20 healthy people habits live by

The best way to lose weight is to ignore trends and focus instead of improved healthy restoration strategies.

Imagine a group of scientists in a food laboratory on a dark and stormy night and one of them indicates that they have created the superfood that will end the disease as we know! All other food scientists gather. Such an excitement! Soon, the food additive is being mixed in everything, cookies toFAST-FOOD BURGERS, as scientists are certain that superfails will help us lose weight and live longer and healthier.

Now, imagine that years later, we discover that the superfood is actually a monster food - an additive so toxic that, over time, it is savagely increasing our risk of doing everything from cancer heart disease. obesity. And it's already inside us all!

Sound like a film made for television? It's not. It is the story oftrans fat, a dangerous and artificial lipid found in margarine and shorten this, for a little at least, was considered healthier than ordinary fats. We bought the lie until the mid-90s when a study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Incuscient trans fat for no less than 30,000 annual deaths. The worst party: they are always in our food today!

Understanding the nuances of nutrition is difficult, so strong that scientists are constantly learning more new information. That's why the best way to lose weight is to ignore the trends and night's tips, etc., focus on healthy food strategies. Develop healthy habits, paste them, and regardless of the nutritional blunders you could do, you will always keep on the road toweightloss and a thin physics. Here we gathered the 20 best fat habits. Engage them to your daily routine and you are guaranteed to drop excessive books. Deliver and enjoy. And while you make healthier changes, be sure to be supplied onThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Eat a dinner

man eating dinner sitting on white couch

The experts returned to the question of whether late consumption leads to weight gain, but a study published in the newspaperObesity Found a solid connection. Researchers at the University of the Northwest have watched the food and sleep patterns of 52 adults and found that those who regularly ate after 8 m. Ingested the most calories and worn the most body fat. An easy tracking rule: Stop eating three hours before hitting the bag. Then while you sleep, your body is better started to burn fat instead of creating more.


Weigh yourself daily

scale measuring tape

Walking on the scale can be discouraging, especially after an indulgent weekend ("I have won five books since Friday?!"). But it is better to cope with your fears because as it reveals, weighing you regularly can help you stay slim. Scientists at the University of Minnesotadiscovered That people who have been on a scale every day have lost twice as much weight than those who have less weighed. The hypothesis: monitoring your weight keeps your mind on your health and prevents weight refusal. In fact, it could be the scale for too long could be one of thereasons you get weight.



healthy vegetarian vegan plant based dinner meal prep

A study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Discovered that people who ate macaroni and cheese every day took significantly fewer calories than those who have eaten cheese noodles once a week. The reason: the novelty of new foods pushes us to consume more, then by removing the novelty, we feel further, faster. We do not suggest choosing a meal and eating it every day for the rest of your life, but moreDaily routines favorable to weight loss You are doing, the more your belly will shrink. Start with lunch: If you scratch your head every day when the MIDI strike clock, you will end up eating improperly and taking more calories. Instead, choose something healthy, like a combo of soup and salad and eating it every day.


Reward you

dark chocolate

Once you have created a healthy routine, you must establish a reward system. Think about these pioneers who have traveled the Oregon track. It is a better known trip to be widespread with a danger, but it was also familiar with the slow edium. The first American settlers would not have completed the trip without the promise proverbial of milk and honey in the end, and you will not stay the course of a repetitive diet without any more resembling literal milk and honey. A great way to stick to a low calorie calorie diet without decomposing in rebellious drooling mode is to reward every day a small dessert every day. Choose a food you like and at the end of each day, reward yourself with a portion of about 200 calories. But remember - you only get the reward if you deserve it.


Be educated and find a support group

Meeting Of Support Group

A study in theJournal of Health Psychology found that being exposed to nutrition and exercise tips and to support friends led people to make smarter diet and lifestyle choices. To ensure you stay focused on maintaining healthy weight, subscribe to a health-related magazine or a focused nutrition blog.

Looking for more helpful advice?Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!


Have breakfast

healthy breakfast

A study of theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology found that people who jumped breakfast were 4.5 times more likely to be obese. They do not call it the most important meal of the day for Nothin'-eating a nutrient morning meal jumps from your metabolism and prevents you from occurring throughout the day. For optimal weight loss results, choose a breakfast dish with a healthy balance of protein and fiber, such as eggs with fruits and whole wheat toast.



healthy snacks

Snacking sometimes gets a bad rap, but packHealthy snacks In Nosh throughout your day, can keep you skinny. A study published by theAdvances in nutrition Journal found that consumption of high high fiber snacks promotes weight loss. The reason: sainting snacking retains your glycemia to point, thus preventing the patches of hunger, desires and storage of body fat. A choice of ideal snack? Nuts. The balance of proteins, fibers and healthy greases is sure to stay satisfied with meals.


Drink water

Black woman drinking bottled water

Nearly 60% of your body is water, which makes it essential for every important metabolic process. In a study of 173 overweight women, those who added 1 liter of daily water to their diet lost five extra pounds during a year, and if you have time, the effects can be even greater. WhenVirginia Tech Researchers Had subjects drinking two glasses of water before each meal, they found that these topics lost 30% body fat over 12 weeks. That said, doing drinks blunders is one of the easiest ways to gain belly fat - like the average American drinks 450 calories loaded with sugar a day. Replace half of what you drink with water and you will save 23 pounds a year!



fried chicken sandwich

A study of thePublic Policy and Marketing Journal I found that the guests consume more calories when ordering combined meals because they find themselves with more food than they want or need. Our Stay-Skinny Council: Resist the temptation of the all-powerful "value" meal and order à la carte objects, such as a modestly size hamburger and a non-fried accompaniment dish. You will save calories and money.


