50 ways to strengthen your metabolism

The ladder will still not move? These tips will help transform your metabolism into a grease combustion machine.

Metabolism. It is all the chemical transformations that live life in the cells of living organisms. This is such an important concept that it is understandable to feel like it's beyond your control. But this is not true!

If you are wonderingHow to increase the metabolism, we have gathered the top 50 fast and easy ways to resell your oven burn fat to help you reach yourWeight loss objectives Even faster. And to keep you on the right track, make sure you are supplied onThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.



Woman eating salad - best ways to speed up your metabolism

If you want to weigh less, you have to eat less, right? Well ifYou do not eat enough caloriesThis can lose muscle mass of your body, which will reduce the rate of your metabolism. In addition, when you leave calories, your body slows the rate at which it burns calories to keep the fuel it has been obtained.

"Sub-pest is just as risky as too-productive," says Carolyn Brown, MS, RD atTTRAINERS in Manhattan. Lisa Moskovitz, Rd, CDN,Nutrition Group of New York Accepts: "In a quick and remarkable weight loss attempt, many people wrongly believe that eating as few calories as possible is the best solution. Not only can it lead to many nutritional failures that the body gets less food As a whole, but it can also actually have the opposite effect on weight loss. "Instead of cutting calories like crazy, use the simple diet and exercise hacks below that can help you to quickly and safely reduce without boasting your metabolism.



Woman weight lifting - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Even when you are at rest, your body is constantly burning calories. In fact, 60 to 80% of the calories you burn every day are being used simply by keeping you alive, according to research published inBorders in physiology.Studies show "the metabolic at rest" and the total calories burned are much higher in people with more muscle because each muscle book uses about6 calories a day Just to support me. If you can pack only five pounds of muscle and support it, you will burn the caloric equivalent of three fat pounds in a year.

RELATED: Learn toDeposit your metabolism and lose weight the intelligent way.


Try HIIT workouts to build muscle mass

Woman running on treadmill - best ways to speed up your metabolism

When it comes toTop workouts for weight lossnor weight or cardio can not completely move the needle. Interval training is the best way to lose books, increase your metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity. AInternational Journal of Obesity The study revealed that the 20-minute HIIT workouts helped women lose 5.5 pounds more and earn a leaner muscle mass over 15 weeks since women who have made long cardio training constant.

At the gym, sign up for a HIIT class or transform your favorite aerobic exercise (current, bike, even walk) in an interval workout by adding periods of intense speed (start with 30 to 60 seconds) followed by rest periods (normal speed) for the same time. Do not six to 10 times to complete a fat workout. As you go better, slowly increase the amount of increased intensity time.


Eat enough protein daily

Different types of protein - best ways to speed up your metabolism

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, no matter what you do. Hitting the gym helps you build muscles and eating proteins retains your gains from decomposing and slowing down your metabolic rate.

Research found that because the protein is more difficult for the body to decompose and digest that other nutrients, it canIncrease post-meal calorie consumption by 5%. Aim to integrate proteins into each meal and each snack throughout the day.

The metabolism-boosting protein-rich foods include:

  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Chicken breast
  • Chopped turkey
  • Bean
  • Flank, hanger or skirt steak

Protein requirements differ by individual, but usually consume 0.8 to a gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day should be enough for a weight loss, explainsLeah Kaufman, Mrs., Rd, CDN, a dietitian based on the city of New York. For a person of 130 kilograms (59 kilograms), which would be equivalent between 46 and 58 grams of protein.


Choose whole grains

Whole wheat pasta - best ways to speed up your metabolism

It takes the additional efforts of the body to decompose whole grains than more refined and transformed grains, such as flour usually used to make bread and pasta. You can help keep your high metabolic rate by consuming food that the body must work stronger to digest, as indicated in aSearch for food and nutrition to study. Researchers at Pomona College found that entire food consumption increased your post-meal energy expenses by 50% compared to processed foods.

Your tasting foods that stimulate metabolism are whole grains that are also rich in fiber.

