A Costco Store in this state overflows with watermelons

What would you do with hundreds of watermelons?

Watermelon is a summer stapler that all grocery stores have now. Costco is known to go home with most of its products (Summer favorites included), and this one is no exception. A North Carolina warehouse has taken stocks up to a new meaning and there are now tons of watells available.

A Costco member in Apex, N.C. Posted a photo of the abundance of watermelons in their local storeredditerAnd they are priced at $ 5.99.

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More than 100 comments have been dripped in a freshwater melon juice because the photo was posted by @crispykaboca, and it was the most popular:

In this spirit, we have made calculations to determine the number of Pasco of Watermelons Costco. There are at least 25 jumbo boxes that can hold 36 pains, maximum. The calculation says that there were, when the boxes were full, about 900 pains available. Some have been bought and appreciated, but clearly, there is still enough things to feed even the largest garden backups.

Regarding the best, the most obvious picking, another Reddit user says that the thumping method works, but only to some extent.

If you should be close to APEX, N.C. Store soon, there are many watermelons to pick up - and you should do it. They are healthy! here isWhat happens to your body when you eat them. And maybe you should catch a few ... How to doWatermon Margaritas (which areThe rock Approved), Melon Water Melon Salsa or Sounds of Spinach, Watermelon and Zucchini buoy?Here are 20 more more watermelon recipes!

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