Secret side effects of the soda drink, says science

These answers can surprise you.

It's sure to say thatsodaOn a regular basis can not be the best choice for our global health. Gaseous drinks have been known forIncrease the risk of certain cancers, negativelyaffect our liverand drive to the weight gain in excess sugar.According to the CDCExcessive sugar consumption can not only lead to obesity and weight gain, but can also lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

If that is not enough to convince us that the slowdown of the sodas can be a good idea, what about descents not so well known to drink soda? Read it to see some of the secret side effects of drinking soda and for healthier advice, be sure to checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now


You can feel more hungry

soda glasses

Drinking a soda can satisfy our sugar desires, but that will probably not satisfy our hunger pain. In fact, the opposite is true: studies show that soda actually increases our hunger levels after drinking them.

On aAmerican Journal of Public Health Report, this happens for a few different reasons. For one, the soda effectively contains zero nutrients and vitamins, especially the protein, so that people often report to be hungry and dissatisfied after. Another reason for increased hunger is that the soda contains large amounts of fructose, which does not diminish hunger hormones in the same way as glucose. A14 ounce coke bottle, for example, 11.1 grams of sugar, 7.2 of those of fructose.

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You can win a more dangerous fat around your stomach

Courtesy of Coca-Cola

The soda has been linked toIncreased body fat and weight gain, especially around the area of ​​the stomach. Our stomach contains two types of fat, including subcutaneous grease and visceral grease.Dirty grease We find under the skin and serves as an important source for regulating temperature, storing energy and protecting our bones and muscles.Visceral grease is the type of grease found in our abdominal area and is known to be more immediately dangerous for our health than subcutaneous fat. Too much visceral fat can increase our blood pressure, increase insulin resistance andlead to deadly diseases.

According toThe Journal of Nutrition, drinking soda was associated with an increase in body fat, particularly dangerous visceral body fat.

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You can become dependent

pouring soda

The researchers begin to examine deeper if the sweet drinks, such as soda, are really of a truly addictive nature. A recent 2019 study published inAppetite Discovered that Sodas was actually dependent, especially in teenage populations.

The study revealed that regular soda drinkers experienced withdrawal symptoms when they went three days without being there. Their symptoms included a reduction in motivation, lower capacity to concentration and frequent headaches. While other research is done for the addictive qualities of soda and the addition of sugar, it is important for us to check with ourselves and ask if we could be dependent on these sweet drinks.


You can increase your risk of dementia or cerebral stroke

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

The drinking of the soda has also been linked to an increased risk of dementia and stroke. A 2017 study published inCerebral accident I have examined the effects of artificially sweet beverage consumption (soda), as well as drinks with added sugar. They found that the regular consumption of artificial sweet drinks has led to a higher risk of multiple types of lines, as well as multiple types of dementia.

For the risk of stroke, the ischemic stroke was greater than other types. ThisType of race occurs When an artery leading to the brain is clogged. For the risk of dementia, the consumption of SODA was associated with an increase in dementia at the same time all the dementia and dementia of Alzheimer.

RELATED: 7 signs of early warning of dementia to never ignore


You can increase your gout risk


Drop, which is a form of arthritis caused byHigh levels of uric acid In the body, is aGrowing problem in the United States. According to a study published inJama, women who regularly drink soda have a higher chance to develop gout than women who do not drink soda.

As mentioned earlier, SODA contains high levels of fructose. This becomes a problem when it is consumed regularly because fructose is known to increase uric acid levels in the body. This risk increases even more among people with a history ofProblems with their urate levels.

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