The 20 best foods rich in vitamin K
Nutrient helps bone health, blood glucose and more.

If you want to check all health checks, especially bone health and cardiac health, you will want to pay attention to your daily vitamin K intake. Vitamin K is a big solublevitaminWhich means you have to consume it with a grease source to absorb it. It is in a variety of foods, including kaux, spinach, etc. (See the complete list below).
According to Melissa Groves, RDN, LD, CLT and founder ofAvocado Grove Nutrition & WellnessFoods rich in vitamin K are needed for a variety of important functions of your body. "Your body uses vitamin K to make proteins that are important for blood clotting, maintaining bone health and prevention of calcium deposits in soft tissues, such as your arteries, kidneys and elsewhere» , declares groves.
In addition to helping your body operate normally, vitamin K could be useful forDiabetes management. "Vitamin K may help control blood sugar levels that could be useful for people with diabetes," says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, owner ofAmy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area. "However, if you have diabetes and take a vitamin K supplement, you need to talk about your doctor because your diabetes medicine may need to be adjusted."
The recommendedDaily value of vitamin KThere are 120 micrograms for adult men and 90 micrograms for adult women.
Here you will find here the 20 best foods rich in vitamin K, ranked among the bass at the highest concentration of vitamin, with daily percent references for adult women over the age of 19. With these ideas, you never run ways to make sure you have enough of the nutrient of your daily diet.
Ground beef

Vitamin K content: By 3 oz.:2 micrograms (2.2% DV)
Who does not like a good hamburger? In addition to being high in vitamins B and protein, soilbeef is also a source of vitamin K. Because vitamin K is a soluble vitamin in grease, the beef has covered you because it also contains fats. In addition, the combination of grease and protein of chopped beef will keep you complete for hours. It looks like a victory.
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Vitamin K content: ½ cup:6.7 micrograms (7.4% DV)
The grapes are a great choice when looking for a soft, healthy, easy to eat snack. Just ½ cup of grapes gets 6.7 micrograms of vitamin K. The grapes also contain antioxidants called polyphenols.
Olive oil

Vitamin K content: For 1 tablespoon:8.1 Micrograms (9% DV)
You could use oliveoil As a healthy fat for cooking and dressings, but did you know that it also contains important vitamins? It's just - just a tablespoon of olive oil contains 8.1 micrograms of vitamin K, an amount of 9% of the recommended total daily value. Olive oil also contains vitamin E and is an excellent source of healthy fat. You can blur over vegetables, salads or other dishes for extra flavor.
Raw carrots

Vitamin K content: By 1 average carrot:8.1 Micrograms (9% DV)
Raw carrots are an excellent source ofvitamin a, known vitamin to support eye health and much more. They also contain a decent amount of vitamin K. Try cutting carrots in sticks for a snack that is superb with quenches like hummus or guacamole. (This is a good idea because the combination of vitamin A with a grease source is ideal.) Or you can try shrouding carrots and add them to salads for a crunch and a color.
Cashew nut

Vitamin K content: For 28.35 grams, RAW:9.7 micrograms (10.7% DV)
If you are tired of almonds, why not change things? Enjoy the cashew nut the next time you want a salty snack and want to make sure you get enough vitamin K. Naashews, who are also an excellent source of potassium, Pack more than 10% of the Recommended daily value of vitamin K for adult women.
Canned vegetable juice cocktail

Vitamin K content: By 6 fl oz:11.6 micrograms (12.8% DV)
The vegetable juice cocktail is an excellent source of vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. You will get 11.6 micrograms of your total vitamin k daily consumption with a single portion of juice. Enjoy veggie juice as a refreshing drink alone, or mix it in your morning smoothie for additional nutrition.

Vitamin K content: By 50 bays:13,1 micrograms (14.55% DV)
If you need another reminder on theBenefits for Blueberry Health, you are lucky. Blueberries are an excellent source of vitamin K. Plus, blueberries also contain fibers, vitamin C and antioxidants, pacing great nutrition for your money.
Iceberg lettuce

Vitamin K content:By 1 cup, minced:13.7 micrograms (15.2% DV)
Tired of your usual Roman? Try to use Iceberg lettuce next time for an additional boost of vitamin K. If salads are not your favorite thing, try using lettuce leaves like "wraps" for meat meat, cheese or d Other fillings for a nutrient alternative to tortillas or higher carbohydrate wraps.
Pine nuts
Vitamin K content: Per 1 oz:15.3 Micrograms (17% DV)
Love pesto? Pine nuts, which are often used in the pesto, package 17% of your daily value of vitamin K. Pine nuts have a unique hazelnut taste, which makes it a wonderful addition to salads, soups or Other dishes. Roasting or grilling lightly causes the flavor. In addition, pine nuts are a good source of phosphorus and potassium minerals, making it a healthy addition to any meal.

