A major side effect of eating cucumbers, says science

They do a lot more than adding a butt to your salad.

Cucumbers can be one of the most subsidized fruits - yes, you read it properly. Because cucumbers grow flowers and contain seeds, cucumbers are technically - and botanically - a fruit, not a vegetable. Cucumbers are often considered superfood beauty because of their high water volume (they are 95% water!) And the greater capacity to hydrate. Moreover, with eating cucumbers, this fruit containsvitamin k and anti-inflammatory plant compounds that can helppuff eyes and treat black circles when it is sliced ​​and applied in a topical way.

But more important than their beauty benefits areThe powerful impact eating cucumbers can have on your cardiac health. Provides, cukes can support your cardiovascular system in different ways. Here's how, and for more food tips, be sure to reread our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


They help control blood glucose.

cucumber slices

It is long known that poor carbohydrate diets make it possible to control sugar levels in the blood and now, several animalsStudies show These cucumbers, in particular, help reduce blood sugar levels.Have a reduction in blood sugar levels means less damage to your blood vessels as well as nerves that control your heart. Inanother study, Cucumber Peel (which contains nutrients and fibers) reversed many diabetes-related markers, including the decrease in blood glucose. So do not peel the peel!

But first of all, you may want to get back on how tosafely wash vegetables.


They can help reduce blood pressure.

basket of mini cucumbers

Eating cucumbers promotes the expansion of blood vessels (vasodilatation), which can help combat hypertension and reduce the risk of heart disease. A2017 study found that drinkcucumber juice For 12 days, contributed to reducing the blood pressure of the elderly. Doctors recommend that patients with high blood pressure consume low-sodium foods and cucumbers are an excellent choice (provided you do not go out in salt!). They also contain magnesium andpotassium, which can help lower blood pressure Because it supports the elimination of sodium via urine.

Check# 1 Best diet to reduce your blood pressure.


They protect your heart.

Cucumber slices spices vinegar

Although cucumbers can not protect against emotional grief (too bad), they can protect your heart in another way.Studies show thisThey are goodbye looking for damaged free radicals thanks to their antioxidant properties (They contain flavonoids, these plant compounds). How does it help your ticker?Antioxidants block oxidative stress - the chemical process that generates damaged free radicals, which has been demonstrated to contribute toCancer and heart disease.


They help prevent obstructed arteries.

Markus Winkler / BELVSHSH

Studies show That these all-power cucurbit (plant compounds) are a natural therapy for the fight against atherosclerosis, the dangerous accumulation of fat on the walls of the artery.

Ways to consume more cucumbers

Tomatoes and cucumbers salad
  • NIBULE THE RAW: Make sure to wash them and let the skin intact - that's where most fibers and nutrients are.
  • Make a Tzatziki dip: The traditional Greek dip is simple and tasty with a short list of ingredients comprising yogurt (yeah, the Greek type), cucumbers, fresh herbs, lemon juice and garlic. Ideal for pita triangles or raw vegetables, including cucumber spears if you want to double! here isHow to make your own, be sure to useone of the best Greek yogurts.
  • Chuck in a smoothie: Cucumbers are a main ingredient for aSmoothie Low-Cal. In addition to peeled and seeded cucumbers, add fruits for softness, green, vanilla protein powder, ice and water and mix.
  • Make a moisturizing juice: Celery juice Can win the popularity contest, but as low-cal moisturizer, cucumbers hold their own. If dispense with creativity and docuke juice. Here is a basic recipe using a standard mixer: wash, peel and mix cucumbers with water with a 1: 2 parts water cup ratio. You can add a pressure of lemon juice or lime and a little salt, if you want. Suffer until you get the coherence you want. Lateral note: bizarre, cucumbers are somehow dehydrated while they rehydrate because they have slightlyDiuretic properties.
  • Make the simplest Greek salad: Just cut cucumbers, tomatoes and red onions into pieces of similar size. Mix in black olives and pieces of feta, then refreshing a simple red wine vinaigrette (you can find onehere) Some pepper grindings and you're done!
  • Prepare a cold soup summary: The cucumber soup offers an aperitif of an impressive dinner and it could not be easier.Here is a recipeFor a cucumber and dill soup based on healthy yogurt. Not a dill fan? Use any herb you dig and use remains with those advices .
  • Make this creamy and friendly Ket0 snack: The Keto diet is high in bold and carbohydrates. This recipe For cucumber boats filled with cream and bacon cheese are perfectly suitable for the invoice.

For more, here's What happens to your body when you eat cucumbers .

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