  • Brown rice
  • groats
  • quinoa
  • Pushed grain bread

Have a good night

man sleeping well

Jimmy Fallon is fine, but now it's time for the DVR and start bed earlier. A study in Finland examined sets of identical twins and discovered that in each set of brothers and sisters, the twin that slept less visceral fat. If you do nothing else differently, you get an extra half an hour from Shuteye will make all the difference. If you are cheerful private, do not be surprised if you earn a few pounds without eating an extra morsel. "A lack of sleep can cause several metabolic problems," says the nutritionist and holistic health coachSeth Santoro. "This can prevent you from burning less calories, fail to control the appetite and an increase in cortisol levels, which stores fat."

Lack of Sufficient Sleep - On the seven to nine hours recommended per night for most adults, also leads to an altered blood glucose tolerance, a.k.a. The ability of your body to use fuel sugar. "We all have these sleep nights less than enough," says the nutritionistLisa Jubilee, MS, CDN. "But if it's a steady thing, you'd better lengthen your night's sleep than working, if fat loss or weight maintenance is your goal."


And stop the nap

Girl napping - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Research found that people burn less calories when they sleep during the day and lodge their waking hours after the sun's descent. Come to this discovery, researchers atColorado University in Boulder I studied 14 healthy adults for six days. For two days, the study participants slept at night and remained awake during the day, then they reversed their routines to imitate the hours of night owls. When the participants slept during the day, the researchers found that they burned 52 to 59 calories than when they bring their zzzings in the evening - probably because the schedule of their circadian rhythm, the internal clock of the body that plays a major role in the function of metabolism. . If you have no choice but to sleep during the day, aim to cut 50 to 60 calories of your daily diet.


Eating more fiber fiber beans

Bean dip in bowl with chips - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Beans are not only an excellent source of herbal protein, they are also packed with a soluble and insoluble fiber. The process of digeding fiber and protein in beans burns extra calories, and both types of fibers help reduce insulin levels after digestion and bring your body less fat. Think of each bean as a little stabolism-boosting pill. Ato study I found that people who ate a daily bean cup weighed 6.6 pounds less than those who do not - despite bean eaters consuming, on average, 199 more per day.


Reduce current stressors

Stressed out man - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Stress can actually bring the body to metabolize food more slowly, according toSearch published in the newspaperOrganic psychiatry. To aggravate things, the food we aspire when we are stressed tend to be fat and full of sugar. Researchers say that the combination of high-level desires and a metabolic rate induced by stress-induced snails can result in significant weight gain. To increase your metabolism, fight stress with laughter. Research shows that smile and laughter causes causes of stress hormone levels to decrease.


Make sure you get enough vitamin D

Fish oil capsules - best ways to speed up your metabolism

If there is a supplement that most Americans should take, it is vitamin D. It is essential to preserve the metabolism - inflation of muscle tissues, but researchers estimate that an amount of 20% of Americans. reach sufficiently by their diet. Although you can nail 90% of your recommended daily value (400 IU) in a 3,5 ounce salmon portion, a daily supplement is more practical.

Good dietary sources of vitamin D for metabolism:

  • Tuna: 68 IUS by 3 ounces White Alblane Tuna (11% DV)
  • Low fat enriched milk:120 IUS per cup (20% DV)
  • Eggs: 40 IUS by fried egg (7% DV)

Drink a glass of water in the morning when you wake up

Water glass bedside nightstand - best ways to speed up your metabolism

For the nutritionist Lisa Jubilee, one of the lowest and cheapest ways to give your metabolism a shock is to drink water (she suggests 20 to 32 ounces) shortly after waking up. Why? During sleep, the metabolic function of your body slows down, and unless you wake up in the middle of the night to scan water, you do not take liquid. Jubilee suggests rehydrger completely before highlighting your body with another food or drink. "My clients who have implemented this less burst report, more energy and a smaller appetite," she says. Its motto to get your Stoked indoor furnace and ready for the day: "Rehydrate, then Caffinate!"


