Stars gave birth to 2020

Whose dreams this year have already become a reality?

It's hard to believe, but for someone 2020, despite all cataclysms and troubles, became the happiest. After all, there is no stronger joy than the birth of a child. Stork this year worked skillfully with star pairs. Some only first knew the joy of paternity, someone for the second time, and someone even for the third time. Let's find out whose dreams of this year have already become a reality.

1. Jigzie Hadd

At the end of September, the parents became a Super Model of Jigzi Hadid and a former Soloist of the "One Direction" group Zayn Malik. They had a girl born. For both parents this is the first child. Despite the persuasion of fans, the name of Maleches is still a mystery.

2. Rooney Mara

The actress gave birth to the first star of the Khokin Khokin Hoaikin Phoenix. The boy was called River, in honor of Hoaquin's brother, which was tragically died in 1993. At the beginning of the year, a couple planned a grand wedding. However, through the coronavirus pandemic, the event was postponed indefinitely.


On May 14, in Zhizhchenko and Yevgeny Filatov, the firstborn was born. The boy was named Alexander. The name was not just so, because it looks grandfather, father and brother. So this is a family tradition to call boys Alexander.

4. Ashley Graham

In January, Mom became the most famous model of size plus Ashley Graham. Man is a supermodel and father's father - Video operator Justin Erwin. The boy was named Isec Menik Giovanne Erwin. Parents explained that Aysek Justin's name chose for his child for many years ago. The second name Matik means "the son of the wise" - so called the first emperor of Ethiopia. The third name of Giovanni reminds the Italian roots of his father.

5. Katie Perry

In August, a child of the singer of Katy Perry and actor Orlando Bloom was born. The girls gave the name Daisy gave. Katie became his mother for the first time, and in Orlando from the previous marriage with Miranda Kerre there is a son of Flinn. At the moment, parents are not married, they are only preparing for a wedding.

6. Jamala.

The young artist of Ukraine and the winner of Eurovision Jamal became a second time. On June 19, a boy of Selim-Giraj was born with her husband. The kid entered those rare 4% of children born in its predicted date. Jamala is greatly calling a son "The Featual Prince".

7. Siara.

In the spouses of the Lord of Greemmi, the singer Siara and Footballer Russell Wilson was born a second joint child - boy Win Harrison. For Siena there is already a third child, so it can be called a large mother.

8. Sophie Turner

The star "The Games of the Presols" and his husband Joe Jonas first became his parents. On July 22, their daughter appeared to the world - Will Jonas. All this time, the fans of the series stubbornly searched in the child's name secret sense. However, parents reported that no screen sense in the name of the girls did not lay.

9. Mila Yovovich

The 44-year-old cinemactress in February this year has become a mom for the third time. They have a girl with her husband, a girl was born a girl. She gave a beautiful Ocean name (Ukr. Ocean).

10. Alyosha.

In the great and friendly family of singers Alyosha and Taras poplar replenishment. On August 15, their daughter Maria was born. This is a third child in a star family. A couple already brings up two sons - Mark and Roman.

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