You know the most influential women in the Arab world

In our Arab societies, women face many challenges and difficulties;

For example, the challenges faced in their daily life, such as inherited habits and traditions, and there are obstacles that are in line between them and their objectives indirectly, such as legislation and laws that do not describe, however, they decided to challenge the authority of society and in this article we will recognize with you a list of women The most influential in the Arab world:

Princess Rima Bent Bandar

Princess Rima Bent Bandar was born in Riyadh in 1975 and was established in Washington. Middle 2014.

Throughout her life, Rima has identified the rights of Saudi women's rights, and during 2016, I appointed a deputy president of women's affairs in the Saudi Sports Authority, just days before the 2016 Olympics and in July 2020 became the first Saudi woman appointed to the International Olympic Committee.

Nadine Labek

During the first show of the "Kafr Nahum" in the 2018 Film Festival for 2018, the large Lebanese director Nadine Labaki received a warm attorney last for 15 minutes. The film was admired by his influential story and professionalism Nadine Film, and nominated "Kafr Nahoum" In 2019 and the Golden Globe Award for 2019, as he received the prestigious jury award, and there has been the first Arab woman who will win the prize, which makes women effects in the Arab world.

Nadine Ashraf

The Egyptian girl Nadine Ashraf, who has not received 22 years after social networking, provides an important tool for community change. On the days, the stories published by this account raised a broad controversy, Egyptian authorities to move legislative and judicial and among those stories, the issue of the Fermont Girl and the issue of Ahmed Bassam Zaki.


I am an active and social leader of Somalia has worked to end the conflict and reconciliation between communities and contributed to the establishment of the first rape crisis and during the past years I am becoming a making sense of peace because of its serious efforts to give everyone, especially women the ability to begin again and have been chosen Ellotta is among the BBC list for more inspirational and influential woman in 2020, and was among the Nobel Peace Prize 2019 and also classified as 100 people influencing Africa.

Safa Lunar

She is a vegetable viruses from Syria, the Seed Health Laboratory and Viral Disease Specialist in the International Center for Agricultural Research.

Huda Aboz

Morocco was only the art of rap. Our battle has just started and we are all that the world needs: It's the strength of women "

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