And drink more water in general

water bottle

Weight loss does not become easier than this: just drink more water can increase the speed at which healthy people burn calories, according to a study ofThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. After drinking about 17 ounces of water (about 2 large glasses), the metabolic rates of participants increased by 30%. The researchers believe that the increase in water supply of 1.5 liter per day (about 6 cups) burn 17,400 additional calories during the year - a weight loss of about five pounds!


Praise snacks from

On the go healthy snacks

"Always be ready for a busy or unpredictable day keepingHealthy snacks on you, at your office, in your car, "said Amy Shapiro, Mrs., Rd, CDN andMember of our Medical Council. Shapiro says that if you have to skip breakfast, lunch or even dinner during your quest to watch your best, you can keep your energy levels for good health. "You will not have any reason to run with the chips vending machine or paste your hand into the bowl candy," she says.

Shapiro recommends eating snacks for your Freedonning metabolism as:

  • Almonds or other non-salaried nuts
  • Apples
  • Banana
  • Chia bar
  • Protein bars
  • Fruit and walnut bars

Cut on dietetic soda and artificial sweeteners

Soda with straws - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Yeah, yes, he has zero calories, but the consumption of food soda while drinking can still play Havoc with your goal of having a flat belly. Search published in the newspaperTrends in endocrinology and metabolism Shows that artificial sweet drinks can screw up the normal metabolic response of the sugar body, thus increasing the appetite! More and more, dietary drinks are related to weight gain, metabolic syndrome and a host of other ills. (To findWhat happens to your body when you give up the soda.)


Become crazy

Assorted nuts in bowls - best ways to speed up your metabolism

A 2003 study in theInternational Journal of Obesity Demonstrated that a low calorie diet that is rich in almonds could help people lose weight. Not only do the good monounsaturated fat in the almonds have an effect on insulin levels, say that scientists, but also give Diaers a feeling of fullness, which means they are less likely to eat too much. So, store your pantry with almonds, nuts and walnutswalnut butter.


Eat whole foods

Whole piece of salmon over fruits - best ways to speed up your metabolism

The Revolution of the Smoothie is here and many people make the bushels of green hardwood shudders. Believe it or not, there is a disadvantage of this ingenious delivery method. Much of the body's use food, so the body can absorb nutrients - has been subcontracted to our nutrillouts and vitaminix. This means that the body exceeds much less energy than if we eat cabbages, spinach and bananas in their solid form.Smoothies are perfect for weight loss, but priorizing meat, fish, fibrous vegetables and fruits, you drive to the TEF (the thermal effect of food "or at your metabolic rate after eating) and spend More calories on digestion.



Piece of salmon - best ways to speed up your metabolism

There are a lot of fish in the sea, but salmon can be the best when you try to determine how to increase the metabolism. Indeed, most outsourcing thyroid cases are due to inflammation of the gland and salmon has significant anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its rich omega-3 fatty acid content. In fact, a study in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper I have examined the effects of weight loss and seafood consumption and has shown that salmon is most effective in reducing inflammation - better than cod, fish oil and diet without fish.


Eat iron-rich foods

Iron foods

Iron deficiency informs more than 1 in 5 women in the United States, because essential minerals can appear from all kinds of ways, such as fatigue and anemia, but iron deficiency can also be a shot for your metabolic health. See, your body can not work as effectively to burn calories when it does not have what it should work properly. On the other hand, when you process the iron deficiency with enough iron intake, you can lose weight and improve metabolic parameters such as reducing blood pressure andbad cholesterol levels, according to aClinical therapy to study.

Iron-rich foods You can add to your diet to boost the metabolism included:

  • 1 cup of enriched iron breakfast cereals, 100% Iron DV
  • 1 cup of lentils, iron 36% DV
  • 3.5 ounces of chopped beef, 15% Iron DV
  • 1 cup of spinach, 24% Iron DV

Eat three meals a day

Strawberries in oatmeal bowl - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Bodybuilders have a long assermen by eating every few hours to keep their muscles powered, but do not neglect the weight loss potential of three squares a day. A study in the newspaperHepatologyPut two groups of men on weight gain regimes. A group has divided the calories among three small meals with snacks between the second group eating the same number of calories in three square meals. Although the two groups gained weight, researchers discovered that belly fat - the dangerous genre that increases the risk of heart disease has increased only in the high meal frequency group.


