Actions of the homeless man after finding a portfolio full of silver abraced the owner and the spectators

Roaming is a dominant issue in our society these days. When we look at the streets, we can see many homeless people who do not even have the naked

Roaming is a dominant issue in our society these days. When we look into the streets, we can see many homeless people who do not even have the nude necessities we need. We find very easy to judge a homeless person we see in the streets. But what we often forget to put into perspective, that's the reason behind them that way. When this homeless man found a portfolio full of money, what he did was something that watched someone who had ever heard of that ...

Incredible story

We all know that the only thing that homeless can do is begging finally. They have no stable source of income. The option they are left is to ask people in the streets of money. They use this money to buy food and water that get them all day. We all have a presumption on how homeless are, but this story will certainly open your eyes a little more.

A touching story

We see all these homeless as very pesty and needy people we judge lazy and lower than us. They do not have a home or employment, they are a plague to society. But there are homeless people who have become in this way because of uncontrollable reasons. It is a story that could be able to bring a tear to your eye because of the touch key.

In the crowded city

If you look around when you go out in public, at least one or two homeless are required to sit somewhere in the corner. As they have no way of living, these homeless people tend to camp in the most practical corners in the street. This story involves a homeless guy who surfed into the streets in a crowded city.

A little different

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It looked like any other homeless person. He was disordered and wore some bags. The beggar has nothing but a bag full of clothes and nothing to eat. He made way through a very crowded street of his own business. There was something different about his man because he had no project to supplicate money ...

Begging money

We often associate roaming with begging. And to a certain extent, this notion is quite true because most homeless people tend to beg any food or money. But we must remember that sometimes some homeless are not there to just ask anything. The main guy of this story is not a beggar and had no intention of suppliering anything.

For a place

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The only thing this homeless man was looking for was something other than money or food. He was just looking for a quiet place to sleep. He just needed rest as it was a tiring day and everything he wanted to do was sleep. But his attention has been taken by something he has reported on the ground. What could it be and where does it come from?

I found something!

So when the homeless man was busy looking for a place to sleep, his attention was caught by something weird on the floor. He did not plan anything to find that day and did not seek anything, but the guy saw something interesting enough to pick up closer. He was lucky that day because it turns out, it was a portfolio.

To pick it up

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And then when he went near the strange article on the ground, he quickly realized that it was a portfolio. It was a so lucky day for the guy because he did not even need to ask for money that day. And without hesitation for a second, he went to pick it up immediately. There was something that was even more shocking in the portfolio as soon as he opened it.

So much money

The homeless man was just trying to find a place where he could have good sleep, but along the way, in the middle of the lively crowd, he found a wallet. After taking them into his hands, he opened to see what was the content. And to the surprise of man, he discovered that the portfolio was actually packed with money. He could not believe his eyes.

What then then?

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The homeless man had never seen so much money and was absolutely shocked to find him lying on the floor. It was already a surprise to find a wallet in the street but to know that it was full of money was something even more shocking for him. He was not sure what he would do with all that money. He also wondered if anyone saw him choose the portfolio ...

A hungry man

If you were a homeless man and you were caught in his position, what do you think you would do? The homeless man was confused as to what he should do with the money he found. He did not even have seen this amount of cash in cash in all his life, so he was quite perplexed. And all this time, he could feel that his stomach grew up.

To buy food?

The homeless man did not know what he wanted to do with all the money he found in the portfolio. Everything was a little too overwhelming and he could not understand what happened to him. So what do you think this guy was about to do with the wallet he has just picked up on the street? Do you think he would go for food to pacify his hunger?

Not a thief

We all know that every homeless person is always dirty because they have not taken a bath in days or they are always hungry because of not eating for days. You can always count on these two features when you think of homeless people. This homeless guy was actually very hungry as he had no food in more than a day. But he was not a thief ...

Not his money

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Now, although this homeless man was a very hungry guy who had obviously need to fill his stomach, he had his right morality. He was not about to simply use the money he found in the wallet. It did not belong to him and he did not feel like using the portfolio money, even if there was a lot. What he decided to do next was really amazing ...

Good actions

This guy was definitely an exception to all other homeless because of what he did next. Now, instead of taking money and fleeing like most homeless would have done, this guy did not do it. He was not a thief and felt that it would be wrong to use someone else's money who had not been given with consent.


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So if he did not want to spend the money, he found, what did this guy do? Well, the homeless guy decided it would be preferable that he just waited for a moment. He wanted to make sure that the person who lost the money came back to see if their lost portfolio was still there. The homeless man knew how important the portfolio must have refused to take something about it.

Protect the portfolio

And since he did not want to use a single male of the portfolio he found, the homeless man decided to wait for the person who had lost it. He knew sure that the amount of money in the wallet was sufficient to come back and look for. He initially thought of placing the portfolio where he found it, but immediately realized that someone else could take it.

