25 things that steam does your body
Put your pens and listen - the dangers are real.

You can not drive through a shopping center without seeing a steam shop, they are everywhere and spread faster than a Zombie Apocalypse. They could be as dangerous.
Vaping-meaning to the use of electronic cigarettes (or electronic cigarettes), electronic hookahs, vapa pens, tanks, mods and electronic nicotine delivery systems - first debut in 2003 and have been marketed as a less harmful alternative to smoking. A decade and a half later, we learn that this is not the case.
TheCDC reports Steam is responsible for a mysterious pulmonary disease, with the number of declared infections - and even death - increasing the week. It is more important than ever to learn the potential health risks. Eat this, not that! Health has spoken to many of the best nation physicians and analyzed government agency data to discover 25 things that vaping is making your body.
It can age you

Akin with regular smoking, vaping can age you 10 years or more. "Vaping can age your skin similar to cigarettes" Dermatologist certified by the boardNazanin Saedi, MD, explains. "We know that people who smoke according to age prematurely, especially their skin." How can this happen? It explains that nicotine lowers the supply of oxygen and also increases the distribution of collagen. "People who smoke or Vape also form lines around their smoke-smoking lines - from collagen decomposition," she says.
This can increase your chances of pulmonary disease

On October 10, theCDC I have revealed that 1,299 cases of pulmonary injuries associated with the use of electronic cigarettes or steam, products have been reported in 49 states, Columbia District and a US territory. Of these, 26 deaths were confirmed in 21 states. Although it is still not clear the specific chemical exposure causing these pulmonary lesions associated with the use of electronic or steam cigarette, all patients reported a history of use of electronic cigarette or steam, some products.
"When asked the patients if electronic cigarettes are safe in the long run, I do not answer what they are safe, but I say," There is no clear long-term data to long term, "but still a lack of evidence is not always proof of absence," "interventional cardiologist and endovascular specialistAnuj Shah MD, Founder, Apex Heart and Vascular Care, says to eat this, not that! Health.
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He can raise your blood pressure

If your vaping involves nicotine, expect to increase your blood pressure, warnsSteven Reisman, MD, New York Heart Diagnostic Center. An increase in blood pressure can have a serious impact on your cardiovascular health, thus increasing the likelihood of a heart attack or heart disease.
This increases your chances of a heart attack

A study of theAmerican Cardiology College found that electronic cigarette users were 56% more likely to have a heart attack than non-users. "Cardiologists are most concerned about acute nicotine toxicity," says Dr. Shah. "It raises your blood pressure and your spikes your adrenaline, which increases your heart rate and could potentially increase the likelihood of having a heart attack."
It increases your risk of cardiovascular disease

According to an article published in theJournal of the American Cardiology College, acute exposure to flavored electronic liquids or electronic cigarette exacerbates endothelial dysfunction, a type of disease of the non-obstructive coronary artery where the vast blood vessels on the surface of the heart contract (narrow) instead of dilatation ( opening). According to Dr. Shah, he often precedes cardiovascular diseases.
This increases your risk of stroke

According toAmerican Cardiology CollegeStudy, electronic cigarette users were 30% more likely to have a cerebral accident than non-users. "This could be either related to atherosclerosis (new plate formation) or vascular inflammation (making the plate more vulnerable to breakthrough) or related to the cerebral arteries spasm", explains Dr. Shah.
It increases your chances of circulatory problems and blood clots

Under the sameAmerican Cardiology College Study, your circulatory system is seriously affected by steam. They found that those using electronic cigarettes were 44% more likely to suffer clots or circulating problems.
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It can have a negative impact on your mental health

Vapors are twice as likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and other emotional problems, depending on theAmerican Cardiology College.
It can ruin your teeth

Electronic cigarettes are not safer for your teeth than tobacco. "The heat of the steam as well as the ingredients of certain steam products dry the mouth, which contributes significantly to the cavities and diseases of the gum," explainsKenneth Magid, DDS, FiCd. A study conducted in 2018 showed a higher level of bacteria in the mouth with vapors, especially when sweet products are used, which have a similar effect as sugar and candy.
This can cause inflammation of the mouth and throat

"Vaping causes inflammation of the mouth and throat that can lead to other health problems," said Dr. Magid. These can include all periodontal diseases with bone death, cell death and bad breath.
This could even contribute to oral cancer

"Electronic cigarettes containing nicotine can be a causal agent in oral cancer, but the evidence is not conclusive for the moment," says Dr. Magid.
It can increase the cough, the risk of bronchitis or other respiratory diseases