Drink less alcohol to increase fat engraving

Peach martini glass - best ways to speed up your metabolism

While drinking the moderation of each time you do not do too much about your size, making it a habit can slow down your metabolic rate. Why? When your body has a cocktail failure, it takes precedence on any food you have already eaten waiting to be digested. This slows the whole metabolic process. Occasionally that you have decided to deliver, stick tolow calorie drinks. Alternate your alcohol with water to slow down your pace and cut you after two drinks. Avoid ordering bars bar foods such as fries and burgers. An important note:Wine In moderation can have many advantages, including weight loss!


Eat oysters rich in zinc

Oysters - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Omit one for your metabolism. HECK, make half a dozen. After all, oysters are one of the best zinc food sources-a mineral that is essential for thyroid health. In fact, the body needs enough zinc to activate the production of thyroid hormone. And in turn, we need a thyroid hormone to absorb zinc. Anyway you look at it, shortcomings may result in slow metabolism and complement with the mineral showed weight loss on the track. A study inNutrition and Practice Research I found that obese people who consumed 30 milligrams of zinc per day - the equivalent of only six flood oysters - had improved BMIs, lost weight and showed improvements in cholesterol levels in the blood. Get yourself!


Snack on yoghurt

Yogurt in bowl with granola and blueberries - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Probiotics in products likeyogurt And fermented foods like pickles and sauerkraut help good bacteria in the foods of the intestinal process more efficiently. Yogurt is not only an excellent source of protein and calcium, aNature The study revealed that the consumption of a reduced calorie system can help reduce your size. And you can integrate it with dishes throughout the day.


Brew a cup of coffee containing a caffeine

French press coffee maker - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Coffee is one ofBest drinks for weight loss Because it stimulates your metabolism. A study published in the newspaperFood Science and BiotechnologySaved that caffeine reveals the sympathetic nervous system and increases lipolysis (a fat burning). A cup of black coffee is a good drink before any training. Researchers have discovered that cyclists who took a caffeine supplement were able to ride about a mile further than those who took placebo. Make your ventrance and jump the sweeteners.


But do not do too much about caffeine

coffee cups

Having a few cups of Java for a boost of metabolism, but if you are never seen without a cup at your lips, it could work against you, says Shapiro. Caffeine is a natural appetite poster cutter. If you consume constantly, you can not eat a lot - or realize how hungry you, until you come home for dinner. "Do not eat enough throughout the day can make your metabolism slow," she says. "By the time you dine, instead of immediate use of this food for energy, your body stores it aggressively in the form of grease, in case it is private again." Paste three to four cups of coffee a day to keep your caffeine consumption under control.


Add more lawyer

Avocado and lettuce salad - best ways to speed up your metabolism

It's like butter growing on trees. But instead of cholesterol, trans fat and saturated fats in the real butter,lawyer Contains a monounsaturated grease to improve metabolism. And that's not all. Each creamy fruit is also packed with fiber antioxidants and free radical killers. Free radicals are oxygen-destructive oxygen molecules - natural by-products of metabolism - which trigger various chain reactions in the body that destroy cells and DNA, causing all kinds of health problems. Antioxidants in fresh fruits and vegetables can help neutralize some free radicals, but they can not reach mitochondria - the base camp for the free radical army - and it's a problem.

When your mitochondria does not work properly, your metabolism works less efficiently. Enter: lawyer. A2015 study Discover that the rich monounatude oil pressed fruit can help mitochondria become more resilient. The researchers say that Jive results with low disease rates in the Mediterranean countries where olive-nutritional oil similar to the lawyer - is a staple food.


