The surprise font font that cooked anonymously pizzelle cookies for years in a video in the heart
The Medford Police showed the "pizzelle lady" the appreciation it deserved so deserved.

It was a mystery that the Police Department of Medford, Massachusetts could never solve. From time to time, for years and years, a homemade pizzelles tray - a traditional Italian waffle cookie would suddenly appear on the main office of their building, without any idea of who was the secret baker. "For years, no one really knew who did them or why she brought us to us," the police departmentPosted on Facebook. "She came to be affectionately known as the" pizzelle lady ".
Recently, the baker sent his daughter to deliver some of his garden tomatoes. That's when the police discovered that the baker's mystery wasAntonietta manganielloAnd that "she made the pizzelle to show her appreciation" for all their hard work.
Saturday, they decided to return the favor by surprising it at home and to offer him abouquet of flowers and a trophy with his name as a means ofgratitude.
The video, which goes now viral, could not be softer. You can see mananganiello looking for dumfounded and delighted as she is welcomed byChief buckley and receives a long series of applause from the entire police department.
"Do you come looking for me?" She jokes.
And then, faithful to train, Manganiello immediately offers to bring them something, but the leader tells him to sit on a chair so that they can do something for her for a change. While tears fill the eyes, she thanks them for the wonderful work they do every day.
"For so many years, you think of us and deliver us these pizzules to us," says Buckley in chief. "We are so grateful for everything you have ever done for us. You have made it from your heart and your kindness."
This may not seem much, but it clearly meant a lot to manganiello. This is the proof that it is thelittle things who really count in life. Outraged,seniors are often the easiest people in our livestake for grantedAs the people who do thoughtful things for us every day without waiting for anything in return.
It really touches that the police took place from their way togratitude In response to manganiello doing the same thing. Sometimes it takes onlya little gesture make someone feel really loved.
For more things about that, checkThe Facebook Post viral woman shows that love is all about little things.