The man saves a dying crocodile and the pair goes against all odds to prove something interesting

There are so many animals around us. As humans, we understood what the species can potentially threaten from us and what can be approached. Absolutely

There are so many animals around us. As humans, we understood what the species can potentially threaten from us and what can be approached. Well, knowing everything there are animals that you should never get too close. However, there is a moment when there is an exception to these cases. Cases that lead you to believe that sometimes these notions are revealed to be false. Here is a man who has found a better friend in an animal that we all try to avoid, a crocodile ...

The crocodile

We all know that crocodiles are quite ferocious and have a very violent reputation. These reptiles can become quite fierce when they detect a danger or while chasing food. If there is one thing you need to know about them, it would then be necessary to be the fact that if a crocodile is not hungry or threatened, these reptiles usually do not go after someone or became a danger for anyone.


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We must remember that crocodiles are strong enough and will certainly constitute a threat if you do them or pose a threat for them in any way. However, some people do not have the fear of these animals. One of these people would be Chito Shedden, Costa Rica. Thus, the man has discovered at the edge of a river, a dying crocodile and did something that most of us would not even dare to do ...


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Crocodiles are found in abundance around the world. We can find in the North and South America, Australia, Africa and Asia. Among the reptilian predators, the crocodile takes the upper spot with a force of 5,000 lbs per square inch. They can reach about 16 feet in length and not only that, fangs can actually reach a weight of more than 1,000 lbs.

A different approach

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So, as they are enormous, it is really logical that most people would like to avoid having a contact with a crocodile. Obviously, who would like to stay in the path of these formidable beasts? But Bredden had a very different reaction to the crot he found. His reaction was something that really makes a story to note.

Dating Chito Shedden

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Chito Bredddddddddden works as a local fisherman and ended up discovering the crocodile at the river. After that, he decided to name the Poncho crocodile. He met the reptile on the River Rendazón. Chito is not just a fisherman but is actually an amateur naturalist and a tourist guide of Limon Province, Costa Rica. So he was not at all unknown with wildlife ...

Not give up poncho

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As soon as Chito discovered that Poncho was there on the banks of the river, he realized that the Croc was in a critical condition. Poncho was on the point of death. The fisherman decided not to ignore the predator, but to do something about it. So the fisherman has decided to bring him home and try to feed him to health. It would surely not have been approaching most of us ...

Here's poncho

When Chito saw the poncho was there at the bank of the river, he knew he had to do something. He could say that the croco was a lean 150 lb and it was in a critical condition. When Chito approached the fang, he discovered that the Croc had been shot at the head and the left eye, which he presumed had been done by a local livestock who took care of his flock.

Not an option

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Even though it was clearly a very serious injury, Chito could not just leave the poor croc to die there like that. He did not feel like moving away from the crocodile approaching death. Even if it was clearly very dangerous for him, Chito did not change his decision to try to help the crocodile ... he saw how powerless it was, then deserting Poncho was not a option.

All it took

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Even if the crocodile that the chito met was incredibly thin at only 150 lbs, he was still able to easily hurt a human without much thought or problems. As there was still a potential to attack and harm, Chito knew he had to take precautions for himself. He decided to take the help of some of his friends to help him raise the poor creature on his boat to bring him home.

Take Poncho Home

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Chito was considering bringing the crocodile back to a healthy condition to return to his natural habitat. He took the crocodile at home and proceeded to name her Poncho, which meant force. The crocodile would need a long time for its complete recovery. The man and the reptile were both determined to achieve this goal ...

A good nurse

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Poncho then took care of the most effective nurse he could have requested. We say that because Chito never left his side while he was trying to recover. It has prioritized to get the drug needed to prevent infection until wounds can disappear alone. Poncho has also been nourished a lot of healthy foods like fish and chicken.