Always opt for organic beef, eggs and dairy

Organic beef mushroom potato - best ways to speed up your metabolism

"The hormones dictate how our body uses the energy we give it," says Jubilee Lisa Nutritionist. "Between our breeding hormones, thyroid and growth, appetite, insulin and hormone leptin and ghrelin, our body must make a delicate balance to keep meal reproductive beings, powered and viable. " These tasks have become much more difficult because of hormone residues that we consume via raised cage-raised foods. If you want to give your metabolism a leg, the Jubilee says, go to organic beef products, nourished with grass, grazing, eggs and dairy products, thus avoiding these unpleasant hormones at the time of meals.


Choose Broccoli

Steamed broccoli - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Calcium and vitamin C join forces well to stimulate metabolism. Broccoli contains both nutrients, not to mention the type of fiber that has been demonstrated to increase the TEF. In addition: Broccoli contains a compound that operates on a genetic level to "deactivate" cancer genes, leading to targeted death of cancer cells and slowing the progression of the disease.



Happy couple smiling lauging together - best ways to speed up your metabolism

This is not a joke: authentic laughter can lead to an increase of 10 to 20% of basal energy expenditure and cardiac attendance, according to a study published in theInternational Journal of Obesity. This means that a 10 to 15 minute gig festival could burn from 40 to 170 calories. Let us hear you lol!


Add mustard to meals

Mustard in serving dish with spoon - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Add the mustard to your meal and feel the burn literally!Scientists from the Polytechnic Institute of Oxford of England I found that by eating a single barrier teaspoon (about 5 calories) can increase metabolism up to 25% for several hours after consumption. The advantages, researchers say, can be attributed to allyl capsaicin and isothiocyanates, phytochemicals that give mustard its characteristic flavor.


Move for two minutes

Woman on exercise bike - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Forget the slogging on the treadmill for hours, research printed in the newspaperPhysiological relationships showed that people who made five bursts of 30 seconds of max-effort, followed by 4 minutes of rest, burned 200 additional calories that day. This is only 2.5 minutes of work for a rest metabolism boost that will last 24 to 48 hours!


Choose spicy peppers

cayenne pepper on wooden spoon and table

It is well reported that Fiery Capsaicin (think: hot sauce, Cayenne, Chile) can reopen the metabolism, butStudy research presented at the experimental biology meeting in Anaheim, California, showed a similar weight loss potential in dihydrocapsiate (DCT), non-spicy cousin of hot peppers. The participants who have eaten the most DCT have had a metabolic boost that was almost double the placebo group! Bottom Line: Pile on the Poblanos!


Lower the temperature of your room at night

woman sleeping

A new newStudy published in the newspaperDiabetes Suggests that simply turn on the CA can subtly transform the brunette fat stores, the "good" fat stimulated by cold temperatures, which serves to keep us warm by burning through "bad" fat stores. Participants spent a few weekssleeping In the bedrooms with variable temperatures: a neutral 75 degree, a cool 66 degrees and a balm to 81 degrees. After four weeks sleep at 66 degrees, men had almost doubled their volumes of brown fat. Costs!


Eat the mass of your carbohydrates at night

Diced sweet potato in white bowl - best ways to speed up your metabolism

A study in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Put two groups of men on identical weight loss regimes. The only difference? Half of the group eaten theircrab All day while the second group has booked carbohydrates for the night. The result? The nocturnal carbohydrate group showed a significantly induced thermogenesis (which means they burned more calories digesting their food the next day). On the other hand, the Daytime-Carb group has increased increased blood glucose. Experts believe that when you give great gaps between your carbohydrate consumption (such as fast fasting), your body is more equipped to deal with your blood sugar carbohydrates when you have them then.


Add vinegar to meals

Apple cider vinegar - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Not only is the vinegar is excellent on the salad, it is also shown that "lighting" the genes that release proteins that break down fat. In a study of 175 overweight japanese men and women published inBioscience, biotechnology and biochemistryThe researchers have discovered that the participants who drank one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day for 12 weeks have decreased considerably from their body weight, IMC, visceral fat and circumference. cut.