He made a decision

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And so, the only option of this homeless in the heart of the heart was to wait for it. He just had to sit down and wait for the person who had lost the portfolio to come and pretend. He could not let the portfolio where it was certain that he was certain of another homeless person or maybe a local would take the money and escape and not renounce it.


While he was holding on the wallet, the homeless man then sank again another glance in the portfolio. He could see that the portfolio was full of money. In fact, he was full of money and the homeless man could already guess that the person who lost it must have probably received his monthly salary when he lost it. Imagine how much he had to be heartbreaking ...

Any other reason

From what he could see, the homeless man had some hypotheses. He found so much money inside the portfolio he led to believe that the person who lost it had just received his salary. It certainly had to be paid for someone to keep as much money in their portfolio. Therefore, it was obvious that the person must want and need their portfolio even more.

For a whole day

And then when he found the wallet, the only thing the homeless man could do was wait. As he had no way to contact the person who had lost it, he was only left with the opportunity to wait and wait. He hoped and praying that the person presented himself so that he could continue his day. And so the homeless man has waited all day but in vain.

Do you expect again?

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As we said, the portfolio contained so much money that would have been devastating for anyone to lose. The homeless guy knew sure that it was enough for someone to returned the search for research. So he waited near where he found it. He was confident that someone would have shown, but no one did. He was so shocked but decided to wait one more day since he had nothing better to do anyway.

The second day

And this man was decided to find the person who lost the portfolio full of money because he knew in his heart that it was the best thing to do. He was sitting in the streets waiting for someone who seemed to look for their portfolio in this particular way. It was a busy street, so there were many people who looked at him as if he was in their way, Pesky and giving him the air.

Do not abandon

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And as they had no idea that he was there for a reason, a good reason could we add, people were sending him judgment. The homeless man was not about to change his mind after waiting two days now. Although looks and people made it badly, it was not enough to have it abandoned! He maintained his patience.

The third day

After two days of not having luck, it would make most of us stopped, right? After all, it was not even his money or a portfolio so why should he have to wait so long? He was the unique hungry and needing money, but the homeless man was not a thief. And so, after three days, the homeless man always kept the wallet that put aside all he had to do.

Finally someone

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And so after two days, find no one who looked at a distance in search of something, the homeless man stays remained. He was waiting for the owner for the third day in a row now. And finally, he spotted a man looking at the floor and seemed to look around. The homeless man thought that this must be the person who lost the wallet.

Coarse man

And as he had waited so long, the homeless man was happy to see that the guy who had lost the wallet was shown. The homeless man smiled to see that it was really him. From the identity card that was inside the portfolio, it could identify that this man was the owner of the portfolio. His patience had finally paid.

Not so nice

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And even if the homeless man was happy to see the person who had lost his wallet, he was in a big surprise. The feeling was certainly not mutually mutual when he got up to meet the person. Although he is happy to come finally, it turns out, the person who lost the wallet is a very rude person when the homeless man approached him.

Where is the portfolio?

So when the weather finally came for them to meet, it was far from what the homeless man had anticipated. "Fast you are Salthy beggar! Tell me who picked up my wallet. If I find it, I will reward you with fifty dollars," said the person looking for his wallet. It was certainly not a nice man to become familiar with for a first meeting.

A little frightened

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And so when the homeless man heard those words coming from the man who had come to get his lost portfolio, he was beyond disappointed. He did not think the guy would be that not grateful. He thought there would be smiles and hugs exchanged. He was so deceived from that. The homeless guy really grew up a little scared!

Scary situation

And then when the guy shouted with the homeless man, he did not want it to seemed as if he was a thief. Since he held the portfolio, he could have definitively resemble one so that he decided to remain silent. And unfortunately, even if the homeless man has kept his cool, the coarse man shouted once again with so many insults.

Any cash reward?

Even though the beggar had waited 3 long days for the guy to introduce himself, he showed no indication of gratitude. "Hey Smelly Beggar, tell me quickly who took the wallet! I need my identity card for some urgent applications. If I find it, I will reward you with $ 100" shouted the man. And after that, the tension went up to a point where he has scary a little.

A little aggressive

Thus, when the person who lost his wallet spoke to the homeless man, he expected him to give him the portfolio right away. There was an air of suspicion in him who was almost tangible. He again shouted to the one who failed to bring out an answer from the homeless man, he thus proceeded to the lifting of his hand! The homeless man could no longer bear him and tell him that ...

The truth

So when he saw the guy on the point of becoming violent, the homeless man explained to him the whole situation. He revealed that he was waiting for three days for the person to claim his portfolio, that he had kept her with her life! All who could hear what the homeless man says could not believe what they heard as really amazing.

Significant life lesson

As soon as he heard about what had really happened, the owner of the portfolio felt terrible. He had been so rude with the homeless man and thought so vile of him. He quickly started to apologize for being so naughty with him. It would certainly have opened his eyes and be a valuable lesson to not judge people according to what they look like. All the people you meet is not a bad person!

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