Mom from the mother of a 3 year old opens the husband car safe and discovers an unknown secret for 7 years

We all heard that it goes, "love conquers everything". But if the one you love and you like is someone you've always been wrong? The wedding is pure

We all heard that it goes, "love conquers everything". But if the one you love and you like is someone you've always been wrong? Marriage is the purest link between two people and the husband and the wife protect themselves from all kinds of problems, instead of being the cause of them.

But Rebecca Logan is part of a wedding that will surprise you when you know it about it. After 7 years of being married to the same person, she discovered very bad surprises.

Life has a lot in store for Rebecca and, while some of them will be devastating, part of it will be hypnotic.

Meet Rebecca

Rebecca Logan is a hard working woman who had finished her graduate studies with a newborn and just when she finished her school, she had the opportunity to start her dream career after her way through a school of medical care.


Rebecca had been married for seven years and she had a three-year-old girl. The family lived at a Rebecca place had always dreamed. Their house was in a surroundings of adorable suburbs that was only four miles inside Jacksonville Beach lands, Florida. "I could cross an A1A highway at work and lunch on the beach. My Jeep has always had sand and shells in, "said Rebecca, who had always been a beach person.

Perfect for imperfect

Which seemed to be a perfect life was soon to break and turn into a nightmare. Rebecca felt like she had reached her dreams by landing employment as a pediatric practitioner, a husband and a loving girl, and a beautiful house. But everything was going to crash very soon.

The link

Rebecca had always thought she had found the love of her life and it was an eventual link between the two. But on a Monday afternoon, everything was going to change and clearly Rebecca was prepared for any of that.


Rebecca, her husband and their little girl famous on Friday night in a big style because it was their little anniversary of the princess. The charming little girl had shot three and the theme of the party was Luau, a traditional Hawaiian party. The girl received a lot of gifts occasionally, but the following then was unthinkable.


Just two days after birthday party when Rebecca has reached the work of work, she was numb when she saw the stage in front of her own home. All gifts received Friday have been piled up in a trash can. Not only these, but every little thing belonged to Rebecca was thrown into the courtyard as if it was all the trash.


When Rebecca tried to go inside the house, she realized that the locks of the house had been changed. "I was not allowed in our own house," Rebecca said, who could not understand one thing as to what was going on, looking for her husband in the hope of a little support and calm.


When Rebecc called the reason for expulsion from her home, she discovered that they were three months less rental. She could not understand that at all because she was a very responsible person and always gave money to rent her husband.


Rebecca gave money to her husband for her subsistence expenses of her own income. So where did all rent go? When she decided and confronted her husband for the same thing, he was silent and did not even have a single word as a reply to Rebecca's questions.


Rebecca felt hopeless. She could not understand what was going on and did not even know what to do next and who speak. She said, "It was as if I had been stabbed and I'll dislike myself too slowly to stop bleeding."

In action

Rebecca decided to take the matter between his own hands when she felt something fish. Her husband had had irregular sleep habits for a long time now and she had thought it was due to stress at work. He had even lost weight recently and still ran here or there for work or other and never wanted to take his wife and child with him.

The car

When Rebecc started thinking basically, she noticed something that was mostly weird. Her husband never parked his car in the driveway. He has always parked in the guest parking spaces available in the neighborhood. She knew what she had to do next. She needed to search the car to find out what was happening.

To look for

When Rebecca was looking for her husband's car, she found empty cans and pill bottles dispersed in the car. But there was something even bigger who was going to be the nightmare for Rebecca. It was just the beginning of the destruction of his life.

Hidden stuff

"I went digging and found empty pill bottles and many empty beer cans in his car," Rebecca said. The woman discovered that her husband hid his problem of substantial violence, which he hid in the same car in which he led his own child to school.

New discovery

The pills were not the only horrible thing that Rebecca was to meet. She decided to look further in the car she has always been outfits. She searched under the seats and in the trunk of the car. As soon as she opened the trunk, she was swept away from what she saw before her eyes.

Another surprise

The trunk was full of several years of mail, all of which were addressed to Rebecca. Her own husband was holding letters from her who came from recovery agencies, various invoices, birthday cards and many other things. But why did he do that? Why had he kept so many secrets of his own family?

To injure

"Confused, injured and angry were my only emotions for the next few days. I ran on fumes and I could not eat or sleep. I felt so stupid not to see the signs. I had been so busy raising a child and building my practice at work. I was married to a drug addiction, "said Rebecca. But it was only the beginning of the list.

Endless list

The addiction, theft, the lie, as if all that was not enough that something even more hurtful was to follow in Rebecca and the life of his little girl. The photo would soon discover itself and the Rebecca man married would suddenly be a person she has never known.


With tears in his eyes, Rebecca said: "He had been lying for years and my credit unfortunately ruined because of that. I did not know how easy it was to open credit cards and get out of the Personal Loans In the name of your spouse. I thought I had stayed at my bills, but I had no idea he secretly hid me things about me during our 7 year wedding. "


On a subsequent investigation, Rebecca discovered that he had not only lied about money, but about all his character, "he lied on the body of the Navy, he lied about his education and his work. I have not lived but lies for almost a decade of my life! "

Blame itself

Rebecca felt like a fool who had been ignorant all his spousal life on who was actually his husband. He had taken the undue advantage of his love for him and used his money for his own personal needs. But the most painful thing was still to unfold.

Brisading news

Rebecca's husband had been married to another woman and not only that, he even had another girl and Rebecca was not aware of that. She said, "I said," How could life be so cruel? How could I be so mutilant? "


When Rebecc faced her husband of fraud, he abandoned her and her daughter without giving clarifications or answers on anything. Rebecca and his daughter had been left alone in the middle of a crisis, but life had a very big and drastic change of store for them.