Have an egg yolk or two

Egg yolk - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Although it is true that egg whites are low in calories, without fat and contain most of the protein found in an egg, eat all the egg is beneficial for your metabolism. Yellow contains many metabolistic nutrients, including vitamins soluble in fats, essential fatty acids and a choline significantly, a powerful compound than the animalStudies show Can prevent the storage of fat around your liver. Worried about cholesterol?New studies have found that the moderate consumption of one to three whole eggs per day has no negative effect on 70% of the lipid profile (GRAS) of the population andcan really improve it.


Use extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Our bodies need food fat oils - especially healthy oils - to lose weight and work properly. Good types of fats and oils help cancel hunger, maximize your metabolism and rapid nutrients through your body by helping to absorb soluble nutrients in fat.High regimes in monoinsaturated fats in good health, like olive oil, can actually help the body burning calories and lose weight compared to low fat diets.
Besides,studies show more virginolive oil can also increase the blood levels of serotonin, aHormone associated with satiety.


SIP on green tea

Green tea - best ways to speed up your metabolism

If you always opt for coffee onteaYou might miss on a great metabolism. APENN STATE ANIMAL STUDY You will find an extra exercise with green tea can actually increase weight loss. In fact, after 16 weeks, the rats experienced a massive reduction of the body mass of 27.1% and an average reduction in the mass of abdominal fat of 36.6%. What is the magic of green tea? The bread contains catechins, an antioxidant type that triggers the release of fat fat and can reverse the liver capacity to transform fat into energy.


Drinking fat milk

Glass of milk - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Studies carried outThe Nutrition Institute of the University of Tennessee Suggest that dairy consumption can help your body metabolize fat more efficiently.Other studies Have shown that the increase in calcium intake from dairy products (but no additional calcium carbonate) caused study participants to cacade more fat, as opposed to it sticking to the body.


Stay at work Three hours a day

working from home

Ideally, we sleep about eight hours for each 24. Most people spend seven to ten hours sitting at their desk. This means that most of us spend the overwhelming majority of our sedentary time. Our organizations were not designed for this level of inactivity - most of the evolving history of man involved to be active, looking for food and fuel. Nutritionist Lisa Jubilee says that a way to burn more calories daily is to stay more and sit less. She cites a British study that found that standing at work burned 50 calories more per hour than the session. If this does not look like a lot, consider this: if you only represent three hours of your day, you spend in a year more than 30,000 additional calories, which represents about 8 pounds of fat!


Eat more garlic

Sprouted garlic - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Recent studies Have shown that garlic supports the metabolism of blood sugar and helps control lipid levels in the blood. The addition of garlic to foods rich in fat and carbohydrates can maintain these substances to make the damage they are known. In addition, eating garlic can help increase your immune system, help eliminate heart disease, fight against inflammation and lower blood pressure, to name a few.


Nibble on dark chocolate

Chocolate chunks - best ways to speed up your metabolism

In astudy carried out by Swiss and German researchersLucky participants eaten about 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate daily for two weeks. In the end, these chocolate tints had lower stress-hormone levels and a more regulated metabolism than a control group. Scientists speculate that chemicals in cocoa, such as flavonoids, play a role in the regulation of metabolism by attenuating stress likely to cause engines to burn fat on the fritz. If you think this is a license to go to the wild, Take note: we are talking about small amounts of high quality dark chocolate. Researchers say that 1.5 ounces is enough.


Turn off the blue light blocking at night at night

Man laying in bed on phone - best ways to speed up your metabolism

You want to have a faster metabolism? Install applications like F.Lux or Twilight on your devices. They reduce parts of the light spectrum as approaches to your bedtime. Studies have shown that LED lights in phones disrupt the production of melanin sleep hormone. A purring metabolism is greatly helped by a good night's sleep. So, take your texting at the end of the evening on a neck or two ... at least in terms of brightness of the screen.


