10 products that should be avoided so your teeth remain white

Even if you clean your teeth twice a day and use the mouthpiece - some products still make it a dark deal. And gradually your snow-white smile becomes not so impeccable and teeth need to be bleached in a dentist.

Even if you clean your teeth twice a day and use the mouthpiece - some products still make it a dark deal. And gradually your snow-white smile becomes not so impeccable, and the teeth must be bleached in a dental office. The use of which products should be avoided, or brush your teeth each time after their use, we will continue.

1. Coffee

Coffee changes the color of teeth very quickly. Tannin, which is located in its composition, contributes to the destruction of a tooth enamel. Coffee violates the natural ph-balance in the oral cavity and teeth become sensitive to all other acids and dyes that fall into the mouth.

2. Tea

Harmful to teeth color is tea. The rich color of the drink, the faster it will change the white color of the enamel to yellow. The least affects the color of the teeth herbal tea.

3. Kaka-Cola

Colored and carbonated drinks are harmful to health, including for teeth. Frequently, various energy drinks in its composition contain a preservative citric acid, sugar and dyes. All these components contribute to the destruction of enamel.

4. Chocolate

Chocolate is delicious, and still raises the mood. But it did not go to the dye for teeth. And the sugar in its composition also does not contribute to the strength of the tooth enamel.

5. Dark Berries

Lochin, blackberry, blueberries, cherry, cranberry - Here is a minimum list of berries that one hundred percent will make your teeth yellow. First, the enamel is simply painted in the color of the berries. But an acid that is part of a member is not useful for enamel. Over time, the teeth of these berries gain a yellow tint.

6. Citrus and other sour fruits

Acid fruits In addition to useful vitamins contain a lot of acids. It destroys a white loop of a tooth enamel. Under this layer is dentin, and it has a yellow color. Therefore, after citrus, the mouth is always fueling, and orange or lemon juice only drink through a straw.

7. Sauces and seasonings

Dark seasonings and spices make teeth darker. Sauces based on tomato paste also destroy the tooth enamel and have the property to paint teeth. With caution, soy sauce should be consumed, especially if it has a dye. Natural soy sauce should not have any dyes in its composition, but most often the composition is not reading.

8. Wine

Acid and tanning substances also destroy the tooth enamel and affect the color of your smile. This applies not only to red wines, but white and pink as well.

9. Beetroot

The chromogen, which contains in its composition, has a property to change white teeth on dim and yellow. Therefore, it is best to clean your teeth thoroughly after dishes that contain beets.

10. Sweets

Sweets In addition to sugar, which causes caries, contain food dyes and various chemical additives that lead to microtrams and cracks on a tooth enamel. After that, they are very easy to paint with different dyes. Therefore, try to minimize the use of products.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: coffee / smile / tea
By: aasma
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