The 12 best sources of vitamin A food

Increase your immune system, fight signs of aging and increase cerebral function with these vitamin A-rich foods.

If you want to maintain a young skin, healthy hair and a clearer view, you will want to have vitamin A foods in your diet. In the world of vitamins and nutrients, vitamin A is the superhero of your view, your skin and your hair. This fat-based vitamin also guarantees your immune and reproductive systems on their game A. Some research even suggest that vitamin A could help prevent macular cancer and degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the elderly, according to theNational Health Institutes (NIH).

We put together this guide for everything you need to know vitamin A as well as the best sources of nutrient food.

There are four types of vitamin A that you can get food.

  • retinol: This is the ready-to-use form of vitamin found in animal feeds, according to Christy Brissette, R & D, a dietitian and president of 80 twenty nutrition.
    • Retinol-rich foods include carrots, tomatoes, oranges, spinach and mandarins.
  • beta carotene: It is an antioxidant herbal that your body converts to vitamin A. because it is not an active form of vitamin A and must be converted into active form, the beta-carotene is known as the name Provitamine has carotenoid. There is both the dietary beta-carotene, which is naturally in the extra food and beta-carotene, which is isolated beta-carotene used in supplements or is added to the fortified and processed foods.
    • Foods rich in beta-carotene include carrots, tomatoes, spinach, oranges and curly kales.
  • beta-cryptoxanthine: Another provitamin A, beta-cryptoxanthin was noted to have a relativelyHigh bioavailability of its common food sources.
    • Foods rich in beta-cryptoxanthin include a butternut squash, kerzmons, a hubbard squash, hot peppers and mandarins.
  • alpha-carotene: This provitamin has is theThird most common form of provitamin-has carotenoids, behind beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthine.
    • Foods rich in alpha-carotene include carrots and oranges.

The four types of vitamin A are added until you count to your daily value, which is measured inEquivalents of retinol activity (Rae). This number explains the different "bioactivities of retinol and carotenoid provitamin, which are all converted by the body in retinol", according to theNih.

How many vitamin needs to need a day?

The recommended daily allowance (GDR) of vitamin A, as defined by theNational Academy of Sciences (NAS), depends on your gender. The GDR for vitamin A is 900 Rae micrograms for men and 700 Rae micrograms for women.

Make life simpler, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets theDaily Value (DV) Vitamin A at 900 Micrograms (MCG) Rae. You can see vitamin A DV reported on nutrition tags at 5,000 IU (international units), but it will change by January 20th.New nutrition label enforce.

Rather than focusing on the numbers, you can simply focus on the consumption of certain food groups to get your vitamin A. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends eating 4 to 6 cups of red and orange vegetables and 1 1/2 to 2 cups of weekly dark green vegetables to hit your target, explains Brissette.

Do you get enough vitamin A in your diet?

"Since most Americans eat a lot of meat and dairy (good sources of vitamin A), vitamin A deficiency is not common in the United States, it is more of a question in the countries In development, which have less access to fresh products and meat, "according to Brisette.

The symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include fatigue, night blindness, dry skin and fragile hair and nails. But "If you encounter the amount of Veggie recommended by the USDA, you should hit your goal," says Brissette.

The side effects of overdose on vitamin A.

Too much vitamin A, also called hypervitaminosis A, is toxic. This can damage your liver, where unused vitamin has is stored, explains Brissette. It has also been connected to the vertigo, nausea, headaches, skin irritation, pain in the joints and bones, coma and even death.

TheThe upper limit of vitamin A, you should consume a day is 3,000 mcg, but you can also experiment with negative side effects by consuming just under 1,500 mcg a day., according toNas and theNih.

It is unlikely that you reach this amount by eating vitamin A, but you want to be careful about the dosage of your vitamin supplements, as well as the frequency you are taking them.

The highest foods in vitamin A.

The best sources of vitamin A are a combination of vegetables, dairy products, fish and beans.