Have cheese

Block of gruyere cheese - best ways to speed up your metabolism

You may want to think twice before leaving dairy if you try to lose weight - despite what your friends from Crossfit Paleo-Preche tell you. Cheese is a satisfactory, portable and inexpensive food that is packed with calcium, vitamin D and protein. "Calcium can also promote weight loss because it helps maintain muscle mass, which stimulates and helps maintain metabolism, helping you burn calories more efficiently throughout the day," saysTanya Zuckerbrot, Rd, author ofThe CARB Miracle Plan: Making Calories and Grease Disappear - with Fibers! This does not mean that you can help you with a saucepan soaked by cheese. Work cheese in fiber-rich snacks to make them more satisfied.


Abandon sweet energy drinks

Sugary soda glass with lemon - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Caffeine can provide a little boost to metabolism, especially when ingested before exercise, but no metabolic increase can burn empty calories that energy drinks provide energy drinks. According to a study published inProcedure of the Mayo ClinicA typical energy drink serves a quarter of a cup of sugar calories that hit your body all at a time and trigger fat storage. If you want to burn calories, try the miracle drink called tap water.


Eating full foods

Full fat foods - best ways to speed up your metabolism

A new Report from the Credit Suisse Research Institute found that more and more of us choose fat foods on the foam, lite, bold or other modern monikers of the Maie. And while many health organizations like the American Heart Association still want us to reduce fat, especially saturated fat - this trend with full fat can be a healthy rebellion against these old ten-year credits, according to recent studies. . In fact, people who eat a lot ofgrease Dairy products actually have the lowest incidence of diabetes, according to a study of 26,930 people in 2015 in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Those who ate a lot of low fat dairy products, on the other hand, had the highest incidence. The researchers hoped that, if calcium, protein, vitamin D and other nutrients of the yogurt are good for us, we need the grease that accompanies them to harvest their protective effects.


Apple a day

Red apples in bunch - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Eating an apple every day can help prevent metabolic syndrome, a disorder associated with abdominal fat, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They will keep the doctor away and your muffin tops at the bay because the apples are a source of dense fibers of calories and low calories, whose studies have proven to integrate visceral grease. A recentStudy at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center revealed that for each increase of 10 grams of soluble fibers consumed per day, the visceral fat was reduced by 3.7% over five years!


Concentrate on the fiber

Man eating high fiber breakfast cereal

Studies show that those who eat the most fiber gain the least weight over time and eating fibers canDecrease your risk of belly fat by 3.7%. Aim for28 grams of fiber per day-The amount present in about three portions each of the fruits and vegetables.


Plan a weekly cheating meal

Big Mac and fries

The experts agree that, including a weekcheating meal In your healthy diet plan, you can actually help you achieve your weight loss goals. In addition, a recent study published in theInternational Journal of ObesityI discovered that the dieters who took a two-week break from their low calorie meal plan lost more weight than those who have regularly diet.

Having a strategy is the key: "By planning your cheat meal, you know what you are going to eat and can cut some extra calories earlier in the day," saysJim White, RD, a specialist in the physical condition of ACSM health and owner of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios. "It also allows you to really choose a favorite dish instead of wasting calories on something you did not appreciate."


Have a high protein breakfast

Sweet potato egg hash - best ways to speed up your metabolism

Unlike popular belief, researchers now say breakfast does not throw metabolism and may not be the most important meal of the day. A study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Had more than 300 overweight participants consume plans that included or skip breakfast. After 16 weeks, the diet people who have lunch did not lose weight than breakfast skippers. And a second study in the same newspaper found that breakfast had an impact on resting metabolism. Breakfast is an ideal place to squeeze the protein, fibers and other nutrients in your day, but if the choice is a donut or nothing, opt for nothing. Start your day with lean protein, which burns twice as many calories during digestion as grease or carbohydrates. But do not stress the pressing one before 9 hours.


Drink oolong tea

Oolong tea - best ways to speed up your metabolism

This traditional Chinese tea and rich in antioxidant helps not only keep cholesterol levels in control and AIDS digestion, this can also help your metabolism. As green tea, oolong is packed with catechins, which reinforce weight loss efforts by improving the body's ability to metabolize fat. A study in the Chinese newspaper of integrative medicine found that participants who have regularly released Oolong tea lost six pounds over six weeks.

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