The incredible story of how a series of mysterious events in Taiwan leads to a woman recovering her camera after 2 long years

An image says a thousand words or there is a story behind each photo, let's say as you wish, but there is no denying how valuable these stills. Be a

An image says a thousand words or there is a story behind each photo, let's say as you wish, but there is no denying how valuable these stills. Whether it's a birthday, a birthday, a party, a trip tour or just a meeting, these immortals are the immortal fragments of our past that we often remember while browsing through photographs. They remind us what we were in this exact moment, sometimes we deliberately highlighted our cheeks to say "cheese" and there were also times when we were up to something stupid and that spontaneous candit gathered us in a click. They mean a lot for us because they have our memories that are content to them and an idea to lose them scared to bones.

Unfortunately, a woman has misplaced her camera during one of her travel excursions that contained the images of her experience. She had never been held to recover it, but it seemed like the Lady Luck was on his side, a series of severe encounters would lead to this woman to find her camera after 2 long years. Find out how everything happened.


Remember these excursions on the ground we had been at school? Yeah, I know that some of you have found museums and boring teaching tours and loved outgoing trips more like a hiking expedition or visit a sanctuary or just camping fire, playing different games while you have Sung and dancing at night. But I bet nothing from your travels on the ground led to something that the children of Yue Ming School lived. Curious a lot? Read and discover for yourself.

Educate young people

Educating the Youth - Lost at Sea
Everything dates back to March 27, 2018, when a group of fifth graders attended a conference on the pollution of harmful effects on the beaches and oceans of their island and around the world. The students of Yue Ming primary school, Taiwan, had gathered to learn from their environmental education teacher Park Lee. But soon their cleaning campaign would take an unexpected turn.


The primary objective of adopting such a session with children was to raise awareness of the protection of marine life against non-degradable waste such as plastic bags and floating bottles in the ocean. Although they are all enthusiastic about this expedition, one of the students would discover an object that was certainly much more than a piece of waste.

A small effort goes a long way

Combing the Beach - Lost at Sea

Students left for a cleaning tour with their teacher Park Lee as expected. They targeted the beach closest to their school to try to clean the shores and show students how many things can be because of human ignorance. Field excursions are much better while addressing such problems instead of sitting inside a classroom and watching a presentation on the screen because students get the real scenario that helps them to better understand things. Also not to mention that they are very pleasant and fun.


Combing the Beach - Lost at Sea

Small environmentalists arrived at the beach equipped with garbage bags, sun hats and their school uniforms to do the job. Students have been divided into subgroups, assigned to different parts of the range allowing them to completely clean the beach. It was a tedious task but they fired with pleasure and smile on their faces. However, their happy faces would soon change and would look at surprise when they discover a particular object.

What do we have here?

During the search, one of the children has found an unknown object that certainly did not look like a basket. It was quite heavy and hard. The particular object looked like a rock as it was covered with barnacles and the other side had a screen locked in a plastic box that made it difficult to identify what it was exactly. When students could not understand it, they headed for their teacher, Park Lee, to help them identify their exotic discovery.

Not such a particular object after all
Camera Case - Lost at Sea

Park Lee took a closer look before cleaning the barnacles of the unusual object. After removing some of the barnacles, it appeared to all that the unusual object was only a sealed case of a camera. But it was not an empty case and the reason it was so heavy was that there was a Canon G12 camera that contained there. "We thought it was broken, but by chance, spilled a barn through the case and found a button to open the case," said Lee.


An Amazing Discovery - Lost at Sea

The seal of the protective case was intact but was it just enough to save the camera? He had to bear strong waves and currents and other forces that are in the body of the water, which would certainly have made difficult because the case remains sealed all that. Or if it was not the case, perhaps a local would have lost here. Among all these speculations, the truth, which would soon be disclosed.


All credits go to the waterproof business, it protected the camera from the seawater and kept it intact as well as in a good physical condition. By the appearance of the plastic case, it was right to say that the camera must be there at the beach for a long time. However, despite its good physical condition, the question remained; Has he worked as well?

Light, camera, action!

Canon PowerShot G12 - Lost at Sea

The curious but excited students tried to turn the camera on and when they touched the power button, to their surprise, he was lit and that he had enough battery energy. In addition, there were hundreds of photos stored in his memory card that always worked at his best. He did not take a lot of time lee to understand that this camera had an interesting story and a story to tell ...

The ethics of everything

Full Memory Card of Photographs - Lost at Sea

The students will return it to the classroom but the question always remained unanswered - what to do with the camera? Pass through the images of the camera from a stranger struck as opposed to the ethics in Lee, but it was the only thing they could do if they found the owner of this camera. "Some children thought we had won the camera and could keep for ourselves. Others suggest that we should try to find the owner - and we all sat all to think about how to do that. "Lee said, but in one case to do the latter, they had to go through the images.