The top 7 vitamin A foods are considered an excellent source of nutrients (more than 20% DV) are:

  1. Liver of beef:6,540 MCG Vitamin A (726% DV) by 3 ounces fries
  2. Canned pumpkin puree:1,910 mcg vitamin A (212% DV) by 1 cup
  3. Yam:1 1330 MCG Vitamin A (126% DV) by medium potato with skin
  4. spinach:570 MCG Vitamin A (63% DV) by 1/2 cup frozen then boiled
  5. carrots:459 MCG Vitamin A (51% DV) by 1/2 cup of flood
  6. ricotta cheese, whole milk:328 MCG Vitamin A (36% DV) by 1 cup
  7. Soft Vanilla Ice Cream Serve:278 MCG Vitamin A (31% DV) by 1 cup
  8. cantaloupe:186 MCG Vitamin A (21% DV) by 1/2 cup of flood

Here are the best vitamin A foods to add to your diet.



beef liver

Vitamin A content:6,540 mcg (726% DV) by 3 ounces fries

You may not think that the liver never makes it on your plate, but if you immerse yourself in pasto or foie gras on a charcuterie board. In three ounces of pan-fried beef liver, you will get 726% of your daily vitamin A needs. "The liver is the main venue of the extra vitamin A is stored in us and in animals, so if you eat liver Animal is there that it's a lot, "said Brissette. With this, the liver is also rich in saturated fats. This is not a superior choice of nutritionist, especially with respect to other options in this list. "If you have enough sources of vegetables and dairy products, you will be covered," says Brissette.


Canned pumpkin

Canned pumpkin

Vitamin A content:1,910 MCG (212% DV) by 1 cup

If you want to eat more vitamins A, you should not reserve a canned pumpkin for the autumn months. "Because the canned pumpkin is already cooked and mixed, you get a higher concentration than when it's fresh," says Brissette. To add it to your diet outside the creation of pumpkin pie, a single-canned pumpkin as a high nutrient replacement for oils in recipes such as pumpkin bread or pancakes, mix it in the 'Oats, add it to a smoothie or use it in a soup.


Sweet potatoes

Baked sweet potato

Vitamin A content:1 130 μg (126% DV) by medium potato with skin

"This one ends my list," says Brissette. A soft medium spue with the skin on packets a 560% power supply of your daily (DV) value of vitamin A. Sweet potatoes arehigher in the fiber Whether white and yellow potatoes allow you to stay steady, reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease and increases your immune system by promoting a good balance of intestinal bacteria. They are also lower on the glycemic index than the white potatoes, so they do not get up and drop your blood sugar as well, keeping your hunger hunger andHelp you manage your weight.

Since vitamin A is a large gum vitamin, you will absorb better if you associate your potato with only five grams of healthy fat, such as olive oil, butter or avocado oil, explains Brissette. Try one of these delishSweet potato recipes.



Vegan garlic lemon spinach in a bowl
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Vitamin A content:570 mcg (63% DV) by 1/2 cup frozen then boiled

"People think only red and orange vegetables like having beta-carotene, but some green leafy are as rich." Said Brissette. Half a cup of cooked spinach, for example, 63% of your vitamin AV dv. It's alsocharge with antioxidants andvitamins c, E, K and B as well as fibers, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Brissette likes to keep cubes of frozen spinach at your fingertips to throw pasta sauce, smoothies and soups to increase the content of vegetables.



Healthy snacks for office lunch: baby carrots, almonds, cashew and glass of water.

Vitamin A content:459 mcg (51% DV) by 1/2 cup of flood

"We probably think about carrots to improve the view because ofNutritional posters of the Second World War Who encouraged people to eat carrots so they can see in the dark, "says Brissette. Another great source of beta-carotene, half a cup of flood carrots has 184% of your Vitamin AV dv. And do not worry about sugar. . "They are packed with fibers, and you should eat a lot of carrots so that it's a problem," she adds.