Choose whole grains

whole grain sliced bread

Choosing whole grains rich in nutrients on processed white flour products can play a major role in you lean. In a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionThe researchers discovered that the participants who added entire grains to their diet lost more belly fat than those who did not do it. One of the main benefits of weight loss of whole grains: their good dose of fiber helps slow digestion, keep you longer. But do not be fooled by labels "made with whole grains". The real whole grain products will first list whole grains on their list of ingredients (think that the flour "whole wheat" instead of the flour "enriched" or "bleached").


Eat spicy food

Spicy chili peppers

A 1999 study in theBritish Nutrition Journal found that eating spicy foods can promote weight loss. The research participants who have eaten a spicy aperitif before a meal has eaten significantly than those who have consumed a non-spicy application. The explanation: a chemical compound called capsaicin, discovered in chilli peppers, acts as an appetite essin. It has also been shown that capsaicin increases metabolism and fight against inflammation. Takeway: Addly add spicy ingredients like Cayenne or red pepper to your meals is an easy and tasty way to stay slim.


Sleeping 7-8 hours every night

man sleeping well

Getting a good night's sleep has been linked to a crowd of great health benefits, not the least that maintains healthy body weight. In a study in the newspaperTo sleepParticipants who slept for less than six hours or more than eight hours each night have considerably more weight than those sleeping for six to eight hours. Lack of sleep has been demonstrated to increase appetite, decline in willingness and envelopes for strengthening high calorie foods. This could be the reason why you find it so much to resist these donuts in the break room.


To manage stress

frustrated and stressed businessman sitting at the office front a computer and holding head

A study in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiologyI have noticed that dealing with work-related constraints, funding or a relationship may result in weight gain. When you stress, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that promotes abdominal grease storage. If you find yourself overwhelmed in your work or your personal life, try to integrate activities reducing stress in your day. Join a yoga class or opt for a jog, and when you start feeling coming stress, pause and take deep breaths.


Take the stairs

Woman walking up stairs to exercise

Most of us are aware that the formal exercise is a key element of maintaining a healthy weight, but simple choices like stairs can be as important if you want to stay from the garnish. AStudy of the Mayo Clinic I found that if you stand (instead of sitting you) for six hours a day, you can burn 5.5 pounds a year. Make the most of the daily motion also walking for your lunch, parking at the back of the lot or skipping e-mails for short walks to deliver messages to colleagues. (As a bonus, you will make your face more recognizable around the office.)



Man finished eating dinner clean plate

A study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I noticed that chewing more and eating slowly brought participants to ingest less calories. According to the researchers of the study, the increase in jaw chewing has simultaneously reduced the levels of stimulating hormones of the appetite and an increase in the levels of abolition hormones of the appetite. One way to make sure to chew your food thoroughly: Stop eating. Eating on your car tray, for example - can take you to quickly inhale a ton of calories before your body has time to let you know that it is full.




Stroll around after dinner can help you lose weight, not just because walking burns calories. According to a study inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, Light, post-meal, like a walk, can lower your triglycerides and prevent heart disease. You do not have time to walk, you say? No problem. As long as you continue to move after your consumption, you will reap similar benefits. Even do the dishes or supplement other housework can help.


Keep healthy food on hand

healthy snacks for meal prep

A great way to make sure you make nutritional food choices: surround yourself with healthy options. Do not use convenience as an excuse for a shameful power supply. Keep fresh fruits on your kitchen counter, keep healthy snacks like nuts from your desk, keep pre-washed vegetables, pre-cut in your refrigerator - all you have to do to make the choice healthiest the Easiest choice, do it! You will not feel private or hungry as the books have fallen.


Learn to take a joke

woman laughing at phone

A 2006 study in theInternational Journal of Obesity I noticed that laughing for 15 minutes every day can help you burn 10 to 40 calories, depending on the size of your body and the intensity of your laughter. This adds about one to four looked fat per year. It may not look like a lot, but there is also a lot of research connecting people to all healthier lifestyles, and you, my friend, you have an excuse to make a part of your daily diet routine.


Eating proteins

High protein foods include chicken beef eggs salmon beans cheese protein powder tofu and cottage cheese

A study inFacts of obesity Discovered that participants in a diet that increased their protein consumption lost 10% of their body weight. Eating protein increases lean muscle mass, which keeps your metabolism running up, even when you rest. The protein keeps you also full, making you less likely to eat too much. For maximum health and weight loss benefits, aim to include protein in all your meals and snacks. The best options? Sources of lean protein such as fish, eggs, meat meats, low fat dairy products and legumes.


Avoid dinner distractions

Man Eating Breakfast Whilst Using Digital Tablet And Phone

With laptops, smartphones and iPads, we got used to 24-hour entertainment. But your meal can be an hour of the day, we should fight our dependence on fun.Researchers at the University of Birmingham found that the distracted guests at the meal meal consumed significantly more calories than those who paid particular attention to what they have eaten. A possible explanation: When you pay attention to the meal you eat, your brain does not completely record the experience. This leaves you less satisfied and more vulnerable to eat too much.

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