What you should know about Monice Bagary
What makes Monika Bagara today and what was her way from the superstar competition to birth daughter?

Monika Bagarová is the Czech singer who was born in Brno in 1994. Its life mission is of course music that combines jazz, Soul and Elements of RNB. The Czech population awareness was more than ten years ago, when the first row of Czech-Slovak Superstar has successfully participated. After success in Superstar, it was more than obvious that Monika goes on his own music path, and it also happened. Over the past ten years he recorded several very successful singles that you can know from radio. In addition to music, he managed to play a few smaller roles in Czech films and participated in the Veleú Successful Show Stardance ... When the stars dancing. He even returned to Superstar, but this time as a juror in the 6th row, which took place in 2020. What does Monika Bagara do today and what was her way from the superstar competition to the birth of his daughter? You will learn this in our article below.

Participation in the Czech-Slovak Superstar competition
The name Monika Bagary began to be abundantly inflected between the public in 2019, when young Monika participated in the first row of Czech-Slovak superstar and recorded a great success. In the competition, she made up the final, finally occupied a beautiful fifth place and became the most successful woman in this year. The jury and especially music fans remembered her especially for her mature voice and immediate performance. Thus, Monika had an open door to a very successful musical career, which was definitely used, unlike many other participants in this competition, who placed on higher rungs than she.

Successful musical career
His musical career Monika started soon in 2010. For the first time, the song was raining, which he recorded together with Rob Opatovský. This common duet recorded a huge viral success on the YouTube server and MONIKA thus was very well drawn to release your first solo album. The debut album came out in 2011 and had the name shining. This fact became a breakthrough for Monika because the success of the album was considerable. The biggest response was called single in two, which became central songs to the fairy tale Zdeněk Trácky called Devil's Bride. Success was confirmed in the Czech Slavník Mattoni poll, where he became a jumper of 2011. On the next album, fans had to wait until 2017, when Monika released an equally successful album called Flashback.

Monika and her personal life
When Monika acted in the Czech-Slovak Superstar competition, it was only 15 years and how she confessed, so it was still too young to manage the life of publicly familiar persons. It is therefore not wondering that its first partner was Ben Cristovao, who was also the participant of the same SUPERSTAR. As it goes, the couple did not last long and broke up for about one and a half years. Another serious relationship of the singer was no longer with any man from the industry, but with the American entrepreneur she met by chance when she was at a lunch in New York, which he owns. This relationship for Monika meant constant travel between the US and Brno. Unfortunately, even this relationship did not go out, but as the singer says, the fatal partner was yet to come.

Fateful relationship and family foundation
The fateful partner became Czech-Uzbek MMA wrestler Makmud Muradov. A pair in May 2020 was born Rumia's daughter and Monika became the first time mum. Although in the words of Monika, it wasn't love at first sight, so now it's very happy family and everything looks very idyllic. Recently, the partners made a family house in Prague and Monika finally settled in one place. Now there is only waiting for it when the expected wedding waiting for all fans of monika Bagaries.

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