Steam is terrible for your respiratory system, explains Andrew Stiehm, MD, pulmonologist with the Allina Health Pulmonary and Sleep Clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota. "Aerosolized substances can irritate the lungs," he explains. There are many things present in the aerosolized content of an electronic cigarette that can irritate the lungs. "We have seen an increase in cough, bronchitis and respiratory diseases reported in people who use electronic cigarettes - and that includes both benign cases and the threatening diseases of life that become too frequent lately . "
It can irritate your mouth and nose

The vapacity or inhalation of aerosolized agents irritates not only the cavity of the mouth and nasal, but have been known to increase the nosebleeds, cause sores of the mouth, a dry mouth and a loss of taste, the Dr. Stiehm emphasizes.
Vaping can put more nicotine in the bloodstream than cigarettes smoking

Among the experienced vapors, the amount of nicotine in the rival blood the amount they would receive to smoke a cigarette, declares Dr. Stiehm. "Nicotine is very addictive and is well known to be associated with many negative health consequences, including mood disorders, slowing the brain development, traits and cardiac crises," he has declared.
This can increase your risk of cancer

What the long-term risk of vaping products will be uncertain, there is every reason to believe that it will increase the risk of cancer in the future. "There are cancerous substances in the e-cigarette fluid," says Dr. Stiehm. While the content of the aerosolized vapor products packaged does not contain some of the agents caused by cancer that are noted in cigarettes, they contain a number of other known toxins.
This can damage a developing brain

According toGeneral surgeonNicotine - whether smoked, vaphed or chewed - can seriously damage a brain in development. The brain of an individual continues to develop until they are 25, there is more chances to be a lasting effect than with an adult user. These can include nicotine addiction, mood disorders and a permanent reduction in pulse control. Nicotine also modifies the formation of synapses, which can damage the parts of the brain that control attention and learning.
This can lead to an addiction

Nicotine, no matter how you absorb, is addictive. This means that steam is as addictive as smoking a cigarette. Although this is the case for adults and young people, those whose brains are developing are most at risk. According toGeneral surgeonNicotine in electronic cigarettes and other tobacco products can also bring the teen brain for addiction to other drugs such as cocaine.
This may risk burn

Dr. Stiehm also raises the important fact that the electronic cigarette itself can be a health risk. "Electronic cigarettes have both exploded and have also caused consumer burns, thus increasing the risk of burning in the face, hands and groin and thigh the pocket where the electronic cigarette is stored," says he.
It can hinder the healing process of the skin

Like other environmental pollutants, vaping is ravaging your skin, more than one way. According to Dr. Denise Pate, MD withManhattan medicine officesNicotine prevents blood flow, which slows the healing of wounds.
This can harm those around you

According toGeneral surgeon, Used cigarette emissions are a huge concern - and they can harm those around you. They concluded that used emissions contain: "nicotine; ultrafine particles; aromas such as diacetyl, a chemical bound to a serious pulmonary disease; volatile organic compounds such as benzene, which is found in the Exhaust of cars; and heavy metals, such as nickel, tin, and directing. "
This will not help you stop smoking

While many electronic cigarette companies say they can help you stop smoking, according to theAmerican Heart Association This is probably not the case. In fact, they indicate to research that found that the vapra people are more likely to "dual-use", which means they will continue to smoke and vappe.
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He can have a negative impact on fertility

According to a study conducted by theEndocrine societyThe use of electronic cigarette can affect the results of fertility and pregnancy. In their mouse study, researchers have discovered that smoking electronic cigarettes before design delayed the implantation of a fertilized embryo, delaying and reducing fertility.
This can harm birth babies

Just like smoking cigarettes, steam can be dangerous for the health of your unborn child. According toCDCDespite the fact that the aerosol electronic cigarettes usually has fewer harmful substances than cigarette smoke, electronic cigarettes, as well as all other nicotine products, are not cautious to use during pregnancy. "Nicotine is a health hazard for pregnant women and developing babies and can damage the brain and baby lungs in development", reads their section on "e-cigarettes and pregnancy". In addition, some aromas used in electronic cigarettes can be harmful to a developing baby.
It can irritate your eyes

The formaldehyde found in many vapor liquids is an irritating eye. "While burning sensations and the watering of the eyes is a current side effect of steam, optometrists also have caution prudence against the use of all kinds of high pressure hot device near your face," explains the Dr. Denise Pate, MD withManhattan medicine offices.
It can kill you

As mentioned earlier, at least 26 people in the United States lost their lives because of their decision to spray. This number could be much higher, given the likelihood that other people have not reported a history of steam to their doctors. Although more research clearly needed to be carried out on the potential impact on steam health, the CDC highlights strongly that you plan to refrain from using electronic cigarette or vapacity, products. For resources that can help you leave the use of Vape products, visit the CDC website. here . And live your best healthy life can be simple with these 50 secrets to live at 100 .

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