7 signs of well-groomed skin

But the skin can be hijacked almost at any age. It is not necessary to buy the most expensive cosmetics and regularly visit the beautician. The main thing is to competently pick up the funds.

But the skin can be hijacked almost at any age. It is not necessary to buy the most expensive cosmetics and regularly visit the beautician. The main thing is to competently choose the funds suitable for you at a price. We allocated 7 major signs of healthy and well-groomed skin.

1. Clean pores

Well maintained, first of all, requires self-discipline and regularity. Clean pores without comments and a smooth surface without burritable particles - this is what the surrounding pay attention to first. With the help of daily purification and regular exfoliation, you can significantly improve the overall skin condition.

2. No excess fatty shine

In young age, increased salo-waste and slightly extended pores is a fairly common problem. This is a natural and normal phenomenon. True, aesthetically not very pleasant. Fortunately, this feature can now be solved with the help of various sebulagulating agents and nutritional correction. And then even oily skin will look well-groomed.

3. No dryness and peeling

Such problems are characteristic of women with dry and sensitive skin type. The constant sense of depressions, extensive sections of peeling - signs of insufficient or poor-quality care. To saturate the skin moisture, regularly use moisturizers. Really careful care is, first of all, natural cosmetics with safe ingredients.

4. No dehydration

Any skin can be dehydrated: Young, mature, dry, oily. Reduced turgor, extended pores and rough surface - the main signs of dehydration. Solve the problem will help the correction of nutrition and water balance in the body, the refusal of alcohol, smoking and caffean-containing drinks, revision of their daily care. In your arsenal there should be no alcohol tonic, hard scrubs, clay scrubs and high acid content. Prefer the means containing in its composition hyaluronic acid, glycerin, plant extracts. These substances help attract and hold moisture.

5. No redness

Red, inflamed skin is a normal temporary phenomenon after some cosmetology procedures. For example, after chemical peeling. But if the skin is constantly hypersensitive, it has inflammation and red spots - this is a disturbing signal. Such skin can not be called well-groomed. Eliminate the problem will help the revision and rejection of cosmetic products provoking inflammation.

No edema

Edems on the face can talk about serious problems in the body. But, most often, they are a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle. Sleep shortage is one of the main causes of swelling on the face. This is especially characteristic of those who work a lot at the computer at night. Smoking, alcohol abuse and absorption of a large volume of liquid in the evening can also cause morning swelling.

Healthy and smooth face

Pale and dull color of the face can be a signal of microcirculation disorders in tissues. In this case, massage helps. Excessive skin pigmentation often says not about health problems, but about improper care. Insufficient protection from the Sun, the abuse of acids and retinol - as a result, the skin does not look well-groomed.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: leather / skin care
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