10 ways by which we can use olive oil

Today we will look more exactly at 10 ways in which we can so far we would not have thought we could use olive oil to our advantage.

In recent years, olive oil has received more and more attention in connection with the different ways in which it can be used. Today we will look more exactly at 10 ways in which we can so far we would not have thought we could use olive oil to our advantage.

1. You can stop the squeak of a door that annoys you for some time

All that is to do is apply a bit of olive oil on door hinges. You can use a piece of textile or a handkerchief that you may not use. Fry around the hinges after you put some olive oil on the material and you will see that your problem has been resolved quickly and efficiently.

2.Ul of M.complicatedSline can be used for your personal care

If you have dry skin, olive oil is a very good choice to take care of cracked soles, dry lips or rigid hands. It's simple, it uses a few drops of olive oil. Apply them on your hands and then you can apply to the problem area by light motions until you feel that the whole area has been covered. There are even soaps made of olive oil, so we can be sure that experience will be a satisfactory one.

3. Effectively build any epilated cream

Maybe it's one of those days when you forgot to buy an epilated or pure cream and you do not find the one in the house. Wait without worry, a little olive oil will help you get away from the situation. He stretches enough oil on his feet until they become velvety, and then you will surely enjoy a cutting epilation because of the blade.

4.Depart the makeup after a long day at the office

Olive oil can also be used as cleaner. The advantage in using it, is that it removes makeup, and at the same time it is very delicate with your skin, it does not irritate it and does not force it. There is only a few drops you can put on a small server.

5.Meard hair healthy

Olive oil can be a good choice when we talk about the maintenance of our hair. It can help because it contains vitamin E with vitamin K. They help our hair be stronger and stimulates its healthy growth. You can use it quite easily. Heats a little olive oil, a few teaspoons and then with the tip of your fingers, wet them in it. Then you can start stretching the oil on the scalp with your fingers. Make sure you have stretched the oil equally throughout the scalp. After you think you did this, cover the scalp with a towel for two hours.

6.Deploy a zipper

Few of us are lucky to have escaped so far without having a zipper that has blocked. Whether we are talking about a bag or jacket, this is happening, and it's pretty annoying. With little olive oil we have a quick and not costly solution. Put a little olive oil on the top of an ears chower and then apply it in the area where the zipper is blocked.

7.Set your cat's health

If you have a cat and look for something that stops the hair, put a quarter of a spoonful of olive oil in your cat's food. Olive oil has antioxidants and is very good for immunity.

8.Selects wooden objects in the house

There are options when we want to protect different wooden objects that we can find in the kitchen. Olive oil is one of those variants and applies to the wood surface, and leave a few minutes to dry.

9.Draw a gum in the hair

The fat content of olive oil makes it very useful when we want to take a chewing gum from someone's hair without calling a scissors.

10. More powerful!

If you want stronger nails and you did not know how to get them, look a simple trick. Put in a small bowl olive oil and keep your nails for a few minutes in that bowl. It will help you!

These were the 10 ways through which we can use olive oil differently to the ways we have become accustomed to now!

Tags: olive oil
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