Here are the main health benefits of being kind to yourself with yourself

And it only takes 10 minutes a day.

Akey element of meditation Practice the act of compassion - not only to others, but also to yourself. TheDalai Lama Himself said once: "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

You are sitting in a vertical position, close your eyes, focus on your breath, imagine a loved one in front of you and wants love, light and health. If you want to level, you do the same with someone you do not like, trying to empathize why they can act as they do or thanking them from helping you practice patience and understanding. Often, the most difficult thing to do is to practice this compassion exercise with yourself, to replace these thoughts of "I am a failure" and "I'm not good enough" with "I love you" and " I do the best I can. "

All this might seem a bit, well, Hokey, but a new study published in the newspaperClinical psychological scienceshows that it really works. Researchers divided 135 students from the University of Exeter in five groups who have received 11-minute audio recordings that had encouraged them to be critical of themselves and others or asked them to be kind to themselves. The researchers then followed their heart rates and their responses from the sweat to the exercises and asked them questions about the calm, safe and other ability they felt.

The results showed that not only compassion groups feel more connected to others, their property responses indicated an increase in relaxation through a fall in heart rate, a reduced sweat reaction and an increase in variability. Heart Frequency - The time interval between heartbeat-that indicates better health, a younger biological age and the ability to manage and adapt to stressful situations. Critical group participants, however, reacted in such a way as to indicate feelings of threat and distress.

"Previous research has found that self-compassion was linked to higher levels of well-being and better mental health, but we did not know why"Dr. Anke Karl, the chief of the research group on clinical psychology and the center of mood disorders at Exeter University and head of the study,said in a university newsletter. "Our study helps us understand the mechanism of kindness with yourself when things that go wrong could be beneficial in psychological treatments. By extinguishing our reply from the threat, we stimulate our immune systems and we give the best chances of Healing. We hope that research can use our method to investigate this in people with mental health problems such as recurring depression. "

Indeed, while practicing compassion meditation is useful for everyone, this can be particularly changing from life tothose who are subject to negative thinking, as helps you become more aware of your thoughts and better control them. The practice does not mean that you will not think sometimes sometimes, "Wow, I really hate this guy on the bus" or periodically pose yourself "why am I so embarrassing?" But that will allow you to catch yourself when you have these thoughts, do you realize that they arethoughts rather thanfactsAnd head at a more positive place.

"My sense is that for people prone to depression, meet their thoughts and negative feelings with compassion is a radically different way, what these thoughts are not facts"Willem KuykenProfessor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Oxford and co-author of the study, said. "He introduces a different way of being and knowing that it's quite transformer for many people."

Meditation also proved to be an effective tool for troubled sleepers because it helps you calm your mind, especially if you suffer from anxiety. In fact, a recent study has even noted that practicing meditation for just10 minutes a day can have the same benefits as a surcharge of 44 minutes one night.

Given thatThe world state of mental health is in this disarrayThis should not be surprising that "mindfulness" has become a form of foreground treatment in the well-being community. According to To The New York Times , Up to 370 schools in England introduce courses of "consciousness" next year. They may not be able to say what time it is more But at least they will be zen. And if you are looking to offer you better - both physically and mentally on the REG, do not miss these 30 ways to be nice with oneself every day .

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Categories: Health
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