If you see this bug, you must aspire it immediately, let's say experts

The emptiness is the best way to catch these pests before they do wreak havoc in your home.

When you see a parasite in your home, it's easy to panic to install. You can try running and hiding from the creature, or instinctivelytry to crush it. However, the experts warn against any attempt at a bug. If you see this insect in your home, you should rather suck with a vacuum cleaner. Continue reading to know which bug you should get rid of your hoover, and more unusual elimination methods,If this bug in your house, do not walk on it, the experts warn.

You must suck the insects of elm seeds to get rid of them.

Vacuuming carpet

According to the University of Idaho, theOrme seed bug Makes his way to the United States in 2009. Adults Elem insects seeds are "dark brown chocolate with reddding reflections. An identification function is dark, the triangle pointing backwards on a red rusted rectangular mark. In addition, they have narrow white bands along the edges of the abdomen. The insect folds its wings before with a pattern X. If you see these bugs, the experts tell you should empty immediately because, as with PUE bugs-they release a perfume when they are afraid or smushed.

"Is the best aspire to control the insects of the seeds of the elm, because it allows you to catch them all quickly and to minimize the smell," says professionalpest control specialist and entomologistNicholas Martin. "If you have a dry / wet vacuum, you can add some soapy water into the dust tank to prevent the smell of spreading and killing the insects instantly. But while passing the vacuum cleaner is the best way to get rid of ormme seed bugs, Martin says you can not forget to seal the bag hermetically when you throw out otherwise, the perfume can ooze. And to learn more about household infestations, discover5 things you buy that bring bed bugs in your house, say experts.

Elm seed bugs can live and multiply for three to five years.

Elm seed bug

Although these insects do not harm the man or animals, they are a notable nuisance because of their unpleasant odor. "If you accidentally crush one, you will feel a bitter bitter almond smell, which is not as good as it may seem," says Martin.

The real problem with these insects is that they can live in your home for years and continue to reproduce. "Insects are attracted in cooler locations inside your home where they can hide predators," Note Martin. "It would be a little problem if they died quickly, but these embedded bugs can live up to three to five years and multiply inside your home. And the subtle signs of insects you need to know,If you feel this in your bedroom, you could have bed bugs.

Seal cracks to prevent these bugs from entering your home.

Sealing holes in house

If you notice that the bugs of the elm seeds continue to find a path in your home, even after you have sucked a group, you must find the place they use to enter. "The best practice is to seal all external cracks you can find on the building," says Martin. He also suggests applying insecticides around the perimeter of your home to discourage insects from entering if the problem is important. And for more useful information directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Elm seed bugs are in a handful of American states.

Elm seed bug

According toHerald and News, These insects have their same name because theyEggs Mate and Laity In clusters of elm flowers. By the University of Idaho, they tend to invade our houses in July and August, where Ormes grow. If you do not have an elm on your property, but your neighbors do you are always at risk of insects of elm seeds invade your home.

Idaho was the first state to report the ormmed seed bugs. Parasites can now be found in Utah, Oregon, Washington and Colorado, according to Martin. It predicts that they will probably spread throughout the country in 2035. And for more insects that could be invading your space,If your Smells Like This house you can have a bug problem.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News
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