16 side effects not to drink water

You may notice your live yellow pee. But did you know that you can have bloated dehydration?

Never notice how we recommend drinking morethe water Basically, every article onweightloss, Health and fitness? We hate like a broken record, but the water is imperative for your health. (Our bodies are actually composed of about 60% water.) So, it's not a bad idea to guide it and avoid dehydration so your system works properly. OfNavel To organize diseases, one of the most important things you can do. There are drastic physiological effects, so it's betternot To find out what happens when you do not drink enough water.

Yet some people barely drink water. And when these phobic people from the water drink, they could drink belly beverages like soda or fruit juice. While you will getsome water and hydration of these things - and you can get water from someFoods rich in water-You always have to hydrate plain water a priority.

Read more about what can happen if you do not drink enough water. Fortunately, adding water to your diet could be easier than you think. It could just take a conscious effort at the beginning. And while you make healthier choices, make sure to add any of theThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now to your diet.


You earn water weight.

Bloated woman putting on jeans - what happens when you dont drink enough water

It seems counter-intuitive, but boiling on drinking water can actually causeWater retention and temporary weight gain. "When you do not drink enough water, your body holds all drops to prevent severe dehydration," saysSharp abbey, Rd.


Your energy falls.


To feel groggy? Pass the caffeine and drink water instead. "Yes, you should drink a lot of water during the day to stay hydrated. In fact, even a slight dehydration can dramatically drain your energy level"Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE explains.


You lose your concentration.

Woman being forgetful at work - what happens when you dont drink enough water

The fundamental element of life is also essential for finding good ideas. Made of 80% water, the capabilities and functions of your brain are seriously dependent. Even a slight dehydration alters its capabilities, making an Eurekas challenge. A study in the newspaperNutrients found that drinking water consumption can prevent memory and attention to decrease.


Your risk of stroke increases.

Man at doctor - what happens when you dont drink enough water

Not only can dehydration can take you more time to give you a stroke, but it can actually aggravate, according to a study ofBMC cardiovascular disorders. Not a big fan of straight water, without any added anything? Try onefruity detox water To hydrate you while giving you extra pressure of citrus fruits and other Bloat Busters.


You are mankier.

Angry woman - what happens when you dont drink enough water

Feeling grumpy? H2O drilling can be the worst thing you can do. Two studies of theUniversity of Connecticut Put men and women through a series of cognitive tests and found that even slightly dehydrated affect their mood and caused fatigue and headaches.


You feel more Hungarier.

Hungry woman fork knife empty plate - what happens when you dont drink enough water

He is very common to confusehunger with dehydration. If your stomach grunted, your better bet is to drink water. "Try to drink water and wait 20 minutes before grabbing this snack you looked," says the nutritionistAmy Shapiro, MS, RD. It also needs to replace sweet drinks such as soda, fruit juices or sports drinks with water.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.


Your metabolism tanks.

black scale on tiled bathroom floor

The water nixing of your diet can seriously derail your weight loss plans, proven by a study ofThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. After drinking about 17 ounces of water (about two large glasses), participantsMetabolic rate increased by 30%. The researchers believe that the increase in water consumption of 1.5 liter per day (about six cups) burn 17,400 additional calories during the year - a weight loss of about five pounds!


You get headaches.

Tired young African man using laptop while sitting at the table on a sunny morning.Concept of people working hard home

Before joining Tylenol, try shortening water when your head hurts. The previous study we have just mentioned the dehydration found can also lead to headaches.


Your skin gets worse.


Water helps plan your skin, so you should be able to imagine what dehydration will do. When you do not drink enough water, collagen begins to crack and bind together, causing fine lines and fine lines to get more noticed. We rely on water to keep our extremes sufficiently hydrated. So when you fosk it, expect your mouth, skin and everything else to feel drier than normal.


Your training performance suffers.

Rowing workout - what happens when you dont drink enough water

Your body can effectively convert energy carbohydrates without ample water. And according toThe Physiological society, dehydration can lead to poor exercise performance. Not only will your workouts will not suffer, but insufficient liquids in your body will also remove the ventilation of fat.


You have more bathroom problems.

supermarket bathroom

Can not do coca? Your bathroom is well maintained schedule when your colon absorbs up to five liters of water a day, making it easy to go to the bathroom. See, when your body realizes that water is mia from your system, it absorbs more - which makes it more difficultexpel saidNitin Kumar, MD, a gastroenterologist.


Your kidneys will work wrong.

Doctor and patient - what happens when you dont drink enough water

For your kidneys to work properly, you need water to dilute the blood. Without enough water, your kidneys have to work overtime to filter blood, says Kumar. And severe dehydration can also result in failure or worse, kidney stones.


And your heart too.

Stethoscope in heart shape - what happens when you dont drink enough water

"When you are dehydrated, your heart must work harder to maintain blood flow when you get up," says Kumar. "If you are dehydrated enough and your heart is not up to this task, the insufficient blood flow to your brain can lead to fainting."


Men can feel an erectile dysfunction.

Man lying awake in bed next to woman - what happens when you dont drink enough water

The hard truth? Do not drinking enough water can keep a gentle man. In a dehydrated state, you produce a greater amount of angiotensin, a type of hormone that is fluent in men experiencing difficulties in reaching stable erections. To feel thirsty again?


You stop crying.

Stressed and upset woman - what happens when you dont drink enough water

A lack of water will stop your tears (but only physically, not emotionally!). "The production of tears is diminished when a person is dehydrated with consumption water not to drink. The body tries to create a homeostasis or keep the scale fluid during verification. When there is a reduced quantity. fluid consumption, the body stores water to first hydrate the vital organs, "saysElissa B. Gartenberg, TO DO.


Your PIPI changes color.

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

You never want to know how much are you well hydrated? Check your PIPI. When you do not drink enough water, your urine color will turn into a darker yellow. If you are severely dehydrated, you can not even piss everything.

Now that you know what happens when you do not drink enough water, you can avoid some of these symptoms in the future. Your body will thank you.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: water
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