Empathy and compassion

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It was certainly not the end like man and the beast quickly won respect for each other. This must have been due to the fact that they spend so many nights side by side, sleeping together. Another great reason for which Poncho would quickly heal the tender love care that Chito had plunged her. His empathy and compassion had managed to inform the beast for life.

A strong link

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In the coming months, Chito Fed Poncho using his own hands. It will even imitate mastication motions in an attempt to attract the crocodile to eat more. In addition, Chito was convinced that the reptile needs his love and care to continue living. He then stated that it was what allowed him to continue to live.

The art of affection

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Chito took care of Poncho as a pet, ensuring that the wild animal was loved by him and he wanted him to win this battle regarding his health. Moreover, it seemed like Chito taught to an animal that had been thought of being able to show affection, to learn how to do it. These two even erected in cuddling and kisses shocking so many people.

Which chito has abandoned

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One of the most interesting things about the man and his crocodile friend should be what Chito has abandoned the Croc. Yes, strange as it may seem, Chito's marriage ended because of the time and effort he placed on the crocodile. It is indeed a sad fact of having to emphasize that the marriage of Chito ended because of the relationship he shared with the wild animal.

The least disturbed

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His wife was a little trembled in the sort of relationship that Chito had with wild crooking. So, in the end, he became a little too much that she decided to leave him. This is not even the strangest part of this entire incident. When Chito was questioned about how he feels all that, he would answer others by telling them that it was not a big problem. In fact, he asserts that he felt something special with the crocodile.

The return

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Chito has not stopped taking care of the crocodile but has always decided to follow his plan. So, when Poncho was pretty solid and healthy enough to return to the wild nature, in his natural habitat. So with the help of the same friends, he was again the time of the Chito of Charger Poncho in the boat. Even if he liked to spend time with the crocodile, he knew where Poncho really belonged.


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So with his friends helping him, Chito was able to release Poncho in a neighboring area where they had found it. And then the time has come for both to finally be part of the ways. Even if it was a sad moment, everyone knew it was the good thing to do. And among them, Chito has been included. But the next day, when Chito woke up his sleep, something incredible had taken place.

The sweetness of the household

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So, instead of residing in the river, Poncho ended up following the house of Chito's boat. Chito was not aware of this and when the crocodile surprised him in the morning, he could not believe it. The Croc had actually spent the night on his veranda and it was an incredible view to see. He thought they had gave their goodbye to see him there, there was a pleasant surprise.

Chito Lake

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Chito soon learned that the Croc made his decision that was to come back and not move away from Chito. In the end, Poncho had to be kept in the Lake on the Earth of Chito. The inseparable pair clearly did not want to be taken apart from others. In no time, their link was stronger and Poncho did not complain about the new lake he was kept.

A whole new life

In a timely manner, Chito married once again and even ended up having a beautiful girl. He was able to create the family he had always wanted to have. It was clear that the Croco he had challenged also answered his name. After Chito realized this, he was convinced that Poncho could be trained to do something else too ...

A fast learner

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Well, knowing everything that a crocodile would not be careful to keep around anyone else. So even if Poncho was part of Chito's life, he needed prioritizing his daughter's safety. He took all the precautions and the baby was not allowed near Poncho if his father was absent. You can never be too cautious when a baby is around. Soon, Poncho could learn more and it was a show to see.

A long process

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Poncho was certainly not formed during the night. It took a long time for him to learn so much. More than 10 years of constant interaction with Chito to be able to react and attend its keys. Both would often appreciate swimming, proving that quality time spent together reinforced their unique obligation. It was a kind of incredible to see that they were so close.

Play together

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It was not like the ordinary man and the pet relationship we see every day. The case of Poncho was something really unique. As he had a strong predatory trend, he slowly learns to put aside when he interacts with his Savior. They were so comfortable with each other and were happy to spend time together. Then they started playing between them possibly ...

Have attention

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The strange relationship that the man and the shared crocodile had soon attracted the attention of tourists and residents. As they were so interesting, both would play every Sunday, in the comfort of their own yard! What makes them really special is the fact that neither chito or poncho started the relationship with the idea of ​​playing, but it soon became natural ...

