the case with you, we advised you to see professional help. "Knowing how to say the difference is essential," says Lavian. "So, pay particular attention to your body and make sure you alert your health care provider on any pain that has not been resolved or worsen over time."

But if you encounter dams and pains of Doms, there is a series of backs and you do not need to join you. And while it's important that you rest your muscles,One of the biggest non-Nos for recovery is simply to do nothing at all. That's right: while it's bad to jump immediately in another hardcore height workout when you're still really painful of the HIIT training of the previous day, it does not mean you have a lobby pass for you Lie on the sofa in front of Netflix. You must always perform light exercises, such as walking, to facilitate your recovery.

"The Doms are treated with what we are doctors call a dye of time - the body must be allowed to heal and recover over time," says Lavian. "But it is recommended to do exercises and gentle activities to mitigate the symptoms and avoid high intensity movements or intense lifting."

It also notes that some studies support massages or foam foams in a few days of intense exercise to reduce the pain associated with domestic domains. "Topical analgesics can also help mitigate the symptoms associated with DOMs," said Lavian. "These types of drugs include unidable ointments applied to skin or natural anti-inflammatory creams such as Arnica."

If you are super hardcore on your workout, you can try to recover like LeBron James, but that is not guaranteed to work. "Elite athletes often use cold baths, commonly known as cryotherapy, immediately after intense games, practices or training sessions to avoid DOMS development," says Lavian. "However, no definitive proof does that cryotherapy really helps to accomplish this goal. Ideally, the best way to prevent serious dome is to gradually increase the intensity of any exercise you make or exercise . Time, instead of rapid, sudden or intense changes in these exercises or activities. "

For more good tips to get back painful muscles, read it, because here are some ideas directly from other experts. And for more great exercise tips, do not missOne of the main side effects of walking every day, according to science.


Make sure you have a good sleep

woman sleeping on bed in bedroom

"Sleep is so important," says Isaac Robertson, a coach and co-founder ofTotal. "Especially when you get muscle pain. It's because sleep affects the amount of nutrients that your body can absorb. When painting muscles, you need nutrients more than ever to recover quickly, and if you Educate a nutrient-rich diet but you do not get enough sleep, do not pull it as much because you need to quickly recover muscles. "Do you want to sleep better? Make sure youAvoid this exercise error at all costs.


Make high lifts and high volume

woman at the gym doing squats

According toRobert Herbst, a personal trainer, an expert in weight loss, andWorld Champion PowerLifter 19 timesYou should not train hard if you are painful, but you should always train you. "Light and bulky movements can help rinse muscle with blood and breaking membership," he says. "However, other pains that occur immediately after exercise where the muscle can be tender to the touch can be a sign of greater trauma muscle. This can be better treated by ice for 24 hours and rest. If the area is still sore after 24 hours, we can try to save and massage, but if the pain persists, they should consult a doctor. "



Side portrait of two young sporty women walking on the beach

It's not just for your muscles, but also for your joints, says Mae Alexis Nasm CPT, CNC, GFS. "The joints take even more time to repair than the muscles because of the decrease in the blood flow in the region," she says. "Lightweight cardio and gentle movements such as yoga, walking, swimming and cycling agree. These are what I call" active rest activities ". They are beneficial because they have a lot of effects mental and mental than more intense exercises, but they allow your body the rest and recovery it needs. "


Get enough protein

high protein foods

"People often do not eat enough protein when they are painful and not work, which is a huge mistake," says Robertson. "When you make a workout, you break down your muscles and it is only after training, when you rest and you eat, that your body recovers and builds muscles." And for more good exercise tips, make sure to know whyScience says this abs exercise is the best best you can do.

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