Researchers make a fireplace discovery on Mount Llullaillaco

A team of researchers has decided to explore Mount Llullaillaco of South America. They were waiting for innovative discoveries as the summit had not been explained

A team of researchers has decided to explore Mount Llullaillaco of South America. They were waiting for innovative discoveries as the summit had not been much explored. They had no idea what they were about to find were not just going to create a ripple in the archaeologists community, but the whole world.

Johan Reinhard

Johan Reinhard, Explorer-In-Residence of the National Geographical Society and his team headed for this mountain for many days and, while they had reached, they thought of taking rest. This is an incident in March 1999.

Continuous effort

On March 16, 1999, they decided to rest as they continually worked against heavy snowfall and wild winds on the top of Mount Llullaillaco of South America with a height of 20,000 feet. They were looking for this site all that. They had great hopes with this place but never waited for what was in the exercise.


Johan Reinhard

It was not the first time, Dr. Reinhard was wandering Mount Llullailla. He had made several visits at this place. He examined the ruins and tried trails to reach the top of the mountain. The team faced the worst situation of the previous month when they had to fight ferocious winds and snow around the top. He explained: "We had several days to find nothing," I was about to give up ".

Rare and beautiful

This place is well known for accommodating rare things. The mountain was not like another mountain capped with snow. This very place was much more mysterious than it seemed. It can surprise you that you know it's where "the best Inca mummies preserved never found".


Not only but the team also found three mummies at the Andes mountain range. Which one would have been a teenager. The mummy of the teenager was special in that it was the oldest among all the founds found.

Go down

Archaeologists have triggered the summit only to be welcomed by Argentine military vehicles. They descended the summit with a cargo of mummies covered with plastic, foam insulation and snow.


There was a layer of snow in all the bodies found, even after reaching Salta. It is a city located about 300 miles from the mountain. The team consisted of people in the conservation of Salta cultural heritage of high altitude. Archaeologist Argentine, Constanza Ceruti took a position of co-chief of the trip.

Incredibly preservedMaiden 12

You will not believe how preserved the girl was. Even the strands of his hair were sufficiently preserved for consideration. At the time of discovery, the body was clothing. They nicknamed his girl from Llullailla. A feather cuff was there in his braided hair. With that, the body was surrounded by small chips.


Maiden 11

Dr. Reinhard said: "The preservation of mummies is just fantastic." "It's Erérie watch your arms. You can always see the light hair on their arms." They had never seen an old corrse of the centuries preserved so beautifully.


Llullaillaco Maiden_3

Dr. Reinhard explained: "The undamaged female has a beautiful yellow blanket designed geometrically asked on its outer coat."


They also discovered two children near the girl. They were a boy called "Llullaillaco Boy" and a girl named "Girl of Lightning". The boy would not have been over five and the girl must be four years old. Maybe the children were servants of the girl.



So, how did we come to this conclusion? There was a medical examination of the girl, they took a lock of her hair. It was discovered that the girl had a different diet compared to her other doves. This test was conducted in 2013. The survey concluded in 2007. The research was conducted by Andrew Wilson from the U.K University of Bradford. U.K ..

The researchers found

Interestingly, researchers have also found stone ruins in the summit. The place was 17,000 feet under the top of the mountain. They also stumbled on the ceramics of a camp where participants were probably used before climbing at the top of their destiny.


Picture of the mummy El Niño (The Boy),

What Wilson further learned that the regime of these two children was the same as the peasants of that time. According to the team, they did not eat vegetables. The regime included in particular potatoes.

Eating habits

Maiden 1

The tests were made so efficiently that the researchers easily realized that the daughter's regime had changed only one year before his death. In this year, children had started eating expensive food products such as ilama and corn.

Elite food
Detail of a gold statue found along thre

The foods present in their bodies clarified that these children had started the intake of ELITE incentive only a few months ago. On the other hand, Maiden herself ate this type of food for a long time.

Personality difference

Hair samples have not only helped archaeologists discover their eating habits but also emphasized the individual difference they had between them. They discovered that the girl had also consumed coca leaves in a heavier quantity than children found with her. It should be noted that the coca leaves are a very good source of cocaine.

Braided hair

Wilson said, "She has fantastically braided hair, which acts effectively as a chronology extends over two years before his death." There were many other things they have noticed on the girl who would prove very important for research.


Picture of objects found along three fro

Other evidence, as well as these conclusions allusion to the fact that the girl was an important organ present in the grave. And as the girl had taken a larger quantity of cocaine compared to her companions, the forensic experts thought she would have been numb before her sacrificial death. Archaeologists are very positive because of sacrificial death.

Part of the ceremony

Momia Juanita, the Ice Maiden

According to a popular theory, these children have become the subject of a sacrificial death for a rite called "capacocha". This type of ceremony has been practiced very rarely by inlays at these days and a very important person has been the subject. This must be considered an honor for the girl.


However, John Verano, the Tulane University of New Orleans, said Louisiana: "We can only the hypothesis, but be older, she could have had more than one idea of ​​what was happening around she." They also suspected: "Was she nervous and use the drink as a way to take care of it?"

Fixing place?

Maiden 4

They did not do it for no reason. They believed that to sacrifice these pretty, pure and young people of the population, would be space for subjects in the utopian world with gods. They also felt that the sacrificed people worked as an affair between the holy men of the communities and the gods after their death.


Llullaillaco Maiden_2

But there was a more theory that gave him a political color. Andrew Wilson has set up that the girl moved with priests in the city of Cusco, the most important city of Incans. They stayed there until the moment they did not go to llullaillaco.



Wilson also commented on the level of Coca found in Maiden. According to him, it was his highest comparison to half a year before sacrifice. The conclusion means that before the perspiration of the sacrifice there was a ritual. In this way, the units are used to announcing the coming sacrifice in his community.

It was peaceful

Maiden 20

Keep theories at the bay, the girl did not receive painful death. But it was not the case with the boy of Llullaillaco. His head was always tinged with blood and all the body attached. It seemed like the boy was muffled.


Llullaillaco Maiden_4

The Lightning Girl whose name has been derived from the fact that the girl had become struck by lightning. Maybe the girl had frozen and finally died because of that. Maiden had faced the same fate. However, the girl would not have a lot feared that she was under the influence of cocaine.

Not expected

Picture of the mummy El Niño (The Boy),

The discovery of this kind is quite rare. In fact, the researchers had never imagined something like this before the discovery of these mummies. No doubt these incredibly preserved bodies leave the researchers take a look at half a millennium in history.


El Nino The Boy mummy 3

In 2013, Andrew Wilson said, "The exciting thing about these individuals is that they probably still have many more things to say." This is just the beginning.

Stories to unroll
Picture of the mummy El Niño (The Boy),

The interests of people intrigued by Wilson saying: "Locked in their tissues are many stories yet to deploy." As a lovers of history, we all want to know everything about these buried stories inside their preserved body.


Is not it strange? They actually found well-preserved bodies of centuries in so good condition.

Categories: Awareness / / Mystery
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