Not a care

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People have found it difficult to believe that both were so effort to play with each other, and everyone could feel their connection. It all started when Chito would swear in his lake every morning to spend time with his reptile pal. Poncho would then ride with the man who saved him, without inhibited by the fact that there would be many people who looked at them ...

A documentary

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There was another thing that both of them had been incredibly comforting. After drawing a lot of attention, Chito and Poncho decided that it was time to make their own documentary. This has been done so that the public can better understand how their link is special. The film had received the title, "the man who swims with crocodiles".

Different behavior

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There are affirmations that are due to the shots that Poncho had lived, he still suffered from brain damage that allowed him to be quieter than it was normally supposed to be. Injuries would have had an effect on certain portions of the brain, obtain it to have more compassion and human interaction. If you think about it, how many crocodiles did you see act as Poncho?

Friends forever

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Crocodiles can actually live about seventy years. As for Poncho, judging that he had encountered such a horrible incident with the shots, the mere fact that he struck 50 was something worthwhile to be noted. The dynamic duo would say their last goodbye on October 12, 2011, when Poncho expired because of natural causes. It was a hard time for Chito because he had lost his best friend.

Life lessons

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Although left, Poncho will remember forever because Chito has made sure that his funerals would be something memorable. The public ceremony was the first to happen in history, being the funeral of the most formal and endearing crocodiles of all time. The tale of this man and the croco teaches us that with kindness, compassion and empathy, a link can always be formed between anyone.

If you thought that a man and a crocodile sharing a strong friendship was weird, here's our list of the expressions of strange animals that you probably thought to be impossible ...

Snake and hamster

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A Japanese zoo is a guard to a very strange relationship shared by a hamster and a rat snake. This link was placed when the guards placed the hamster inside the snake cage to feed. However, everyone did not expect to learn that the snake refused to eat the hamster. They finally created a link in which the hamster often covered itself until the snake, possibly becoming roommates.

Dog and elephant

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An elephant sanctuary located in Tennessee has different types of Elephants wandering around their own business. A beautiful day, Bella, the dog ended up roaming around the sanctuary and immediately became friends with Tarra. These two of them did everything together, playing, eating and even sleeping side by side. When Bella fell ill. Even Tarra has been depressed and the owners had to let them meet.

Hippo and turtle

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This pair is definitely one of the most stifling in this list of unlikely animal pairs. So, in the year 2004, these two animals became famous after the cassature because of an earthquake of the ocean in the Indian Ocean. The tsunami orphelina the hippo baby called Owen and he found a friend and a confidant in a 130-year-old turtle. These two have had a lot of attention to which they even have their own website.

Oranguutan and dog

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Primates tend to be pretty defensive and most of them will never become friends with animals outside their species. Heck, most of them have trouble developing relationships with themselves. But when a stray dog ​​has named Roscoe rolled, Oranguutan has immediately become hooked. They have become long-standing friends and both have maintained a solid link since.


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There is another very strange pair that would surprise you totally. This friendship between a puppy and a chicken left many perplexed people. The two titles immediately made titles on the Internet when they started going out. If you think it's not real, you can actually look for a video of them where the chicken jumps on the puppy and seems apparently a hug ...


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As we all know, most kittens do not like to make friends with anyone, except for their mothers. For Cassie, the cat, it was not really a fact. She had been abandoned and quickly took care of a wild raven named Moses. The majority of cats would eventually pursue birds, but it was a different case. Moses, the croward really kept the cat away from the dangers of the street.

Cubs of dogs and lion

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Since a tiger was too sick to take care of his little ones, a dog took over and started taking care of them. It happened in China's Nanning Zoo and you can see that the dog will even breastfeed them. The strange fact is that this is not something new in the animal kingdom of China. It has been reported that these babies of separate animals often end up being supported by other animal species.

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