Pests killing trees are spread quickly and now "too widespread for in quarantine"

Experts do not know how it spreads so quickly, and time is exhausted.

As human beings, we treat pests every day, in Swatting annoying mosquitoes and avoid more dangerous insects like Wasps and hornets . But plants are also targeted by certain sinister species, many of which are invasive and put our ecosystems in danger. In recent years, the spotted lantern Maintained the title of "more annoying", but now another pest seeks to claim the price. Read the rest to find out more about the pest killing trees which has become "too widespread for in quarantine".

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The beech trees are assisted.

beech leaf disease nematode

Docused for the first time in Ohio in 2012, Beech Leaf's disease has spread to 12 American states and killing both indigenous and ornamental Beech trees, according to the Department of Environment Conservation of New York State (DEC). AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Plant pathologists have spent many years trying to determine what caused the death of these trees and died, and it was only recently that experts discovered the culprit: a Nematodes subspecies (Microscopic Worms), reported NBC News.

Pathologist David McCann I first discovered nematodes in 2017. He initially thought he saw tiny hairs on infected leaves by looking through a microscope, until he realizes that they were really verses, by NBC News. The subspecies was named Lilylenchus Crenatae McCannii .

But while experts can confirm that these nematodes are not good, what they don't Knowing is how they spread so quickly - and if there is something that can stop them or treat infected trees.

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There could be devastating environmental and ecological impacts.

black bear claw mark on beech tree trunk
K Steve Cope / Shutterstock

Beech is a " fundamental species "In the forests of northern leafy, USA today reported. Not only are these large gray trees magnificent, but they are also vital for the ecosystem, providing habitats for different animals and wearing nuts eaten by turkeys and bears. Beech trees are particularly important for black bears: according to NBC News, research shows that a healthy forest of American beech trees is correlated with the birth rate of this species.

In this spirit, the mass destruction of beech trees could be catastrophic and the disease of beech leaves shows no sign of slowdown.

There are several symptoms of beech leaves, and they can go depending on the severity and duration of the infestation, depending on New York. However, the striped, rolled or coricoleous texture leaves are revealing signs, as are dried, dried and yellow leaves. The nematodes eat the buds and the leaves, and when the buds eventually die, the photosynthesis process of the tree is embarrassed and leads to death.

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Research funding was difficult to find.

beech leaf disease
David Jeffrey Ringer / Shutterstock

While experts warn that the disease could essentially eliminate beech in the United States, plant pathologists have struggled to obtain funding for key research projects.

As reported by NBC News, some plant pathologists speculate that the lack of funding may be due to the fact that beech is not as an integral part of the wood industry, while pines and oaks are. But that does not make the situation less disastrous.

"The clock ticks quickly against us given the unprecedented rhythm to which the nematode spreads", " Mihail Kantor , an assistant teacher of research in Nématologie at the Pennsylvania State University, told NBC News. "The increase in funding could accelerate our research, and as we say, time is money. In the context of BLD's disease [Beech leaves disease], time is gasoline."

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The USDA said that the disease is already too difficult to quarantined.

sign for the usda building
Mark Van Scyoc / Shutterstock

The Inspection Service for Animals and Plants of the Health of Animals and Plants of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) managed to allocate more than $ 108,000 to study the disease, but noted serious limitations due to of the rhythm to which the nematodes have spread.

"At the time of its detection, the nematode was deemed too widespread to establish an effective forty" Stephen The valley , told NBC News, national director of politicians, told NBC News.

Jo-Ann Bentz-Blanco , the director of pest monitoring and emergency management for Aphis, also told the point of sale that there were "many uncertainties" concerning the disease of beech sheets, which "limits what aphis can do under the authority of the law on the protection of plants ".

In the meantime, NBC News reported that some pathologists and arborists take on themselves to find treatment for beech leaves. A team infected trees in a New York nursery. They now intend to test fungicide and experimental treatment to see if one or the other is effective in killing nematodes.

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Tags: News / / plants
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