How to distinguish Chinese buckwheat from our?

Unlike our native Ukrainian buckwheat porridge - Chinese has a completely different taste, look and main benefits. More precisely, its complete absence ...

All we remember your favorite buckwheat porridge with a considerable piece of fragrant oil from childhood. It is these warm memories that we have about our Ukrainian buckwheat, which sometimes, as it turns out, sellers willingly and imperceptibly replace Chinese. There are few people about it and speaks, but the fact remains. Unlike our native buckwheat porridge - Chinese has a completely different taste, look and main benefits. More precisely, its complete absence.

So, how to distinguish Chinese from Ukrainian buckwheat on shelves in a supermarket of ordinary Ukrainians and what should I pay attention to buying this product? Understand in our article.


If you think that in view is difficult to distinguish where the Chinese, and where our Ukrainian buckwheat, then it's really easy. For this there is only one Lifehak - pay attention to the form of cereals. Chinese buckwheat always has a round and small shape while the Ukrainian looks visually larger and elongated.


The feature of buckwheat from China is that it always has a rather dark color. That is, if you even wash it twice and you will cook a lot of time - it will still be dark. Our kind of buckwheat immediately becomes lighter already after the first wash. And cooking it completely - to notice the difference in a lighter color can be a naked eye.


In recent years, many discussions on the cost of buckwheat continued in Ukraine. For someone price in 50 UAH - it's expensive, and someone does not even pay attention. Let there as, but choosing buckwheat in a supermarket, nevertheless, it is not necessary to buy one that is cheaper than others. Why? - The cost of Chinese buckwheat is significantly lower than Ukrainian and there is a great chance to buy it.

Unnecessary impurities

In addition to the fact that Buckwheat from China does not contain any useful elements, and there are a significant number of chemicals, it has extra impurities. Mark it easy, for example, when you rinse the cereal. Patriotic Buckwheat, as a rule, does not require her in detail in detail, but that he arrived from China, as well as!


Did you happen so that you forget about buckwheat on a stove and she was going to be? Remember what she immediately became a taste? Yes, everything is true, it acquired a slight smack of bitterness. It is such a taste in general Chinese buckwheat. Even when you prepare it by following all conditions and a specified time.


It should also be known that the smell of Chinese buckwheat is similar to the smell of the burning. This is due to the presence in Chinese buckwheat of such an element as a routine, which is usually harmless to the human body and even capable of protecting cells, having anti-inflammatory and anticancer potential. But in Chinese buckwheat it contains five times more than our body needs, so damage from such porridge will be much more than benefits.

Categories: Food and Travel
Tags: buckwheat
By: v-s-wells
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