6 prohibitions that should be done in the house In order not to misuse Feng Shui

Many people have faith in Feng Shui, especially in the residence. Aligning addresses to meet the principles of feng shui May help enhance the horoscope for the residents to be comfortable Or if looking for science Should design the home decoration for those who feel that the main house is good

Many people have faith in Feng Shui, especially in the residence. Aligning addresses to meet the principles of feng shui. May help increase the horoscope for residents Have peace of mind Or if looking for it Science should be designed to decorate the house for those who feel that the main house is already livable. I feel uncomfortable. Feel comfortable when in that house when the landlord And the residents are relaxed Therefore, of course, everyone will have the power to work and cause a stable and rich position. If ready Let's see what the prohibition is.

Should not have a pillar or kitchen in the middle of the house

The pole is located in the middle of the house. Considered an unfortunate Even Thai faith Which has a home pole Like one incense Which we have to pay homage to the deceased And according to Feng Shui Will mean failing failure into the house But if you want to remove the house Which is considered the main structure of the house Need to consult engineers To remove the pillar that is located in the middle of the house And does not cause the home frame as well And the kitchen has a fire based on Feng Shui is considered hot Should not be in the middle of the house And believe that it will destroy the happiness of the family, so it should be migrated the position of the kitchen.

Should not set the bed at the dead position

Listening can be afraid. For the position of the bed That conveyed the dead But with the faith of Feng Shui, it is really like that, starting from the bed should not turn the end to the door. Because he believed that it was like a coffin Resulting in a bad rail to the mattress Combined with five-facing the bed to the west Because it is the south that the spirit passes through

There should not be 4 windows, parallel to one side of the house.

The 4th number in the word reading Chinese is similar to the word that means death. 4 is considered a unfortunate number and a funeral pavilion Usually there are 4 windows. If the house has 4 sorted windows, this type of home based on Feng Shui is believed to bring bad things into the house.Especially good health for people in the house, together with the principles of feng shui, the window house is very believed that the children will not obey the adult principal

Should not have a basin Or bathroom set in the middle of the house

In the faith of Feng Shui Believe that having a water source in the middle of the house Will make the home members not often comfortable The best way is The house should be an open-air. Should not be built as a room Or took the water source to set off the attractions in the middle of the house

Do not connect two houses together. Even the walkway near each other Then leave at least 1 creep

According to faith, should not connect two houses together. Because of the problem of love And will have problems with neighbors But even though he didn't believe in the main feng shui Should consider this Because there is no distance between my own home. Would have already brought the problem

Inside the house must not have a dark room, abstaining light or the wind and there is no damp room.

Because it is believed to bring the unfortunate to the house And the transfer of gold is not flowing, but actually having a dark room or a light And bad transfer in the house Causing the accumulation of germs And may already be made without feeling clear Try to explore that Is your home a look like this? If there should be a timely correction

Categories: / House
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