Amalia Mordvinova, for the first time in a long time, returned to Russia and told about his personal life
A few years ago, fascinated by Eastern philosophy and yoga, Amalia is closely engaged in spiritual practices, forgotten about cinema. In 2009, with his family, she moved to India. Now Mordvinova lives in the United States and confesses Hinduism.

The other day, the actress and poetess Amalia Mordvinova, after many years of emigration, briefly returned to Moscow. With friends, the artist visited one of the metropolitan cinemas, where he managed to communicate with journalists. That's what Mordvinova story about his personal life.
The red-haired actress was remembered by the audience due to the roles in the series "Safety" and "Hunt for Cinderella", the criminal drama "Thief" and a fantastic comedy "Fat Eggs". In addition to acting, Amalia tried his strength as a TV presenter. In 2016, the actress released a collection of poems "The Concept of the Paradise Garden". Fasciating the Eastern Philosophy and Yoga, Amalia came to the spiritual practice, forgotten about cinema. In 2009, with his family, she moved to India. Now Mordvinova lives in the United States and confesses Hinduism.

The actress was married three times. She lived with the first spouse for 6 years. They did not have children. In marriage with an entrepreneur Alexander Goldadansky, the daughter of Diana was born from Amalia. A year after the divorce, the actress married a businessman Vadim Belyaeva. But this marriage was not durable. After five years, the spouses divorced. The son of Herman and daughter of Evangelina and Seraphim remained living with her mother.

According to the actress, she managed to preserve wonderful relations with former husbands. They take an active part in the upbringing of children. Amalia never suffered from lack of male attention. But now she flatly refuses to take advantage of fans. She likes the current system of relationship with ex-husbands. A new marriage can shake this design.

For five years of life in America Mordvinova acquired there a cozy home. Her children are already enough adults. Now Amalia has time to get out to Moscow to visit old friends. The eldest daughter of the artist, like mom, writes poems, but in English. But to vegetarianism and spiritual practices, it is indifferent. Younger children, on the contrary, support mom and eat exclusively vegetable food.

Now Mordvinova is engaged in the active promotion of its profiles in social networks. Amalia calls himself the creator of the center of the spiritual revival of femininity. With its subscribers in Instagram, she shares the secrets of cleansing the body and spirit.

After a couple of years, Mordvinova will turn 50, but it is completely not afraid of age. In the public, Amalia often appears without makeup. Some fans are confident that Amalia is not so sinless. There is an opinion that she did plastic. Indeed, in the last pictures of her face visually changed.

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