Best natural hair masks that work like magic!

We love all the hair strong, healthy and lustrés! But only some of us possess this. And if you are on the broken and tangled side of the fence, then this article

We love all the hair strong, healthy and lustrés! But only some of us possess this. And if you are on the broken and tangled side of the fence, this article is for you. What could be the worst show as to wake up with hair that's good for nothing? Having soaked in the chemically filled mask is the worst decision that can be done. That's why I compiled here the best natural methods you can choose to transform your hair best.

Milk + honey

Well, if you do not have time to search your kitchen looking for ingredients needed to make a hair mask, here is the simplest hair mask with ingredients readily available. Have a tablespoon of honey and mix well with milk. After that, get it on your scalp and lock the two. Let it rest 15 minutes only to wash with your shampoo and warm water.

Almond + Banana & Lawado + Olive Oil

Mash banana and make a few drops of almond oil. Mix them correctly in a smooth paste and do it on your hair uniformly. After the dough has completely covered your hair, leave it for 25 minutes to be absorbed by your hair. After that rinse it well. The lawyer is well known for its multiple health benefits. Get 1 small ripe lawyer, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of almond oil in a bowl. Crush them all in a fine paste. Make sure there are no pieces in the dough because it can make the application process difficult. Subsequently, apply it uniformly from hair roots. Whether for 15 minutes and after that, wash it with cold water.

This helps you get rid of extremities and breaks. It also hydrates hair and reduces frizz.

Curry leaves + coconut oil and castor oil + egg + brandy

Curry leaves are filled with beta-carotene and protein that helps reduce hair loss

Boil curry leaves in coconut oil when they swell. Let the oil get off at the temperature warming up before applying it on your scalp and hair strands. After that, wait for 20 minutes, then wash it with a soft shampoo. This mask reduces hair and moisturizes hair. For this miraculous mask, everything you need is 2 tablespoons of castor oil, an egg and 2 spoons of brandy. Mix well and massage your scalp and hair. Let it stay for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with cold water. It helps you get free hair. If you want your hair to grow quickly, it's the mask you opt for. It also prevents the hair from turning gray.

Green tea + egg yolk and mayonnaise + essential oil

If you are considering green tea just a drink, my friend, you make a big mistake here. Green tea is much more than that. For example, you can also use it to improve the health of your hair. For this, you need an egg yolk and 2 tablespoons green tea. Mix these two ingredients in a fine paste. Apply it on your scalp and hair. Wait 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing.

The mask feeds hair and scalp. It also reduces hair loss and dandruff.

Why use Mayonnaise as a food only when you can use it many other different ways. Use it to get heavy, shiny and hydrated hair. Get a quarter of Mayonnaise cup with drops of essential oil. Mix them well and brush the hair in your hair and scalp. Let it rest for half an hour and a shampoo as usual.

Vinegar + Yogurt & Strawberry + Coconut Oil + Honey

If you face fat and damaged hair, you should go for this mask. Put a teaspoon of vinegar in a bowl. Add half a cup of yoghurt. You can also mix a honey teaspoon because it can give you more efficient results. Apply the sumptuously in your strand of scalp and hair. Let it stay about half an hour and wash it after that. Mix 1 handle of fresh strawberries, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 honey tablespoon to get a smooth paste. Apply uniformly on your wet hair. Try to keep the mask as long as you could. Get it washed after a while. The perch of use of this mask is that you would not need a biological shampoo thanks to the sweet odor of strawberries.

Flaxeds + lemon juice

Thus, another amazing hair mask on our list is flax linen linen and lemon juice. Have a quarter of a cup of flax seeds in the water and that's there during the night. Get two cups of water with flax seeds and boil it in the morning. Lower the flame once it thick and mix one half lemon juice. After a while, spend the heat and wait for it to be cooled. Finish it by adding a few drops of essential oil of your wish. Let the dough on your head during the night or you can also use it as a style gel.

The seed lines are filled with omega-3 proteins and fatty acids that help with hair thickening. It is also beneficial to get rid of dandruff.

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