4 reasons why you should start using a toilet glove in the shower, according to doctors

Make this simple exchange to upgrade your shower routine.

When you get out of the shower , you want to feel clean, refreshed and revitalized - and there is no shortage of high -end bath and beauty products that promise to do exactly. However, one of the best tools to raise your shower is simple and inexpensive: the toilet glove. Doctors say that this little -known hero daily of your cleaning ritual promises a handful of advantages to your skin. Read the rest to find out why you should start using a toilet glove in the shower for healthier skin, from now on.

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They are perfect for gentle exfoliation.

Older woman washing her face at a bathroom sink.
Robertodavid / Istock

Exfoliation of your skin helps to remove dead skin cells that have accumulated over time. The use of a soft exfoliation tool like a toilet glove can give you excellent results, giving your complexion a smaller texture and a healthier appearance. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Drafts can actually be more effective for exfoliating than completely jumping the use of a toilet glove," said Alpana Mohta , MD, MBBS, DNB, a certified dermatologist and medical advisor to Bettergoods.org . "The soft friction created using a toilet glove can help eliminate dead skin cells and promote a healthier and more radiant complexion. In addition, canvas glove can also help unclog pores and improve the overall skin health, "she explains.

Read this then: If you do this in the shower, stop immediately, the doctor says .

They are sure for sensitive skin.

Skincare and beauty concept. Side portrait view of young woman

Although other products can be used for exfoliation, Mohta says that the vests of tickets are "sweeter on the skin compared to other exfoliating tools such as Loofahs. The soft and absorbing material of washing anthles is Less likely to irritate or scratch the skin, making it an excellent option for individuals with sensitive skin. "

However, it is important to select the right material when choosing a toilet glove, says Anna Guanche , MD, a certified dermatologist and founder of Bella Skin Institute . "When you select a toilet glove, pay attention to your skin type. On a more sensitive skin, you will want to choose a soft and non -abrasive muslin, a soft cotton or a hemp fabric instead of a terry fabric."

They are more hygienic than certain alternatives.

Shutterstock / Alina_danilova

Another advantage of bathing vests is their "hygiene factor", explains Mohta. "Unlike foofahs or other shared exfoliation tools, ticket vests are personal and can be washed and replaced regularly to ensure clean and hygienic experience. This is particularly important for individuals with skin conditions like the Acne or fungal infections, as sharing tools can easily spread bacteria and irritants from one person to another. "

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They are economic and practical.

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While single -use exfoliating pads can provide your skin with a gentle scrub, the tarts remain the most economical and environmentally friendly option. "The ticket vests are reusable and much more economical than the elimination of a lufah or a single -use sponge each time you take a shower," noted Kellie K. Middleton , MD, MPH, a Orthopedic surgeon based in Atlanta .

However, it is important to use a clean toilet glove each time you shower or bathe to avoid an accumulation of bacteria and mushrooms, explains Guanche.

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