The Chinese family adopts a Tibetan mastiff puppy that grew up to be something much bigger than expected

Animal lovers have a different place for animals in their hearts. They can not see anyone suffering from suffering. Well, this story revolves around such an animal lover

Animal lovers have a different place for animals in their hearts. They can not see anyone suffering from suffering. Well, this story revolves around such an animal lover whose only mistake was that she could not withstand abandoned pain of pain. That's how it all started in the first place but does not adopt animals a good thing? Yes, it's a good thing to arrive but not in this case, asking me why? Because Su Mou has faced surprising consequences to adopt what she has called, "a better friend of a man". Perhaps because sometimes, you have to get closer to get a clear view of reality.

Always wanted a dog

Su soft is a resident of Kunming City, Yunnan, China. She lived there most of her life. His children always insist to get a pet but so far, the whole family was very busy and no one can take care of an extra being for all time. Even though she was an animal lover herself, knew that the adoption of a dog will be a full full-time job. She was waiting for the right moment to adopt a pet. Two years back, the soft family was finally ready for that.

Fatal holiday

Sou soft has planned fun holidays for his family, but she knew little that she will end up welcoming a new member of her family. What started as a cold casual trip to a nearby vacation destination came to the decision point where Sou soft was supposed to say yes at the request of his child and to accept the change or that things are found as they still have summer. Well, it seemed a simple decision at first, but it was going to have a huge impact on all their families.


The second day of their trip, the soft family decided to take out a walk on the side of the beach. The couple took advantage of a peaceful sunset and their children were playing nearby. Su soft spoke to her husband and when she again watched on the horizon and noticed that her children did not play there. She was looking for them here and there, but the children were out of his sight. Where did they go?

Looking for children

The couple immediately worried that was an obvious thing. They sought them and decided to go in opposite directions. Sule could not find them anywhere on his side of the beach and was not aware of the fact that her husband has already seen the children before seeing them. Before she could take a breath of relief, there was something in the hands of the child she noticed.

A little puppy

The youngest caressed a small puppy that the eldest held in his arms. It was the puppy behind whom they ran and went away, on the sight of their parents. The puppy seemed extremely hungry and the family decided to take him to the hotel. The children connected with the small and were not ready to leave the puppy go.

An honest demandChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

The children made an honest demand for their mother to let them take the puppy with them. Su Mou thought to adopt a dog for a few months, because bringing a home home home would keep children engaged most of the time and give them a sense of responsibility. Su gave to the demands of his children and they finally adopted the puppy.

Applied conditions

Su Mou told his children that she was ready to adopt the puppy if the children will agree to take him on a daily walk, to swim each week and take responsibility for his food and all. Out of excitement, children instantly accepted the conditions of their mother. And knew too was happy to see that his children were happy. This is how the soft family has added a new member to their homes and family.

Welcome 'little black'

Su and his family came home with a puppy, they just named "little black" as he had a thick black fur and even the color of dark eyes. They were all excited but did not know what will happen in the short period of two years.

Tibetan black mastiff

Chinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

Su felt like it was a Tibetan black mastiff known as dog Himalaya. No doubt he became preferred children among the neighborhood. Su Mou took her and gave her a few months of time to become familiar with her new environment, which he did.

Found in abundance

The Tibetan Mastiff is the species that can be found in abundance in the country, especially in rural areas. Several years ago, this breed would be one of the most sought-after dog breeds as well as the most expensive, but they have become a big problem in Qinghai province these days. There were more than 500 stray mastiffs in the area a few years back.

Food expert

Certainly, dogs like to eat but little black loved to eat more than the rest. He was always hungry. It looked like the sentence of the deficiency that the puppy could have faced throughout his early age before the family adopted. So far, everything seemed normal but it's not like that it was going to be after a while.

Impressive improvement

Everyone was happy to see the instant improvement in chick health. When they brought it home, it was a small little puppy but as soon as Su soft started giving him a good healthy diet, he quickly started gaining weight.

Dining room

Su was overwhelmed to see that Little Black adapted to the new environment without any difficulty. All they wanted was to see their little black grow like a huge Tibetan mastiff in good health. And that did not seem impossible after noticing his daily regime, he presented an incredible growth rate.

Faster than usual

Black Little grows up and sucking it was a normal thing for young puppies to grow quickly in the first year, but she had never seen a dog growing with this speed. But then their puppy liked to eat and maybe it was the only reason for this extraordinary growth. The family continued to fulfill his appetite without doubting anything, but things will soon come out of their hands.

Become a little suspicious

Su soft has a little suspicious when one of their loved ones told them something about Little Black who did not match right. The little black pushed faster compared to other dogs. She was a bit curious but not enough to do research. She kept calm like her husband while their children were happy with little black and that's what mattered.

Standing on two feet

Su went to the house of the house and noticed something strange about Little Black. For a moment, he does not even look close to what we can call a dog. His heart jumped a beat when she noticed a huge black creature standing like a human! As soon as she lit the lights, she noticed that it was little black standing on two feet.

