6 unique plants in the world

Starting from the beautiful to see the eyes until the appearance of his scary, all plants have their uniqueness.

Plants are one type of living things that are very different from humans and animals. Plants are a multicellular organism or an organism consisting of many cells, this in biology is also calledRegnum Plantae.. There are more than 350,000 plant species that have been found. This enormous amount certainly offers diversity of plant species. Starting from the beautiful to see the eyes until the appearance of his scary, all plants have their uniqueness. Here are 6 unique plants that can make us shake their heads when they see it:

1. Black bat flowers

Plants with the name Latin Tacca Chantrieri have quite spooky sightings. The color is dark and the shape that resembles bats is the reason why these plants are called black bat flowers. This flower is dark maroon which is almost like black. This plant usually grows in tropical forests.

Black bat flowers can reach a height of 1 meter if it grows in its original habitat. This flower also has a mustache which is long can reach 70 centimeters. Bat Flowers are quite rare to be found. In addition to its unique shape, this flower turns out to have many benefits. This interest according to a scientific study has a content that can counteract cancer. Batman from the world of plants!

2. Impatiens BEQUAERTIII.

This one plant does not have a universal common name, some call it a "dance girl" plant who calls it "tiny girl". This plant has a very unique flower shape. The tiny flower is about half an inch has a shape resembling a miniature of a tiny girl wearing a skirt and dancing.

Impatiens BEQUAERTII is quite rare and usually grows in the rainforest of East African rain. When bloom, this flower will be white or pink. This plant is referred to asPerennial species or eternal species. The point is that plants will be rooted wherever he touches the ground. Really a very amazing plant!

3. Snapdragon seed pods

This one plant has flowers whose shapes are creepy. This plant is unique because of the interest when wither has a human head skull form. Plants named LatinMajus antirrhinum It comes from the Italian, Spanish and French regions. This plant usually grows on the walls.

In a place where these plants are found, many myths or trust-trust of the surrounding community who accompanied the presence of this skull flowering plant. There are those who believe that this plant brings a positive aura and is able to drive evil spirits, there are also those who believe that this plant is able to make someone look more authoritative and interesting, some believe in skull flowers if eaten can make that eat it back to young. Of course the presence of trust and myths that develop around this plant are not surprising again given the form of flowers from this plant that is very mystical.

4. Dragon blood tree

Plant this time comes from Socotra Island in South Yemen. Plants that have Latin name Dracaena Cinnabari has a unique form like a giant umbrella. This tree only grows on Socotra Island. This tree is called "Dragon Blood Tree" because it has blood red sap. This similar sap like blood is often used by the local community as a drug, fragrance, dye, and even as a sweetener. Trees with this unique form are able to live for 300 years.

5. Hyadnora Africana

This plant is a parasite plant that absorbs nutrients from nearby host plants. This plant does not do photosynthesis. The shape is similar to monsters in films and the different way of survival makes this plant unique. This plant can be found in the coastal area of ​​South Africa to the western region of Angola.

This plant was first discovered in 1774 by the father of South Africa, Carl Thunberg. This plant has a smell that is often said to be similar to the smell of human waste. Not only has adverse things, Hyadnora Africana can also provide benefits, these plants turn out to have fruit in the land that is similar to potatoes. The fruit will mature for about 2 years. This fruit is also often used as a drug by locals.

6. Giant carcass flowers

Plant this time comes from Indonesia, precisely from Sumatra. The giant carcass flower or Amorphophallus titanium has a stench like a rotten wreck, so this plant is called a giant carcass flower. The stench produced by this plant aims to invite pollinators such as flies or beetles to pollinate the flowers. Giant carcass flowers can grow up to 5 meters with a diameter of 1.5 meters. No wonder this flower gets a giant title in the world of plants.

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