What tells you about people who meet you and those are not suitable at all?

Information to see how to deal with the rest of the towers

Sometimes, regardless of our feeling about someone else, our relationship looks like a battle will never win, there is no obstacle to what makes things difficult and therefore the knowledge of the towers may be useful; Because the problems of relationships may occur because the Energy Energy is not scouring or may have and thus creating a climate toppy the parties. Through this article we will tell you astronomy for the right people for your tergum and these are not appropriate.


The carrying tower is characterized by the motivation for excellence and always seeks to be the best and this gives him a very attractive, but his permanent focus on himself can push people away, and because pregnancy is only focused on his feelings and desires it does not care much with the feelings of the other party, this makes pregnancy is not compatible With the Cancer Tower, which sees pregnancy English and surfaces, unlike the lion tower, which is shaking the pregnancy and is a great partner.


The bull tower is a sensitive and sympathetic partner, and in many times the other party needs to be developed from the relationship of its needs, so that it eventually becomes not happy and then blames his partner in the relationship on his sacrifices, and therefore can not in no way succeed with the bull with Assad He will depletter the bull feelings quickly unlike the bull with cancer, which are more in line.


The Gemaya Tower has a tremble mood changes from time to time, which affects his relationships negatively; Jaguar loves pleasure, adventure and launch and therefore the starts of Gemini with the balance, pregnancy and serious because they appreciate his failure and support him but can not be fitted with the bull who prefer to stabilize.


Cancer is very simple and emotional and can configure deep links with others quickly, and at the same time he has an instinctive disease of conflict and can do almost anything to avoid it, and therefore is not corresponding to pregnancy, balance and lion, but it is beautifully compatible with the Virgin, I and Dalo.


The lion tower is confident and proud and dominated and has the same as the same, pride and magnetic figure attract others to him with ease and despite his sincere love for his partner, but his needs are always in the first place, and the lion tower is in line with the bow, pregnancy, balance and web and never match with the bull and scorpion.


The born of the virgin tower is sincerely and very clarity as they are vulnerable and powerful owners.


The balance tower has a sensitive personality in love and usually is worried and shy and finds extreme difficulty in overcoming outstanding love relationships.


The scorpion is in his emotional relationship but is in love with love and has a great attractiveness, only a severe impact on the partner, and the scorpion is compatible with the bull and cancer and never starts with Assad and Johns.


This philosophical personality tower tends to ask questions and search for the meaning of life, and loves the romantic arc.


Capricorn also loves stability as it is characterized by seriousness and rigor.


Aquarius is a romantic figure and estimates the needs of the beloved well as he already meets her without asking, but at the same time fearing love and may see it as a limitation because he is sancting freedom.


Whale is one of the most tolerant and loving figures, and he has an artistic, nice and cream.

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