The next step

After Rebecca realized that she and her daughter were alone now, she became strong and returned to her senses. She rented a hotel room and right away, went to a supermarket to buy clothes and toiletries that would help them keep for a few days until she could understand something else.

Hide tears

Rebecca was injured, but she tried hard to hide everything in her and be happy. She said, "My daughter and I tried to make the best of our" holidays "as I called, while I cried on the things we had lost, wondering how in the world I would try In this mess. My sweet little girl lost everything and we had no support there. "

A decision

After a great thought, Rebecca decided that the only solution achievable at that time would be to return to the house of his parents. She was broken on her heart at the age of 32, she will have to go back to her childhood room with a girl.


Rebecca said, "I left the beach and I returned to Tennessee's husband. To aggravate things, it was snow when we went back. It was Mars and snow in Tennessee. How could this situation be Become worse? "But it was the only place she could go with the kind of situation she was in.


The nights, Rebecca would cry silently. She missed the life she had built for herself with so much effort and affection and she lacked the part of her heart she had liked her ex-husband. But things were going to become beautiful very soon.


After crushing for days and blame, Rebecca finally decided to move on and look at things positively. She met and started working in depth to repay the debts that her husband of fraud was left on her name.

Meet friends

While Rebecca was happy that her daughter has spent quality time with her grandparents, she felt a bit lonely and thought of catching up her old friends of the city. And this decision of the person will change his life forever.

A text

Rebecca remembers: "I desperately had to find friends. I finally textuated a high school friend ... I joked if he knew hot single dads. It was not even relevant in our conversation, a random thought that jumped into my head. To my surprise, he said yes and immediately gave me a name. "

For that?

After Rebecca had been betrayed so pitiless by her ex-husband, she was not sure if she was open to date another guy so soon. She decided to look for the man whose name was Steven, on facebook, and said, "My brain of Detective Facebook arrived at work. This single father had a girl who seemed to be the same age as mine. "


Rebecca showed his photos from Steven and suddenly his mother shouted: "I know this little girl!" Exciting when she saw the pictures of Steven's daughter. It turned out that the Barber of Rebecca's mother was Steven's ex-wife's sister and had pictures of the little girl in her living room.


After such a co-impact, Rebecca's mother insisted that she met by Steven and Rebecca accepted her after much convincing, because somewhere in the depths of her felt as if this coincidence was perhaps A sign of something magic to happen in his life.

First hello

Rebecca had already searched Steven on Facebook so that she decided to send a text on the same platform. And to the surprise of Rebecca, Steven answered right away. From that day, both spoke of the texts and calls and after some of them, they decided to meet.


Even though Rebecca was a 32-year-old mother and was married once, she felt nervous this time. He felt very different from meeting someone again after so long and after crossing a time as difficult as she could not contain in nervousness!

The date

After spending the whole night to wonder what it would be to meet Steven, the day finally arrived and the two single parents met. And Rebecca's experience was: "I had the biggest smile all day and I was struck. I could not stop thinking about him! "

Too early

But Rebecca did not want to keep in a false light and make him happy. "After all, I was just damaged goods. With my awful credit and all the luggage I had, this guy would surely pass and there was no reason to have my hope, "she said.

All planned

Even though Rebecca was skeptical on Steven, God had other projects for both. Steven was also struck by Rebecca as she was by him. The days passed and the two secretly loved but Rebecca was afraid to say anything because she did not want Steven to fled out of her life.

Trusted problems

Since Rebecca had been betrayed once, she found it very difficult to trust Steven. To get her out of the traumatic experience she faced Steven did everything he could. He showed her bank returns, credit scores, up-to-date mortgage payments and everything that was required to help Rebecc regain confidence.

Hard work

Steven has put in all his energy and his affection on Rebecca come out of the traumatic experience and fall in love with him freely. She was happy she had said it and said, "I left it slowly in my heart and that he helped me rebuild, piece per piece. I certainly did not need to be saved by anyone, but he took me away and saved me. "


Rebecca and Steven spent as much time together as possible and soon both became indissociable. Not only the two of them, but even their daughters had become better friends and spent all day together. And soon, Rebecca's life was going to change.

One June morning

Steven descended on his knees and proposed Rebecca. He wanted her eternal. Rebecca, on the other hand, was also sure of what she had to do. She said, "At that moment, I knew I was planning to get out of Tennessee only part of the plan right now. Something brought me back home and love was going to keep me there. "

Wedding bells

In a small intimate and intimate ceremony on August 15, the two lovers said yes to another and become a happy and loving family. To suffer intensely, Rebecca has found the love where she expected at least and in Steven and Rebecca settled in a small house.

Love conquers all

After being married for some time, Rebecca and Steven moved into a big house and stayed happy with their two daughters. They were and are always determined to beat the chances of the meeting so abruptly and to have a short short period of the court.

A unique story

The couple is aware that people will interview their relationship if they know the details. Rebecca says, "People are always curious to hear our story, so we look at each other and simply mouse. Usually our story is happening, "we met on the blind date and married 4 months later." In the end, love wins. "

New member

And soon, when Rebecca was 35 years old in 2017, they welcomed a new member of their families. They had a child and it was again a beautiful girl. The couple started a blank canvas and had slowly but regularly painted with love.

No negativity

People always speak negatively about the wedding of Rebecca and Steven that he is doomed. Both have extremely stressful jobs and become quite hectic for a few days. But both are admitted to the evidence of everyone.

A battle together

Rebecca and Steven fight their battles with the exes. The drama has not finished yet and both try to fight for the care of their little princess ". But none of them are ready to give up and do everything they can to gain every battle that arises.

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