The first index

Girl Scuba Diving - Lost at Sea

Park Lee with his students decided to browse the pictures and they discovered that the last photo clicked on the camera was dated September 7, 2015. It was a picture of a woman who had clicked on closed diving during the dive Marine. The photo did not help them a lot to identify where it plunged and its dive combination had no clue that could help discern the location. So they started looking for more photos.

The face of everything

Girl Scuba Diving Smiling for Camera - Lost at Sea

While they started scrolling the photos, they finally saw a picture with a face in it. Just like the previous picture, it was a visual of a lady plunged under a body of water. They assumed that the woman of the photo must be the owner of the camera, but they were not sure yet. Although speculation is still activated, they would soon discover who belonged to this camera while more indices were about to contemplate.

A reef

Picture of Scuba Divers - Lost at Sea

Looking at the images they had recovered from here now, Lee and his students perceived that this lady with other divers plunged through a kind of reef and she captured these hypnotant pictures at the time of her experience. At this point, the students were empathic to the woman they thought of being the owner of the camera, thinking how terrible he would have been for her to lose his camera and memories she had contained in the pictures.

A lightweight festival

Light Festival - Lost at Sea
Judging by the visuals, the next photo of the camera dated August 5, 2015 was supposed to capture a kind of festival of light. This photo was captured there is almost a month of diving, could she say that the woman was on vacation when she lost her camera? The aisles of these images were unknown and the place where the woman traveled to stay has remained a mystery. Although it is something Lee deemed against ethics, digging more photos was the only way to solve this mystery.

A Japanese fishery

Restaurant in Japan - Lost at Sea

When Lee and his students progressed in the next picture, they were evolving by what they had seen. It was an image of a fish restaurant that had Japanese letters registered on the screen. The image was clicked on July 30, 2015, which clearly indicated that this woman should be in Japan on the day of this clicked picture. But the question was how did the camera have in Taiwan?

An aquarium?

Aquarium of Dolphins - Lost at Sea

The easiest detective work always, just browse the images and resolve the mystery. Many questions were thinking of Lee's spirit and his student, and the best way to find the answers had to continue to scroll through the photos until they receive a concrete index. And when they did, they hit an image of illuminated dolphins dated July 30, 2015, the same day on which the woman had visited Japanese fishing.

More indices

Japanese Signage - Lost at Sea

It took Lee and his students a couple of more photos but finally, they were up to something. The following photo helped to identify the location of the owner before losing his camera at the sea. The next photo that was taken on July 25, 2015, was signs that read "Tsuribari", it means a "hook" of fish".

Something is ladle

It was a fishing pond and a visit to that would cost 1,000 yen per hour. It was as clear as a crystal that a room does not captivate an image of such ponds. Lee and his students still examined the place on the basis of the photographs and attracted a conclusion that the woman must have traveled to the island of Ishigaki.

The ultimate index

Exploring Japan - Lost at Sea

From what they analyzed by looking at different photos that included the visual elements of different streets of Japan, scuba diving and dolphins, Lee and his students attracted the conclusion that the woman may have been Japanese and It was on vacation to Ishigaki, Okinawa. However, the next picture of an airport panel was the mother of all the clues that clearly indicated that the woman had traveled the Nishinomiya North exit on this island on July 24, 2015. They were just as surprised to know the camera were Lost in Japan. And had traveled somehow over 155 miles before being on a beach in Taiwan.


Tracing Her Steps - Lost at Sea

As strange or impossible that it can ring, but all the clues indicated the fact that the camera had floated with the waves of all the way from Ishigaki Island before being on a beach of Taiwan. A swimmer for a right camera! Although this was obvious to the owner of the camera to believe that his camera was lost forever, she would soon have the surprise of her life in the most unexpected way of all time.

A solution ... Facebook

Master Solution - Lost at Sea

It is a known fact that a message can spread like a forest fire on social media, especially when there is a cause behind. Lee and his students used the power of social media and posted the photos available on the online camera on Facebook explaining both Japanese and Chinese on how the camera was found at the sea.

A camera lost at sea

lost at sea

It is overwhelming to see how much Lee and his students were determined to find the owner of this camera. What they did was a pure display of disinterested behavior and empathy. It only had a few hours since they found this camera and it did not take them long to post the pictures and story of how they crossed the path with this camera.


In his position, Lee started by mentioning the details on how he and his students were there to clean the beach when they accidentally found this camera. He also apologized to look at personal images from a stranger and added that he had no other choice if he had to find and establish the owner of this camera.

A detailed search
Facebook Search - Lost at Sea

As a teacher, he was natural for the Lee to be intelligent, but it was just not only intelligent reserved, he was Street Smart. He emphasized the fact that the camera images seem to be of a young Japanese woman, which he recognized by the diving scenes and the images of the festival they found in the camera. In addition, he made sure to mention the dates on which the images had been captured to establish the delay in which the camera had been misplaced.