Without training

The first thought that crossed his mind was that dogs could act like that sometimes. However, they never trained little black to stand on two feet. How can he just stay like that? At that moment, Little Black did not look like a dog but something much wilderness than a dog can never be.

Grew up

The family noticed that the ability of Little Black was much more than they infilled. As the little black was 1 years, his hunger became almost impossible to be satisfied. As Su Mou later recalled that he ate more than "a box of fruit and two buckets of noodles every day".

Fear of him

The family has always continued to feed little black for next year. As he was 2 years old, the dog was 3 feet high and weighed more than 250 pounds. It was much greater than other dogs. Children and even Sule Sau used to be afraid of him sometimes. It was weird because it does not matter the size of a dog, they like to be treated like babies, but the little black seemed to grow a little more dominant. It was not all because there were more unusual things to happen.

Odd features

As the little black grew up, his features changed too. His teeth become bigger than usual. Sucked still that the reason behind it was its big big size that he had these huge sharp teeth. This disturbed it but not as many other facts.

Standing on the subsequent legsChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

What was really disturbing it was that the little black was used to his subsequent legs instead of using his paws to walk. Instead of fighting trying to stay standing, a little black, the air if comfortable in this posture as if born with her like humans.

Cool more

Chinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

At first, everyone was amused to see little black more and more big than other dogs, but when they walked in the yard and saw her walk on her subsequent legs, they could not help but help Become terrified and worried for children.

RumbleChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

Suever has never noticed that it has never heard little black barking. At first, they all thought he was just scared and a little silent dog, but he grew up that little black began to roar and grumble. With every month passing, he started looking less than a dog and more of something wild. Su declared: "The more he grows up, the more he looks like a bear he looked"

Far from being a dogChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

Su and his family end up cope with the reality that known was not a pet dog, but a wild bear. Although everyone is emotionally attached to the dog, they were afraid of the fact that he could show at all times his wild side who can even cost him the lives of their family. The little black was already too big to be manipulated and su it was helpless with what should be done next.

Account of the materialChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

Su thought what stage should be taken, in the meantime, she was going to feed little black and the situation escaped from her hands. She panicked and even though she knew she had unconsciously conducted a crime, she also called the local police and the animal rescue team.

Local authoritiesChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

The authorities of the Public Security Bureau of Yiliang County have been accompanied by his home as quickly as possible and after looking at Little Black, they knew that SU was not lying. Su knew how to domesticate a wild animal was a serious crime and that she was a big problem now, but she had to save her children from the threat to live with a bear in their garden.

In the face of the truthChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

"I'm a little frightened of the bears," Su accepted while giving him a statement to the police. She admitted that she could not understand that little black was actually a Ursub, not a puppy. They informed him of what she knew he was forbidden to domesticate wild animals and violated laws and regulations according to the propaganda of public safety.

The little black was a bearChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

When the authorities entered the courtyard, the little black was busy eating his routine meals. They immediately told the family that it was an Asian black bear. This is how the family finally learned to know which species they caress all these years.

How everything wentChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

SU has later recalled: "At the time, it was said that it was only a small Tibetan mastiff. After taking the house, it was used as Tibetan mastiff. Later, the bigger the bigger, the more the most looks like a black bear. "But what is a cubic bear on the edge of the beach?

Asian black bearChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

Asian black bears are specifically found in some parts of Asia and that's all. This species is omnivorous and has a thick brownish or blackish fur. There is one thing that makes them easily identifiable.

A unique featureChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

Asian black bears are communically called Tibetan bear, Himalayan Bears and even bears of the moon. The functionality that makes them different from other species is a white line on their chest that looks like a moon when they walk on their subsequent legs, and that's how they got this last name which is the name from the moon.

Total embarrassment

Chinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

It was an embarrassing moment for Su Su and his family. She lifted a wild animal without even having any idea about it. And when they learned to know what was wrong, su was an adult bear. In addition, she was worried if the authorities had the opportunity to take action against her or not.

CommitChinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

"Although I was a little scared of the black bear, I was raised for two years and I have feelings. I know that after the black bear, I'm afraid if I'm hurt or hurt, I'm going to raise broth and fruit every day, "said Sou soft.

Response from local authorities

Chinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

The little black was taken from the house and su had a strict warning by the officials. The little black has been transferred to the Yunnan fauna rescue for tests and medical examinations. This is not the first case where someone misunderstood a black bear for a poach.

Simple reminder

Chinese Owners Realized that His Puppy Grew Up Into Something Far From Their Expectations

"Forest public safety reminds the public that all state-owned animals to protect animals, that hunting, killing it, domestication, reproduction, sale, etc., must obtain a license before being able to be put. implemented. Otherwise, it is illegal and the light will be done by the Department of Wildlife Protection. Administrative punishment can be a serious crime. At the same time, there are still major security risks, "said the representative of the authorities.

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