This state is in a "very bad situation" and nobody talks about that

Mortality rates have quadrupled and hospitalizations are almost eight times higher than they were a month ago.

In recent weeks,Coronavirus epidemics In states such as Florida, Texas, Arizona and California have received a lot of attention to their record numbers. But some medical experts areRaise the alarm on other parts of the United States. When the virus extends over an amazing rate, despite the manufacture of less securities. In a recent Tweet, Director of Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI)Ashish jha, MD, pointed out that "A small state meets a very bad situation [That] had very little attention:Idaho. "

According to data outside the GEM state, all measurements of the disease begin to look desire. "TheirCase numbers are in place 1,366 percent since June 15 "JHA has tweeted.

But it's not the only oneNumbers to Ride Idaho In the last month: the state isPositive test rate, which was 3.4% more than 30 days ago, is now five times higher, jumping at 18.3%; Hospitalizations have been up 780% since June 15 (from 24 to 188); And the mortality rate quadrupled with a dead every two days at 2.5 deaths daily.

map of idaho showing covid outbreak

JHA also pointed out that the focus solely on the control of epidemics in large population miseries could spell a larger disaster for many small communities. There is "very as for the rise in rural America, which has a lot less hospital capacity, "he tweeted. The doctor argued that obtaining situations in states like Idaho under control is essential for the United States that really beats the disease. " For a while, some people argued that Covid was a dense area disease (ie cities), "he writes". Stops, it is a disease of humanity. "

He concluded: "We must help states as an identity to be under control."

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The situation in Idaho was not always so dark as it is now. As one of the rare states thathas reported a successful decline in initial cases, companies have been reopened relatively early in June. But then, the state was rapidly witnessing a peak in outbreaks related to congested bars and supermarkets, the associated press (AP) reported.

Now, local officials are in contradiction with medical experts, who share JHA's fears that Idaho hospitals will soon be exceeded if numbers are not postponed under control. "Our modeling shows the week after the week increases"Chris Roth, CEO of the Saint-Luke medical system in Idaho, told AP at the beginning of July. "There is nothing we've been able to determine will change the trajectory at this point, given the community's collective behaviors." And for more states to fear, check11 states where locks again is absolutely necessary.

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