6 extreme diets that harm the body

For some people, being overweight is a serious problem that must be addressed immediately. However, sometimes they choose the wrong diet so that it harms the body.

For some people, being overweight is a serious problem that must be addressed immediately. So they do some efforts to shrink certain areas on the body such as stomach, legs, arms, neck, and others. However, sometimes they choose the wrong diet so that it harms the body. Well, this time we will distribute 6 extreme diets that harm the body. What are you? Check full of below.

1. Take slimming drugs without a doctor's consultation

Slimming drugs vary. Some are safe and some are not safe for the human body. Maybe many think that choosing slimming drugs is enough by looking at the numberreview. Positive at online stores or the internet, if many comment positively, then slimming drugs are safe enough to use without consulting first to the doctor.

But it turned out it was wrong. Because every human being has body resistance and the risk of different usage. If the drug is safe to use by A, it is not necessarily safe to use the B. Especially if the drug has special side effects for sufferers of certain diseases. It could be, drinking slimming drugs at risk for heart disease, for weaker patients.Who Knows?

Therefore, taking slimming drugs is actually possible, but must be consulted first to the doctor regularly so that it does not endanger later.Stay Healthy is Better Than Stay Thin, right?

2. Diets that are not balanced with sports

Sports is one of the activities that must be done in addition to the diet program to shrink the body area. If it's not balanced with sports, the diet process will not be maximal and it takes a very long time. Especially if you only rely on drugs or supplements that can be harmful to the body. In addition, sports can also be a powerful way to tighten sagging skin due to loss of body mass.

So, you should schedule proper sports methods and methods to reduce weight. Some simple sports but quite effective as a diet friend isjogging or morning run. Just turn out the yard of the house, complex, or sports field, for 2-3 times a week and keep food portions so that it is not exaggerated, this will make your diet much more maximal.

3. Deliberately spit out food after eating

There were some people who intentionally spewed the food they had just swallowed by pressing the throat area by mouth. It is often done by people who want to makeBranding that he likes to eat but can't be fat. But that doesn't mean people who like to eat but are not fat-fat do this extreme method! Maybe they have a sports hobby or indeed the digestion is really good.

Behavior intentionally spewing foods that have just been swallowed are referred to asbulimia. What is the negative impact if we dobulimiaLikewrite? Lots of you. If someone often doesbulimia, then he will be at risk of developing throat, stomach, intestinal, and dehydration. The worst can cause blood vessels to broke, hormonal changes, and hanging failure. So don't do this, huh!

4. Don't eat at all

Sometimes there are people who want to do a diet quickly and instantly, instead don't eat at all, from morning to night, some even don't eat for weeks. This is actually quite dangerous for the health of the body and can cause some negative impacts such as easy to forget, the body's metabolism is disrupted, emotional disorders, brain disorders, stomach becomes distended, and many others.

So, do not eat at all is not an effective way of diet and includes extreme methods that have a bad impact on health. More recommended to compile a healthy and nutritious food menu. And don't miss breakfast time.

5. Spent breakfast time

Breakfast is one of the very important activities done by those who are on a diet. Because skipping breakfast can cause obesity and obesity, because without breakfast we will get excessive hunger that often makes the portion of lunch and night into too much.

In addition, breakfast can also make the immune system get better. So that people who are on a diet rarely get sick. But of course, choose the breakfast menu that is right like fish, eggs and vegetables.

6. No.M.willG.izi.S.Eimbility

Apart from breakfast with the right menu and nutritious balanced, you also need to pay attention to nutritional intake on lunch and night. Especially if you are on a diet to reduce weight, don't eat menus with unbalanced nutrition, for example only eat fibrous food every day without other nutritional content such as protein, carbohydrates, or fat.

The recommended nutrition is in the diet menu there are 2 categories, namelyMakronutrien andMicronutrien. Macronutrients are protein, fat, carbohydrates. While micronutrients are vitamins and minerals.Makronutrien is the nutrient needed by the body to create energy in the metabolic process. WhereasMicronutrien needed to support body performance.

Well, that's 6 extreme diets that endanger the body and how to avoid it. Do you think where to diet is right to reduce weight? Ever tried extreme ways above?

Categories: Beauty
Tags: diet / health
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