8 things that men want women, but never say

It's your chance to finally understand what modern, self-confident men are really looking for a woman.

Most men are unused to discuss their needs and wishes in a relationship publicly. This can create a gap between what you think and what you know about your potential partner creates, and cause your relationship fails before she even started!

We have asked several relationship specialists as well as coaches and professional partner intermediaries in your opinion to find out what men really brings to fall in love with them, but also stay with her. Therefore, we can do our top 8 things that want men of women, but never say, just share with our readers. It's your chance to finally understand what modern, self-confident men are really looking for a woman. I bet, at least some of them will be a big surprise:

1. kindness and compassion

Our daily working and living environment can be hard, competitive-oriented and stressful. It can feel as if we were constantly judged and compared to the same age. Showing your gentle side and expressing tenderness and considerate interest, expressing friendliness and empathy with men creates positive and meaningful relationships. Various examinations confirm that men are more interested in friendly and attentive women, and these features can deepen relationships and sexual desire.

2. Praise, appreciation and confirmation

Men want and need recognition if they have done something well. Judge your partner and tell him how proud you are and what he has done to improve your life together. Show him that you appreciate his contribution and that you are grateful that he is in your life. Your praise and your appreciation will help him feel loved and respected.

3. Full attention and understanding

Men often think rational and like to repair things and solve problems. If men have a problem with a problem, they do not always want a solution, but they need your presence and understanding. Some men may not talk about the details they experience, but you're there, understands and supports what he really needs. Tell him that he is not alone and that you are available if he needs a problem solver as a partner.

4. Personal space and independence

Men, especially motivated and successful men, need their independence. You or do not want to stick to the hip to express your love and commitment. You need space to recover emotionally and pursue your own personal goals and interests. In a healthy relationship, independence is not a threat, but an enrichment. And they both give you the opportunity to miss you each other and appreciate more.

5. Sexual connection, touch and intimacy

Intimacy is important for men, sometimes more important than women. Men need frequent non-sexual touch as well as a sense of sexual connection. Men want you, that you want them and desire to tell him that you are standing on him. Take him in the arm, kiss him intimately and participate by physical touches and actions. That will give him the feeling of being loved.

6. Laugh, humor and fun

Honestly, nobody wants to spend time with an unfortunate person. We all want to be with someone who enjoys the little things and can laugh about our jokes. That makes life just more pleasant. With jokes and humor you bring the fun into his relationships. Relationships bloom with laugh and love.

7. Support and strength

Even if the men do not talk about it, they need you when they face challenges and have an obstacle to overcome. Men also need a room in which he can certainly be vulnerable. He feels safe if his partner pretends to love and support him if he needs it without asking.

8. Patience and trust

A good man appreciates your trust. He wants to be there for you and also know that he can count on you when he needs you. He will also appreciate your patience if you help him to develop to the best he can be. Your encouragement and patience will give him what he needs to transform themselves and deepen your relationship.

What do you think? We wish in this regard an unforgettable experience.

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