Ohio Couple's wedding is ruined when a guest decides to run in a white dress at the ceremony

Your wedding is supposed to be one of the best days of your life. The only two people that the preparations and the wedding day should turn around are the bride

Your wedding is supposed to be one of the best days of your life. The only two people that the preparations and the wedding day should be around are the bride and groom. The bride is the most excited person who attracts all the attention she desires and is really the center of attraction.

But the greatest fear every bride has been what if someone steals his thunder on the day of his wedding and what is supposed to be a good day for her is ruined forever?

The couple of this story has trained, from the place of the list of caterers and guests. They thought they would have a perfect wedding, but things were going to be far from perfect for them, and the reason would be something we can never think that everyone could do. This marriage failure will be something we would never have heard of.

The couple

Amy Hill and Rich Pennza announced their commitment after spending 3 years of relationships with each other. Amy moved from Oklahoma to Ohio for college, and that's where she met rich, the love of her life.

A return home

It was a day of high torrential rainfall that dropped the two in love with each other. Due to the rain, Amy was unable to go home from the college and rich offered to drop her in her car. This driving in the high rain made all the difference.


After three years old, the couple had finally decided forever and it was time to start the preparations. But the first and the strongest thing was the wealth of making Amy meet his parents and family.


Rich had an enlarged family and Amy was really happy to have all met them. But the only person she wanted to please at most was Rich's mother who would soon be her mother-in-law.


Amy and Rich had a unique first date. Rich took her to the wedding of a friend who was in a small and cute church of Ohio. And so, three years later, the couple decided that they attached the knot in the same church.


Everything was planned for the marriage a lot in advance and everything seemed good. Who would not want a perfect marriage? But the title of perfection was going to be far from the marriage of the couple and something never happened would happen.

Categories: Birth
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