Canon PowerShot G12 - Lost at Sea

Not only that, but Lee also took a picture of the Immaculate Camera and posted it online to show the determination and respect they had for this research. At his surprise, the job has passed closely quickly and has been shared by nearly 10,000 people with thousands of people who are also starting on the pole. "I received countless people from Taiwan and Japan [who] wanted to bring the camera with his owner," Lee said.

Check your inbox

Check Your Inbox - Lost at Sea

Within 30 hours of the release of lost camera news, a Japanese friend Pinged Lee asking him to check his e-mail. This is an example of how ubiquitous social media are. Lee was surprised after checking his inbox, the camera owner had dropped the text lee a text to check his identity. While I was convinced that we could possibly find the owner, I had no idea that it would happen so quickly, "Lée exclaimed.

Serina Tsubakihara

Group of Divers - Lost at Sea

"I was diving underwater and I lost the camera when one of my friends missed and needed my help," Tsubakihara Lee said. Tsubakihara had to save her friend and do it she dropped her camera to grab the emergency oxygen tank. She was sure that her camera was now part forever like finding such a small object in a vast body of water looked like "finding a needle in a hay boot".

More about Tsubakihara

Serina Tsubakihara - Lost at Sea

Tsubakihara, a resident of Tokyo and a last student year in English at Sophia University told Lee on how to meet him. It was after a friend from his family saw the position of Lee on Facebook and informed Tsubakiapara on the whole thing from the camera. "I was super surprised when my friends told me about that and sent me the pole with these pictures. I could not believe that it happened," she said.

More than a camera

While the lost images of his trip were as important, the camera itself had a story behind her. He was a birthday present of his parents and Tsubakiahara was angry at having lost his camera. But nature is very compassionate, just when Tsubakihara awaited him the least or said that she had found it impossible, her camera was found and delivered to her overseas.


Serina Tsubakihara - Lost at Sea

Seeing these photos evoked nostalgic memories of his trip. "These photos remind me of old memories and watching them bring me back to them." Tsubakakhara said. What is more insisible for Tsubakihara is that she and her friends had already been in Taiwan in March 2017 and possibly her camera was also found on a Taiwan coast too. I still can not believe it's happening but the only what I mean is to thank you so much for every person who has been involved in that, "she said.


It was only a miracle that the camera case remains sealed for so long, protecting the camera against strong currents and waves all the time, it floated in the sea and even after when it rest to Su'ao, Taiwan. What is more surprising is that all the images were always saved in the device and there was not a single fault in its operation, since the camera had not been used for almost until 'to two years. Miraculous, is not it?

Plans to visit Taiwan

Plans to Visit Taiwan - Lost at Sea

Everyone is not as kind and generous as the park and his students were. I mean how many of us would have done the same thing and bother to find the location of a lost camera owner on our heads. If it was not for the efforts that are parked and that his students did, the story of this lost camera would still remain in the shadows.

thank you so much

Tsubakihara was also happy and excited to know that his lost camera was in a pair of safe hands. Today, what remains was to visit Taiwan to collect its camera and also thank Lee and its incredible students in person for their gestures in kind. For now, she made a video call to Lee and students to express her gratitude for what they did. "I could hardly contain my excitement about this recent event chain." she said.

A media struck

Fuji TV Interivew - Lost at Sea

The story of Tsubakihara greeted well with the media and was largely covered on different channels. Many Japanese news channels and around the world contacted Tsubakihara. Everyone wanted to know how she had lost her camera and recovered after 2 long years. She was surprised by the attention of the media that her story had attracted.

A sponsored trip

Sponsored Trip - Lost at Sea

Tsubakihara would always remember Taiwan for his hospitality. Just as you think that nothing could be the largest meeting of Tsubakahara with his camera, a renowned Taiwan travel agency named Kkday, sponsored Tsubakihara and his mother, two days of five days between 26 to 30 April 2018, Including air tickets and stay at four. Star Hotel named Yilan Yuechuan.

A blessing leads to another

Yue Ming Elementary School Sponsored by Canon - Lost at Sea

Canon appreciated the children for their good action by rewarding them with free cameras, a way to reimburse them for their efforts to find the owner of the camera. Although there is no materialistic gift that can pay Lee's heroics and students at Yue Ming primary school, Canon gave free cameras to children in order to capture marine ecological images during their Environmental education course and educational tours. Lee thanked Canon on behalf of his students and assured that they would put the cameras with good use.

A special meeting

Yue Ming Elementary School - Lost at Sea

The fifth graders of Yue Ming primary school took the city by a storm and have since been rewarded with various honors, including an invitation to a meeting of a youth entrepreneurial company at the Wenchuang market. The small guests were treated during the event with local cuisine, fruit and vegetables, coffee and free desserts, and a lot of respect they deserved.

Set an example

Not so long ago, Lee and his students raised about 20,000 yuan equivalent to $ 3,176, organizing a visit to the park and offering free massages and tea. They also used this amount to visit some seaside schools where they presented a puppet show named "The camera drifting in the sea". Their goal is to educate other schools and encourage them to go out with their own beach cleaning campaigns.

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