≡ 5 morning habits that prevent you from weight loss. Isn't you yours among them? 》 Her Beauty

In the morning we start a brand new day, so it is important to step in the right way.

In the morning we start a brand new day, so it is important to step in the right way. In addition, if we try to lose weight, this is doubly true. No one is surprised that starting a day breakfast in a similarly chocolate croissant or toasted sausages is not the right thing to diet. What other morning habits can negatively affect your weight loss process?


The adage of the golden middle way is concise, even in the case of sleep and weight reduction. Most weight loss instructions will also include advice that enough sleep is key to regenerating the body. However, you can rarely read that even the excess of sleep is not suitable. If you sleep ten or more hours a day, you can crazy your hormones.

During sleep, we are washed up the leptin hormone, which gives our brain a sign that we are saturated. If we sleep inadequately, our body produces this hormone little, and we feel we are hungry.

Ghrelin is another important hormone that affects the course of the diet. In the absence of sleep, its blood levels will increase and we have more sweet tastes, which we definitely do not want on diet.

But how is it if we sleep more than necessary? The excess of sleep can hormones so -called "decide" and confused hormones then ruin our weight loss plans. It is therefore optimal to go to the realm of dreams for six to nine hours a day.


Maybe you can think of how darkness can be related to weight loss? According to a study printed in PLOS ONE, daylight affects the body weight index (BMI). The examined persons who went to the window immediately after waking up to the window had significantly lower values ​​of this index compared to people who remained in a dark room without sun rays. The amount of eaten food has not played any role here. On the contrary, the influence of daylight at only 20 to 30 minutes a day affects BMI positively. Therefore, once you wake up, head to the window and welcome the in the morning with the outlaws.


You get up from bed in the morning and the first thing you do is that you can make your bed pretty good? In that case, weight loss will go better than people who do not pay much care. Some studies point out that if you are not just lovers of order, it may be harder for you to resist sweet attractions, nor do you pay as much attention to the preparation of healthy dishes. This fact was stated in his book The Power of Habit. What do you think about it?


You know the situation where you are trying to achieve your desired characters, and the weight on the weight is constantly against you. Do not resist and boil regularly. Some experts are of the opinion that daily weight control can help reduce it. Reason? The weight shows the lowest value in the morning, and it can be a big enough motivation to make the hand on the weight of your friend and you really start to lose weight. And if you find that you have gained weight? This information may be useful to decide whether to have a chocolate bar during the day or not.

Breakfast, the basis of the day

Not only a badly chosen breakfast will not help you reduce the weight if you miss breakfast completely, there is a risk that your body will ask for food during the day in a way that you cannot resist. Think about a balanced breakfast and take time for it. The ideal breakfast includes proteins, fiber and quality carbohydrates. According to nutritional advisors, a valuable breakfast should contain 20 to 30 grams of protein. They feed us enough and help us keep our muscles. The first meal of the day should also be complemented by carbohydrates that will guarantee us enough energy. For example, eggs with rye bread and vegetables are ideal. Do not forget the drinking regime. Drink a glass of clean water in the morning or enjoy a cup of herbal tea. If you choose a properly balanced breakfast, you will save your morning tastes for sweet and your body will surely reward you.

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