6 Legendary Comedians of Indonesia, So Kangen!
If you are more sad, saturated, or angry, try reducing all that by watching the homeland comedy movie, definitely negative energy to subside all, deh!

If you are more sad, saturated, or angry, try reducing all that by watching the homeland comedy movie, definitely negative energy to subside all, deh! Well, the comedy of the country is of course not separated with the role of the comedians to revive the atmosphere of humorous.
From the past, Indonesian comedians also had many fans, no exception of legendary comedians who had succeeded in turning on the world of Indonesian entertainment. Who are they? This time, we will discuss 6 legendary comedians Indonesia, so miss!
1. Srimulat
On the first list there are legendary Indonesian comedy groups or Lawak named Srimulat. The solo comedy group spawned a lot of legendary comedians such as Nunung, Tukul Arwana, Tessy, Kadir, Asmuni, Basuki, Doyok, Mamiek, Tarzan, and many more. It's really cool, huh! What is the history of Srimulat? Okay, let's discuss below!
Srimulat was established by Teguh Slamet Rahardjo in Solo in 1950. The name Srimulat was inspired by the name of Teguh's wife. Well, srimulat puts forwardTrademarkin recruiting its members. So it's not just funny, but also must be unique. As for example the late Asmuni with a distinctive characteristic, "Hil is a musting," and "Tunjep points." Or mamiek with the sentence, "Mak Beduntuk, Mak Jegagik."
Srimulat was increasingly triumph in 1970 to 1980s, because it often gig in various cities, there was even a series on TVRI. However, in 1989, the glory of Srimulat began to fade, to firmly stated to dissolve Srimulat. Until 1995, Gogon proposed a Srimulatese reunion that was fairly successful and earned many spectators. Even Srimulat began to appear on the screen of the Indonesian channel since 1995 - 2003 titled 'Various Ria Srimulat'.
Since then, Srimulat began appearing on several television shows such as 'Srimulat Plus', 'Srimulat looking for talents', 'Srimulat Night Live', 'Time for Srimulat', and 'Law Temu'. Until now, there have been around 64 Srimulat members, and many are famous until now. But at this time, the Srimulatese members who appeared on the stage and television, no one brought the Srimulat flag, because the name was fully owned by the founder, Teguh Slamet Rahardjo.

2. Komeng.
Still remember not with a television program titled 'Spontaneous'? The event was famous since the 19960s until the early 2000s and was brought by Komeng and Ulfa Dwiyanti. Yep, Komeng with his jargon 'spontaneously, uhuy!' The increasingly existing in the entertainment world of the country. Until now, it has been more than 50 comedy events, soap operas, and films he has starred. Komeng also worked on Radio SK and Bens Radio in the 1990s as an announcer. Wow, what is the profile of Komeng?
Alfiansyah Bustami or familiarly called Lim Kho Meng or Komeng was born in Jakarta, on August 25, 1970. This 50-year-old man idolized the late Benjamin Sueb and was once joined in the Lawak Diamoran group consisting of Jarwo Kwat, Rudi Sipit, and Mamo. The Diamorian Lawak Group had experienced ups and downs, but finally managed to succeed and reached more than 10 champions of the Lawak Festival. But at this time Komeng had a solo career by starring in many television shows.
The distinctive characteristics of the jokes are typical of Betawi, like Benyamin Sueb. Even though it was, but it was not frontal and rude, but presented itPunchlineUnexpected. Like on the television program 'Komeng Random Adul' with Adul. Well, in this pandemic period, Komeng began to be active in the YouTube and Instagram channel to entertain his fans!

3. Taufik Savalas.
On the third list there was the late Taufik Savalas. Taufik is a versatile comedian who was born on June 9, 1966 in Jakarta. His work in the world of entertainment in the country is increasingly soaring as he raised a single comedy through the Comedy Cafe owned by Ramon Papana. Taufik also starred in several films such as' road increasingly burning ',' Mat toing ',' faith ',' I'll name your name ', and as a graceful face'. He also starred in many television shows such as 'origin', 'Super M', 'Ngacir', and 'Republic of BBM'.
However, Taufik Savalas has left us all. He had a traffic accident that claimed his life on July 11, 2007 in Bagelen, Purworejo, Central Java. At that time, he was heading to Purbalingga to become an ambassador to one of the health soap products. Tragic, the car collided with a cement cargo truck. Taufik Savalas left his wife, Rina Rosdiana, and two children.Rest in Peace., Taufik Savalas!

4. Warkop DKI
Next list there are legendary Indonesian lawak groups other than Srimulat, namely Warkop DKI. The Lawak Group consisting of the late Dono, late casino, and Indro gave new colors in the world of Indonesian entertainment with authentic and unique jokes. Some of the famous DKI warkop films are 'antique jacks',' prestige dong ',' human 6 million dollars', and 'squat' iq '. DKI warkop films automatically became the main references of the families to watch at home.
DKI warkop originally started from a radio program initiated by Temmy Lesanpura in 1973 with embracing casinos, Nanu Mulyono, and Rudy Badil to open the event on the Jakarta Prambors radio titled 'Relaxing Chat in Coffee Shop. Then in 1974 and 1976, Dono and Indro joined until the name of the radio event changed to 'Warkop Prambors'.
Once more famous, they were offered to appear in the world of entertainment stage, but Rudy Badil and Nanu Mulyono retreated so that they left Dono, casino, and indro. In a career trip, they finally changed the name of the Warkop Prambors to Warkop DKI so as not to send royalties to continue to the owner of the real name, Radio Prambors. Warkop DKI offers smart comedies in a college teenagers.
Warkop DKI became very famous since 1979. But the Lawak Group was forced to leave 2 members, casinos and dono. The casino died in 1997 due to brain cancer and Dono died in 2001 due to lung cancer. Before exhaling the last breath, they had told Indro to continue the warkop struggle. So that Indro still exists as Indro Warkop to date. Hopefully Indro is always healthy, huh!

5. Mpok Atiek
Who is the Raunya Latah Indonesia? The answer is, Mpok Atiek. The legendary comedian in the country has starred in various Indonesian soap operas and the typical latent style and invites the audience's laughter. His expressive face also supports his latest nature. Some famous films and soap operas starred are 'Cintapuccino' and 'eclipse'. What is Mpok Atiek?
Mpok Atiek, whose real named Atiek Rightsiam was born in Cirebon, February 28, 1956. He began his career in the entertainment world since 1978 when he saw the audition's offer of filming from the newspaper. Mpok Atiek whose goal is that the artist goes straight to TVRI to doCasting. Until finally, Mpok Atiek managed to pursue a career in the entertainment world of the country. Good healthy, Mpok!

6. Omas.
The last list of legendary comedian Indonesia is Omas. The woman whose full name is Omaswati was born in Jakarta on May 3, 1966 and included an artist and Indonesian comedian. He also known as a Lenong player, the theater drama art of Betawi. His distinctive feature was his very funny and flat jokes while his mouth was dismissed-monkey. Some of the soap operas he had starred was the shadow of Adinda, my Mataharik, and due to early marriage.
But Omas had exhaled the last breath on July 16, 2020 due to diabetes suffered by the past few months. Omas left three children, a brother, Mandra, and his sister Mastur. Break peacefully, Omas!

Well, that's the 6 legendary comedian Indonesia. In your opinion, is there a list of missed comedians? If there is, tell us in the comments column, huh!

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