While baby carrots are a super convenient and healthy snack in Hummus, try shredding whole carrots and add to salads or launch cupstomato sauce Cut the acidity and add a soft flavor without adding sugar.



wooden bowl of sliced cantaloupe

Vitamin A content:186 mcg (21% DV) by 1/2 cup of flood

A Super Moisturizing Fruit, a half-cup of 54% gold melon nets of your vitamin A. Grissette suggests to add cantaloupe to a pitcher of ice water with cucumber slices to make a fresh fruit infusion . Or freeze the songs of Cantaloupe and serve with ice cubes in water. If a cantaloupe is too or sub-mature, jump the flesh and throw it into a mixer to make cantaloupe juice.



plain roasted broccoli in white bowl

Vitamin A content:60 mcg (24% DV) by 1/2 jelly cup, porridge

Another black black green green that is high in vitamin A is broccoli. A half-cup of broccoli boiled serves 24% of your DV. In addition, the cruciferous vegetable contains several of the same antioxidants and nutrients as spinach. Brissette buys frozen or fresh broccoli and chops in small pieces to add to frittatas, omelettes andinterference. Or she goes the top to be on rice in her rice stove to encompass vegetables.


Low fat milk

glass of milk being poured from glass jar

Vitamin A content:143 mcg (16% DV) by 1 cup of grease cup or skim, with a vitamin added and a vitamin D

Because it is enriched, a mug of milk has about 16% of your daily vitamin A needs. Although it is not much, it is a decent amount given the protein, calcium andVitamin DYou also reduce. If you sip on milk alternatives, keep in mind that some are fortified vitamin A but many are not.


Red peppers

Sliced red bell pepper

Vitamin A content:144 MCG (16% DV) by 1/2 cup of red BRUSS peppers, sliced

While you might think of peppers as a good source of vitamin C, fiber andpotassium, 1/2 cup gross chopped red peppers also proposes 16% of your Vitamin AV DV. Work the latest instagram trend: the Pepperwich. Chop a pepper of bell in half, dig the seeds and use it as bread by fucking it with your favorite salad trim (think of tuna salad, brown rice, egg salad, at the salad of chicken, etc.). Orstuff it With Turkey on the ground, tomato sauce, mushrooms and shredded cheese, and bake.




Vitamin A content:89 MCG (10% DV) by 1 cup

A whole mango provides 10% of your Vitamin A DV, but it is also rich in vitamin C and other immune antioxidants. Brissette suggests cutting off with red onions, Jalapenos and Cilantro to doMango. Serve it at the top of the fish, shredded chicken tacos or crab cakes.

Note a trend with orange fruits and vegetables on the list? Beta-carotene is a type of carotenoid, which is also a pigment that gives food its color. (You will also find beta-carotene in spinach and broccoli, but they are green because they also have chlorophyll.) "Dietitians recommend eating rainbow because the phytochemicals are different colors, And everyone is an index that there are pigments with different health benefits, "says Brissette.


Dried apricots

Dried apricots

Vitamin A content:63 mcg (7% DV) by 10 halves

If you are really looking for a vitamin A shot, choose dried over fresh apricots for a more concentrated source. Stache a bag of dried apricots without sugar in your office drawer for an easy and stored snack. Just keep an eye on your portions;dried fruit is higher in sugar and calories than the same size of fresh fruit portion. "Have a few tablespoons of dried fruits a day, it's good, but I always recommend being fresh or frozen first", explains Brissette.


Red salmon


Vitamin A content:50 mcg (6% DV) by 3-ounces cooked

Oily fish is a good way to get vitamin A because vitamin A is a flexibility vitamin in fat, explains Brissette.Salmon, Herring, Trout, Arctic Char, Tuna and EEL are all decent sources. In three ounces of well cooked red salmon, you get six percent of your daily needs.

Although it is not one of the best sources of vitamin A, you should eat fatty fish for other healthy nutrients. This is especially the case for omega 3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids that support your heart health and your cerebral function. Fat fish is one of the fewnaturally high vitamin D foods, which supports bone health and your immune system. Brissette suggests doingpoke bowls At home using high quality salmon and yogurt instead of Mayo, or pan-fried hamburgers in avocado oil using canned salmon.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: vitamins
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