Dr. Fauci says it's the strangest side effect Covid-19

The superior infectious disease specialist talked about the cytokine storm.

As the cases of coronavirus spike across America, the best infectious disease specialist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allegations and Infectious Diseases, shared his thoughts on how to get the virus Under control of your mask, avoid crowds. , do not go to the bars. And in an interview withMedscape'Eric J. Topol, MD and Abraham Verghese, MD, he discussed one of the most alarming side effects of Covid-19: the "cytokine storm". Physicians, including him, have observed that many patients who have managed to survive in Covid-19 feel better than for a short time. After that time, their confused immune system reacts out of proportion causing inflammation of dangerous organs - or a "storm". This can be mortal.

"The only thing we know is, and I do not even think it clarifies more is that when they have been watching people who have progressed quickly - those who fell ill, went to L 'Hospital, they look like they "I'm fine, then suddenly, spectacularly, they get blocked and continue to fans -which was felt to be a hyperactive immunological, aberrant and inflammatory"Said Fauci." And in fact, I think it is at least partially true, based on the data of the British study in which the dexamethasone in individuals on fans and those requiring oxygen - but not in anticipated patients - considerably reduced the mortality rate. So we know that there is a lot of cytokine secretion. If you measure the beta of IL-1, IL-6, TNF, they are all high. "

How a Cytokine Rage Storm

"One of the great mysteries of the new coronavirus is the reason why it causes light diseases in most people, but becomes fatal for others", reports reportsWebmd. "In many cases, it seems that the worst damage can be motivated by an immune response disturbed to the infection, rather than by the virus itself. In many peak patients with COVID-19, their blood releases with high levels of protein of the immune system called cytokines. Scientists believe that these cytokines testify to an immune response called cytokine storm, where the body begins to attack its own cells and fabrics rather than fight against the virus. "

As a cytokine storm resembles the immune response seen in people with a type of arthritis, scientists study several anti-inflammatory used to treat this disease as possible treatments for COVID-19.

In the interview, Fauci was surprised: "What is the nature of the protective immune system? Is it erasing the virus and you have a hyperimmune and aberrant cytokine storm that gives you a pathogenic symptomatology at the same time as you delete the virus? We do not know. I must tell you that I am humiliating we do not know. We have so many people who have had sick sick, and we can not write a very good paper on the delimitation of the ABCD or what happens ... [and] I'm not so sure that it gives you a lot Perspectives Because we know, before we know, before Covid, that when you get people in the Strait of people with a lot of inflammation, you get a bit of a cytokine storm anyway. We just do not know. "

The storm joins an increasing list of growth of covid-19 side effects, including neurological damage, blood clots and chronic fatigue syndrome, which are frightening patients and doctors.

How protection equipment makes a difference

Fuci also said that we had to produce more of our own products in our country, to help fight coronavirus. "It's extraordinary how many EPP is not produced in the United States of America," he said. "I was stunned when I heard that a high percentage of this should be shipped, so you do not have any immediate control on it. If there have been lessons learned from that - And it's something we talked in the past when we talked about pandemic preparation -It is because we really need to enter our own geographical borders, things that were absolutely essential to the health of our country. This concerns everything from EPP to the ingredients of many pharmaceuticals we use, which come from outside. "

Chronology for a vaccine

Was also asked about the fact that we could have a vaccine. He said, "Every time you do research on the vaccine - you know as well as me - you can never guarantee it because there are always potholes and bumps on the road ... .as we Do all know that gold for a vaccine is to induce an answer at least as good as natural infection. So, if we could imitate this on the ground and have a comparable clinical efficiency, I thinkAt the end of this year, the very beginning of 2021, we could have one or more vaccinesAvailable for dose distribution. That's what I hope. "

As for yourself: stay healthy no matter where you live, do what Fauci recommends: avoid crowds (and bars and parties of the house), wear a face mask, practice social distance, do not manage that essential races, wash your hands regularly and cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus .

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