The curious case of a woman who escaped from her usual life in the middle of a hurricane
Sometimes each of us may need our only space and our time with ourselves. When we do not want to answer anyone on how we are or where we are. Arrives with eV

Sometimes each of us may need our only space and our time with ourselves. When we do not want to answer anyone on how we are or where we are. Arrives with everyone. And if our love is not among us and we think they just have their only time when they could be blocked in some unforeseen circumstances where they really need our help? Even a thought of that is scary, is not it?
Hannah Upper, an amazing person of 33 years with a delicious nature and a generous heart. She has always been the one who can enlighten the room by her glowing smile and rest her charm could do for her. Hannah in her first appearance looked like a girl next door. A beautiful day, everything has become serious for people around her when herself had no idea what.
A passionate educator
In 2013, a passionate educator, the excitement of Hannah Upper was at its peak when she moved to St. Thomas to the US Virgin Islands. Teaching was his dream forever, which was now reality when she had been entrusted to the position of the teacher's assistant. For her, this place was no less a paradise. The Montessori School where Hannah began his raw career with an educational approach centered on the child. She was also a follower of this trend of education and felt very blessed to work there. She was also sent to Oregon by the Summer School to obtain certification so that she could lead her own class.
Modern Mary Poppins
She was famous with the name: "A modern Mary Poppins' day among his students since the beginning of his classes on the island. Michael Bornn, the school director has always taken parents to the Hannah class at any time wanting to know about the school teaching process. Michael used her to introduce her to the parents saying, "She is a dozen an example. She is not just a Montessori teacher; She is a passionate Montessori teacher. "Although Hannah is perfect with his work and his life was in good way without any warning, all this was about to end.
Catastrophe strike
Unlike most of us, Hannah's work was the best part of his day. September 6, 2017 was an unfortunate day whenHurricane Irma brokenSt. Thomas Virgin Islands,U.s. It was just before the beginning of the fourth year of his school session following the consultation of his students. Hannah with his roommates rushed to the laundry of their apartment and stayed there all night and waited for the storm passes.
A frightful night
The windows continue to hit inside the night and the broken electric cable and fall on their roof because of the strong winds. The ladies knew they have to stay together and stay in the same place. It was a long night that never ends at some point, but as the time spent and the day coming, people started getting out of their homes. The night seemed to be a nightmare unless you get out of their building just to see the destruction that the hurricane caused.
Destruction of the day in the next day
Over the period of one night, the whole island seemed different. The hurricane washed several buildings with its strong winds. The roof of the city's hospital was gone and many people were killed. Suzanne Carlson, a daily news journalist, interviewed residents who cried, "That's what's - St. Thomas is over." Hannah was in emotional stress like everyone else, but she was not yet aware of the hurricane on the point of starting in her brain in a few days a few days.
The calm after the storm
Hannah understood that it is a severe situation. The first thing she did was getting in touch with her family and friends to tell them that she is safe and that she's fine, "I do not recognize anything," she said in A text message she has made to a known person. Although everyone takes a breath of relief at that time. What they did not know is that it will be the last time they heard Hannah.
After Hurricane Irma destroys the whole of St. Thomas, Hannah was concerned about his ex-boyfriend Joe Spallino, diving instructor. She lost contact with him from the hurricane. On the sixth day after the catastrophe, she led to his home to check and get more information about the hurricane. When she reached her place, she noticed that all her things were parties. His heart flowed with bad thoughts, but fortunately, she saw her owner who informed her that he was fine. Then she rushed into the direction where she could find Joe.
At the shore
Joe helped people on a marina to get free walks on the "ships of mercy" before the next hurricane strikes the island, Hurricane Maria; A category storm 5. She met him when climbing a ship that was heading towards Puerto Rico when he gave him a human role to join him. "And if you come?" He asked, at which Hannah replied that it was not a good idea to leave with him. Now, Joe wishes if he would have convinced her to be on the ship, she would have been among her loved ones today.
No more phone
After meeting Joe, Hannah ceased to use his phone. She never sends messages or calls has never been done. When Hannah went to school, she met the school directors, Norma Bolinger, who helped with other people, which allowed the school to stay through Hurricane Maria, who was on The point of hitting Saint-Thomas in a few days. The next day she appeared at school but behaved in a strange way that everyone noticed, but no one really thought would affect so much. They assumed that it was the fear of the hurricane it behaved in such a way. What did she do exactly who did people wonder all this?
Strange behaviour
They eliminated all the images of the walls. Norma spoke to Hannah when she answered with the answers of a word, yes or no. She was a warm person and a nice person who liked to engage in conversations. "She totally absorbed Montessori's theory, to the point where I could see her becoming a moveor and a policy shaker," normally recalled in an interview later. What was happening with her?
Something is "UPP"
Hannah did a lot of work at school that day and reached the home all tired. When his roommates were talking about Hurricane Maria, she sat down slowly. Three of his roommates decided to move away from the island as soon as possible and asked Hannah to join them. She panicked and seemed annoyed by their conversation. "I stay - that's my heart. The school is going to be the first step towards normality for these children," she told Leslie Bunnell, one of her roommates. C ' was his last face to deal with the conversation with anyone.
On September 14, 2017, when his friends woke up, Hannah was not there, but they saw a note left by her. They were a little suspicious of the note because she could have toned text the same thing that was mentioned in the note. Nobody could understand the need for the note, but no one took it like something serious.

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