Vitamin K content: ½ cup:15.7 micrograms (17.4% DV)
Traditionally, a vegetable served in the south, Okra contains 17.4% of your daily vitamin K value. It is therefore a choice of nutritious vegetables. Try adding Okra to soups, stews or other vegetable dishes. The roasting or the frying of the air is another great way to enjoy the picker because it can remove the uppercase texture that sometimes transforms the people there.
Pomegranate juice
Vitamin K content: By ¾ cup:19.4 Micrograms (21.5% DV)
Grenades can be known for their seeds more than their juice, but the juice gives you a large dose of vitamin K. Packing in 21.5% of your daily value, a portion of Granada juice will have you on your way of meeting you your vitamin K needs.

Vitamin K content: By 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin:19.6 micrograms (21.7% DV)
If you think the pumpkin is right for Thanksgiving, think again. The pumpkin is packed with a nutrition, making it an excellent food to add to your weekly range. While the pie is great,Canned pumpkin You can also add smoothies, soups and sauces for creamy extra add. Whether you buy a fresh pumpkin or if you want to keep you in the conveniently canned version, you will add an excellent source of vitamin K in your day.

Vitamin K content: ½ cup:20.2 micrograms (22.4% DV)
Natto, or fermented soy, is a food traditionally appreciated in Japanese culture. Natto is an excellent source of protein, with more than 16 grams per half-cup portion. It also contains 4.7 grams of fiber, which, combined with the probiotics of fermentation, make it an excellent choice for promoting the health of incidents. A single portion of Natto also offers more than 20% of your daily vitamin K value.

Vitamin K content: ½ cup:20.7 micrograms (23% DV)
If you like sushi, there is a good chance that you also appreciate EdaMame. Not only is Edamame is an excellent source of vitamin K, but it also contains more than nine grams of protein in each portion.
Carrot juice

Vitamin K content: By ¾ cup:27.4 micrograms (30.4% DV)
Just ¾ cup of carrot juice gets you 27.4 micrograms closer to your total of your daily vitamin K needs. Try to change your morning orange juice for the carrot juice from time to time to pack more vitamin K and vitamin A in your day.

Vitamin K content: By 1 cup, gross:81.8 Micrograms (90.8% DV)
This is no longer secret than green greens are a great addition to a healthy diet. Case in point? Just 1 cup of Kales Packs 81.8 Micrograms of vitamin K. If you do not prefer a crown caulia salad, try roasting oven cabbage leaves to make cabbage chips. Another tip: try to massage curly cabbage with olive oil and sea salt, and leave it mariner in the refrigerator until tender. This simple trick makes a huge difference in the taste and texture of your owl.

Vitamin K content: For 100 grams, RAW:110 micrograms (122.2% DV)
Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K, making it a smart and nutritious choice. Not only do we purge well on your total vitamin K needs, but it also contains potassium and fiber. If you do not like broccoli, try adding other dishes like pasta, soups or salads.

Vitamin K content: By 1 cup, gross:144.9 Micrograms (161% DV)
Spinach are a way to get all day long (and more!) Vitamin K in a single portion. Do not forget to pair your spinach with a healthy fat like olive oil or lawyer to increase the amount of your body can absorb. Another idea: mix it in your morning Smoothie, and you will not even notice it that's there. Do not forget the lawyer, walnut butter or coconut oil, too!
Vitamin K content: By ½ cup, porridge:264,7 Micrograms (294.1% DV)
Do not be bored to eat the same green day after day. Why not change things and try Greens Turnip Greens? Turnip Greens is an amazing source of vitamin K, pacing 264.7 micrograms at 264.7 micrograms per ½ cup. They are even tasty when cooking them from bacon or ham for extra flavor.

Vitamin K content: By ½ cup, porridge:386.3 Micrograms (429.2% DV)
Collard Greens Top The list of vitamin K foods, because one ½ cup of greens cooked 386.3 micrograms. If this is not enough, Collard Greens is also an excellent source of vitamin A and fiber. The green collar leaves also make excellent "envelopes" to associate with your favorite trim, such as chicken salad or cheese and cold cut meat.
You already know that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but this list will give you more information about some of the vitamins that different foods can offer. If you want to add more vitamin K for your diet - and why would not you be? - This list is a great place to start.

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