6 Ukrainian dishes worth preparing for the New Year

Olivier - then holy. But not Olivier has Ukraine lives.

Olivier - then holy. But not Olivier has Ukraine lives. Our kitchen varies, acquires new ingredients and tastes. As our language integrates foreign words, and on our tables there are new interesting dishes. A certain Renaissance is experiencing a New Year's menu where old and familiar is intertwined with the trends of the present. 2021 is a year of white metallic bull. It is this animal in heraldry. It is a symbol of fertile land and diligence, which is very correlated with Ukraine. So do not lie to cook for a festive table something new with authenticity notes.

1. Digbles with fish

It is necessary: ​​800 g. Fillet of any fish, 1 large cabbage, 6 eggs, 5 bulbs, 100 g. Mayonnaise, 400 g. Sourmetan, 2 century. l. Oil, bunch of parsley, salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Eggs to cook, cool, clean and grate to a large grat. Cabbage whole boil in boiling water and disassemble on leaves. Fish fillets with four bulbs to skip through the meat grinder, add crushed parsle. The remaining bulb, cut and fry on oil. Mix fish, eggs and onions, got meat salt, pepper. Twist the doors, lay them in a saucepan. Pour a mixture of water, sour cream of mayonnaise, add a bay leaf. Stust under the lid on a low heat for 30-40 minutes.

2. Beans of fir trees

Requires: 1 blue onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 300 g. Cooked white beans, 80 g. Dried tomatoes, halves of lemon, 1 tbsp. Food yeast, 1 tbsp. l. (incomplete) balsamic vinegar, a bunch of dill, a pack of salted crackers or crackers (flat, classical), grain grenade, oil.

Slice the onions with small cubes and fry it on oil with the addition of a tainted garlic. All this lay out in a blender add beans, tomatoes, juice halves of lemon, food yeast, balsamic vinegar and mix into a homogeneous mass. From the resulting mixture, to form small Christmas trees, collapse them in a crushed dump and lay on crackers. Top Christmas trees decorate grenade grenade grenade.

3. New Year's Clock Salad

It is necessary: ​​2 chicken breasts, 2 potatoes, 1 carrots, 500 g. Fresh mushrooms, 100 g. Solid cheese, 3 eggs, mayonnaise, salt, greens.

Mushrooms cut into thin slices and fry in a frying pan for 15 minutes. Chicken breast, potatoes, carrots, eggs boil until ready and cool. The first layer is grabbed on a large potato grab, add, grease from mayonnaise. Chicken breast break on fibers and put a second layer, add, grease from mayonnaise. The next layers will be: mushrooms, grated eggs, mayonnaise, grated cheese. Carrots cut the circles and lay the clock dial, with its tip to make two arrows, mayonnaise write figures, decorate everything greens.

4. Mazuriki from turkey

It is necessary: ​​800 g. Turkey fillet, 3 eggs, 25 ml. Milk, 50 g. Butter, 50 g. Solid cheese, 50 g. Pencil crackers, 4 tbsp. l. Oils, to taste: salt, pepper, thymes (twigs), garlic.

The meat of turkey skip through the meat grinder, add eggs, milk, melted butter, grated cheese. Meat salt, pepper and mix well. Form small sausages and put them to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. In a frying pan, warming up the oil, put the flesh of the threshold and the whole teeth of garlic, to smear them and extract them shortly. Sausages are immersed in panning crackers and fry in this oil. About 18 mazurikov will turn out this recipe. They can be presented in the form of a Christmas tree and to bring her greens.

5. Pork with ginger

Requires: 1 kg of pork (siege), ginger, 6 garlic cloves, 1 bulb, 1 lemon (juice), 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil, parsley, salt, pepper.

Preheat the oven to 190 °. Garlic Cut quaternels, ginger - longitudinal plates, and onions are large penetrations. Meat grind with salt and pepper, throughout the lengths from the top to take cuts and put garlic. In a frying pan with oil, fry the pork to the formation of a blush crust (up to 10 min.), Then extract meat and put the ginger and onion in the same oil, sauce 3 minutes. Pork placing on a grill in an oven, and under it - ginger and onion in the form of baking. Thus, the juice of meat is drained into the shape. Bake 45-50 min, periodically watering pork formed juice with onions and ginger. The finished dish will be made with lemon juice and sprinkle the greens of parsley.

6. Cheese "Mandarins"

Requires: 100 g. Solid cheese, 180 g. Filted cheese, 50 g. Cheese "Philadelphia", olives stuffed with orange or lemon, garlic clove, ground sweet paprika, greens.

Grat on a small grater solid and melted cheeses, as well as garlic. Add Cheese "Philadelphia", everything is well mixed to a homogeneous mass. We take an olive and around her with wet palms form a "tangerine". The finished ball is showered from all sides with sweet paprika. Top with green form an improvised tail. If you do not like paprika, you can replace it with boiled carrots, grated to a small grat.

Tasty and fun holidays!

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